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Is companion character potential simply wasted in SW:ToR?


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This thread is a continuation of one of my posts in the discussion "PETITION - Save our class stories!". In this thread I posted this same opinion in a very short manner since it wasn't really part of the overall topic, but I guess getting some opinions on it in this thread can't hurt.


Now, the thought process behind my post in the other thread was: "Now, looking at SW:ToR at the moment, is Bioware holding down incredibly awesome ideas for companion characters?".


This ties in with the term: "Progressive storytelling." and the term: "Charakter story.". Both are also essential for every good Bioware game.


Now, as part of our Class story we all got Companions. Earlier or later, it matters not, we got them. With some we agree, with some we disagree, some we'd even throw out of the airlock if possible. As an example I'll take the Sith Inquisitor. This guy seems to be the archetype of "Bad companions", at least I get the feeling...


As an Inquisitor, we receive Khem first. Khem is a fit in my opinion. He ties in with the story, he's reasonable for a sith aligned character. Of course, there are gray Sith and there might even be a Light sided Sith, but we might need to agree that a Sith is intended to be Dark sided. Not ruthless, not bloodthirsty, not stupidly agressive. But Cunning, deceptive and has a tendency to aquire power. Andronikus Revel also fits quite well, he's a criminal. He can be part of anyones story, really. Then comes the weak link:

Ashara Zhavros.

I can't stretch how much I think she is a bad choice for the Sith Inquisitor. She is a light sided Jedi... Alright, she enjoys taking combat head on and stuff, but that does not necessarily completely disqualify someone as a Jedi. She basicly sees herself as a Jedi even when she travels with a Sith and sees how he enslaves, tortures and dominates the weak. Alright, she looses affection. But that's not what a Jedi would do... "I don't like you anymore, but I'll stay here!".


Now, with that in mind, let's jump to this recent patch. When I started Forged Alliances, I was hesitant. I remember seeing a first teaser Concept Art of Lana on Dulfy. I didn't like her hair, I really didn't. I thought she was a barbie Sith to some extend. I really didn't like her. Then, I started the quest. I finished it. And I must say: She and my Sorcerer would get along so nicely, it's not a good fit, it's a perfect fit. She cares about the Empire, she has a restrained and not vengeful/agressive attitude and carries herself with that silent mannerism I'd expect of someone serving a Sith Lord like Darth Nox/Imperius. She appears somewhat noble, which'd also tie in with my Sorcerer nicely.


That'd be a very prominent and recent example of a possible companion character. Of course, that complicates the Rep side since Theron Shan as a Companion would be rather strange.


Now, what Bioware has delivered us as a companion until now is one that I actually think can fit (HK), and one that is completely useless (Treek). I still cannot, and will never, understand the reasoning of bringing in an Ewok into this game as a companion. It's not inovative, it's not really something people wanted so badly and her voice is grinding some peoples nerfes thin.


So, it's a rather long explanation for a simple questions:

Why is so much good companion potential like in Lana Benikos case simply wasted for something like Forged Alliances, where she'll propably die during the last mission, sacrifice herself, or you'll flirt with her once and never hear from her again? Why do we need to endure companions like Treek, Ashara and Risha when we have potential like Lana? Tying her in like this would actually feel like this overall and epic story had more of an impact on my character rather than it just beeing another boring event in the galactic timeline I participate in somewhat after 55 with other guys. (That's where Character story comes into play again, it feels as a part of what my character has achieved rather than something I did during a free hour in my overall conquer plan.)


Why can't they simply add a possibility to add Lana to your crew during the end of the Forged Alliances story arc? She doesn't need more than the 10.000 Companion Affection.Maybe the possibility for people to Romance her. Who already romanced an old companion and wants to switch, make Flirt options which result in a dialog that displays a choice for your current LI or her, and make your choice.


Of course, we'd need to introduce a companion on Republic side which isn't Shan. But, I guess writing such a character is less than a godly task.


