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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Producer Letter – Galactic Strongholds


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I asked the question earlier but it seems to have no answer yet. If you're not saving already, you probably should start. My guild started saving up the week of the original announcement.


we're actually planning on some guild auctions. Typically officers donate CM items which others bid on, where all proceeds go into GB. We can typically generate about 10mil in about an hours time so one or two of those should hopefully cover the costs. its just that how much is going to be enough. If we're talking 100mil, going to be awhile. 10 mil, probably easy.


We're not a huge guild and it would be mostly the officers donating items and hopeing people bid enough to make it worth the effort. otherwise woudl just be better to buy CM items sell on GTN then donate the proceeds to Guild.

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All that I can do is to reiterate what Jack Wood (Producer on Stronghold's Team) said at our Boston event "We want Flagships to be something that Guilds strive to acquire" :rak_03:




Thanks! That's a quote from Boston I hadn't seen yet.


It has me hoping that there's a quest involved, too. Make it challenging so we feel a sense of accomplishment and pride when we get it!

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I agree with this 100%. I was really looking forward to having individual strongholds per character, not account.


Eh...this could have potential depending on how they do it. Imagine being able to have your Knight and Smuggler companions hang out in the same Stronghold. About the only thing better would be the very old idea of being able to pull out all Same Faction companions you have acquired on any character, so say pulling out Kira Carsen on your Smuggler and such.


The only things that really bothers me is the Guild Planet conquest. It just sounds silly, and I expect it will really only favor the very large guilds. It also is odd to me this wouldn't be a Factional PvP thing.


I think I would much rather see something potentially tied into the Guild Ships where depending on which planet you base your ship out of, you'd get various bonuses for that planet and overall that you could work toward by doing missions. For those solo players (or all players in general), perhaps let them be able to purchase a Thranta-class Corvette (or the Imperial equivalent) that would unlock lesser or other bonuses that players could unlock based on the base planet.

Edited by Blev
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This is something that is still being worked on and discussed internally. Once I have a concrete answer on how it works I will share!

I really hope we get an option to make any item legacy-bound - perhaps contingent on some sort of fee, paid when putting it into legacy storage.

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I think I like this idea, in fact I would take it even further. Make a new chat channel that is a global general channel, usable from anywhere.


I vote yes to this or a fleet channel in our strongholds. I do believe they will probably do this , it makes sense.





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This sounds great! :)


im glad to sub since launch <3


it would be awesome if i could see my sorc standing in my house when i walk in as a juggernaut :o


oh and a revan statue like the one on dromound kaas :D


And just to be contrary, my characters all hate one another and would never live together. This is why I'm especially glad that the Tat Homestead got added. This leaves only my SW without a place of his own, and screw him, he's a bastard and a half.


Also, Developers, thank you for making companions in Strongholds an OPTION and not mandatory. I don't want to see most of my companions in my home. They can sleep on the ship.

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One feature that if it isn there for the current idea for the guild ships that I would love to see...


Guild stores. Basically a place that people could donate items and set a credit price. Instead of the credits going to the person the credits go into the guild bank (or maybe even give options like percents).

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Thanks! That's a quote from Boston I hadn't seen yet.


It has me hoping that there's a quest involved, too. Make it challenging so we feel a sense of accomplishment and pride when we get it!


I actually think a combination (think tauntaun) where operations drop tokens that can reduce the cost. Additionally

where you may have lots of memebers that may not raid, who can still contribute credits, and those that do raid also can contribute by gaining tokens.


tokens could also be purchased via comms giving those in a guild that may pug into ops still have ability to gain tokens without having to win rolls to gain tokens.


Outright rewards might be a bit of a stretch as not every guild is running NM operations, nor making regular progress on HMs

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To all those who are making this possible at Bioware, thank you. The transparency and communication is much appreciated! Although I am disappointed in a pushback, I completely understand and am grateful that at least you are explaining why. The extra features look great, keep up the good work. I'd rather you take the time you need and get it right (bug-free) than have problems from the get go. Looking forward to decorating the stronghold. :rak_03:


P.S. Keep up the newsletters like this, it helps us feel informed.