Is anyone else bothered by this? Does anybody else thinks that letting a character like her go to waste in this story arc is a shame? Is putting a mercenary Ewok really a better choice than giving Empire players this Sith? People already start speculating about Lana, I also read chatpieces on the Fleet why she'd sense the approaching danger but others wouldn't. People are clearly intrigued by her. Why not use characters like this as a companion? Even if she's hard to get, I'd completely go to the effort of farming and Flashpoint running to get her.


Am I the only one who has this point of view, or do some people out there share it with me?

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It is natural to come across story NPCs that you wish you could have had as a companion. It is natural to want things changed about the companions you already have adding or cutting out things. In single-player games that could be modded that usually spurs on gazillion of mods (just look at Bio's own Baldur's Gate, lol) , However, in a MMO, the content cannot be changed and will not be changed by the company. Hence, you can't do much.


I am sure every player can enumerate multiple scenery NPCs they would have wanted to come along. Here, for example:




It is not a waste of potential, it is a well written scenery NPC (or, sometimes, and NPC that was supposed to be joinable but was cut out in development). Heck, I am still sore that Attros Finn was not picked over Qyzen, but whatever. Every class needs its monster comp to cut down on voicing. (Or Tharan. That I have harder time explaining)

Edited by DomiSotto
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It is natural to come across story NPCs that you wish you could have had as a companion. It is natural to want things changed about the companions you already have adding or cutting out things. In single-player games that could be modded that usually spurs on gazillion of mods (just look at Bio's own Baldur's Gate, lol) , However, in a MMO, the content cannot be changed and will not be changed by the company. Hence, you can't do much.


I am sure every player can enumerate multiple scenery NPCs they would have wanted to come along. Here, for example:




It is not a waste of potential, it is a well written scenery NPC (or, sometimes, and NPC that was supposed to be joinable but was cut out in development). Heck, I am still sore that Attros Finn was not picked over Qyzen, but whatever. Every class needs its monster comp to cut down on voicing. (Or Tharan. That I have harder time explaining)


^This^ There are lots of brilliant NPCs in this game.

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Lot of Sgt Jaxo fans (from the Trooper story) out there, myself included. It would've been great to have her as a companion, but certain...story choices you make would not have been possible (and thereby have meaning and enrich the story) if she were part of my crew.
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The likely reason we got Treek was she was left over from initial development, and, like much of what was released in the past two years, it was there to charge for.


I still recall getting a survey of some kind from EA in summer 2012 asking what we as players would be willing to spend for an expansion with various things included, like Makeb and Treek. Almost everything on that list has made it into the game by now.


Going forward, I'm sure new companions will be more thought-out.

Edited by arunav
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I'd be more interested in having the companion-role kits from Beta come back in some format than getting new companions.


I'm not sure if it's technically possible, but since they were once in the game, maybe it is. After playing all 8 stories now, I typically don't get to use the companions that are most likeable, because of their role.


If kits were made available to change the default tank/dps/healer settings, a lot of folks might prefer it over new companions, because they'd essentially get to actually use the ones they like, or switch between them whenever preferred.


It would also make use of Cunning blaster pistols with shield stats on them. Those are a tough sell on the GTN. ;)

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I think it is okay that not every NPC in game can become a companion. I also think it is okay to have companions who are quirky and do not agree on everything you do. Still, I would like to have more companions, or at least more story with those I already have. Imagine having an option to talk with a spouse when you get your stronghold or getting the GSF crew aslo as full companions.
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I'd be more interested in having the companion-role kits from Beta come back in some format than getting new companions.


I'm not sure if it's technically possible, but since they were once in the game, maybe it is. After playing all 8 stories now, I typically don't get to use the companions that are most likeable, because of their role.

If kits were made available to change the default tank/dps/healer settings, a lot of folks might prefer it over new companions, because they'd essentially get to actually use the ones they like, or switch between them whenever preferred.


It would also make use of Cunning blaster pistols with shield stats on them. Those are a tough sell on the GTN. ;)


I call shenanigans.