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One feature that if it isn there for the current idea for the guild ships that I would love to see...


Guild stores. Basically a place that people could donate items and set a credit price. Instead of the credits going to the person the credits go into the guild bank (or maybe even give options like percents).


Perhaps crib an idea from that 'other' game and have the Guild Bank generate 1% of our total income from quest completions? It wouldn't be much, but it'd add up over time.

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Perhaps crib an idea from that 'other' game and have the Guild Bank generate 1% of our total income from quest completions? It wouldn't be much, but it'd add up over time.


I would love that aswell.

But ignoring any funding to the guild bank portion.

There are often times that I post in guild chat offering to sell certain items for well below what I could get on the gtn because it would be going to a guildy (i run the guild) things like cartel items, major experience boosts, etc.


Obviously there is the possibility of abuse but no more then an open guild bank.

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All that I can do is to reiterate what Jack Wood (Producer on Stronghold's Team) said at our Boston event "We want Flagships to be something that Guilds strive to acquire" :rak_03:




I can already imagine the lengthy list of required RNG operations boss quest drops required to purchase one. ;)

Edited by RAZIM
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•Provide powerful buffs to Guild members from orbit

This scares me..... Please tell me this "powerful buff" will not make its way into pvp.


They've already proven that they can separate PVP from PVE when it comes to damage effects, you can be assured that since this thing is a pure PVE thing, the Buffs will only effect PVE stuff.


There's no way they'd let it impact PVP.

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In general, I don't have a problem with them moving the date if they need more time. It's too bad though that the dates got moved back because too many people whined that the early access period wouldn't have 100% of the official launch features.


Some questions I am seeing in the thread...


  • How do I place decorations? - This is also something we will go into a bit more detail on in the future.


If you're planning on decorations having designated placement locations, you guys need to think seriously about allowing free-flow design. Honestly, if you aren't going to give people the ability to customize their player housing, then it would be relatively pointless to add player housing. The ability to customize the housing and place the decorations wherever you want is probably the #1 most important feature of player housing.

Can you elaborate anymore on how legacy storage will work Eric? Like can "bound to character" items be put in there? If you can that just makes being able to choose your look for characters that share gear so much more convenient.

They should absolutely not do this and it's highly doubtful they would anyway. That would basically turn every item into Bind to Legacy which would seriously undermine the crafting system and completely water down loot/gear rewards. BW would probably have zero interest in doing this as it would also eliminate the need to purchase collection unlocks for many items.

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They've already proven that they can separate PVP from PVE when it comes to damage effects, you can be assured that since this thing is a pure PVE thing, the Buffs will only effect PVE stuff.


There's no way they'd let it impact PVP.


Think the other worry is P2W where it puts you at a disadvantage if NOT in a guild.

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I can already imagine the lengthy list of required RNG operations boss quest drops required to purchase one. ;)


I seriously doubt this.


I imagine they're going to set the 'basic' cost at something ridiculously low, and the really cool 'upgrades' for the ship will cost more and more and more as you go higher in the upgrades.


See, they have to tailor the 'basic' around small-group guilds, not massive 300+ member guilds. Every Guild will want a ship, even tiny Guilds, so they have to plan around that.


It's like everything else in TOR: Everyone has a chance to get the 'basics', but if you want the upgraded versions, you're going to pay for it.

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i just want to live on tython!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




btw nice eric, I have a question about GUILD BUFFs that imho is one of the most important thing that swtor miss atm:


what they will give us? at least in which topic? buff to craft? buff pve? buff pvp?


and just little one question: will be a probability that you will make something like "guild bards" or "guild logos" to suit/apply on uniform?


thanks in advice

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Think the other worry is P2W where it puts you at a disadvantage if NOT in a guild.


Well, it's plain that the developers 'want' us in Guilds. The incentives are there for a reason.


That said, I'll reserve judgement and fear over the Buffs until we can get an idea of just 'what' those buffs are.

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