You don't always have to use the Healer companion or what have you. If you gear your favorite companion and know your class, then you'll still be fine in any fight.

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I am with Reno here, though I also try to divide and conquer. But silly enough it creates hilarious problems. Like my She Smuggler is obviously tasked with being a Light-sided Riggs' girl, and max out the 4 achievements on the three boys. Now, the He-Smuggler, I would if I could just romanced Akaavi and turned him DS and all that. But that means Risha will never have a favored gift, so he has to love Risha. No offense to all Risha's fans out there... So, my poor kid will have to chose between love and money, lol!


Honestly, I am glad there are only 5 companions!And I sure am not going to bother with HK or Treek. I have enough of a balancing act to do to add 2 more to the mix. I mean, my poor characters that do not have male alts.... yakes, have to deal with all those chirpy and unbelievably super-special over-gifted Male PC RI comps. :eek:


EDIT: and there are much, much simpler things that would make me dance with joy in companion's department. Right now, a Mirialian or (dare I say it?!) Torguta overlay for Iresso, and a couple of handsome overlays for Aric and a Twilek for Riggs would have made me very, very happy. Hey, if a girl can't make out with Zenith... there gonna be some compensation!

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Seriously? Just because a companion might not fit your character doesn't mean they won't fit anyone else's, you know -- and the same is true in reverse.


I haven't gotten around to Forged Alliances yet, but just from your description -- "she cares about the empire"? My SI tolerates that in Talos, because Talos is sweet and practically the nice uncle he never had that he regularly fanboys over Archaeology with, but I could easily see him go lolnope at Lana.


Meanwhile Ashara? Heads over heels in love, would do anything for her and at least half his conviction to change the Empire comes from her. Honestly couldn't think of a better fit for him at all.


Also lol, there "might" even be light sided Sith -- my SI is light 3, holds peace speeches and by Chapter 3 snarls at other Sith Lords how "violence is not the only solution" because he's so done with everything he can't even be bothered pretending any more. Meanwhile my SW is... an only occasionally murderous teddy bear who is probably gonna leave you be or just talk things out if you don't threaten/harm his friends. And tbh both stories so far have seemed more intriguing by being LS than DS.


I wouldn't be against adding more companions if they decide to do that, but just because the existing ones might not fit your character doesn't mean they're bad or a weak link and won't fit other people's characters. My friend's agent ended up being Light 5 for example and only got along with Kaliyo through the liberal use of gifts so she could see Kaliyo's arc and get the bonus for maxed affection, while mine gets along with her quite a bit better despite them not being an obvious fit personality wise at all. (And Khem and my SI didn't fit *at all* at first and it took until towards the end of Chapter 1 for my SI to start warming up to Khem until he made a complete 180 at the end of it and now considers Khem a good friend.) There's always going to be a companion that doesn't fit you, because there are so many different ways to play your character in a game like this and they try to have someone for everyone. I have that problem every time I play through DA:O because I don't have a single character who actually likes Alistair and gets along with him, but I just deal with it. *shrugs*

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Seriously? Just because a companion might not fit your character doesn't mean they won't fit anyone else's, you know -- and the same is true in reverse.


This. Just because a companion doesn't fit in with your character OP, doesn't mean they are poorly written or doesn't fit into other's idea of a companion.

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I wish we got Xalek earlier. It makes sense how and why we get him, but you don't get "bonding time" with him.


I love him. SO MUCH. He's just not great.


Ashara, I sort of agree with you. She is a Jedi with emotion, but my main problem with her is that she just stands there and watches you slaughter her masters. 1. If she's so full of emotion, she would join in. 2. If she just stands there and lets her masters die like that, why the hell would I want her? OH I know, to go fetch me some grade 9 trico for my Agent to credit droid parts. Gotcha, warm body.

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This. Just because a companion doesn't fit in with your character OP, doesn't mean they are poorly written or doesn't fit into other's idea of a companion.


Just for you, I read over my post again to confirm something:

I've never wrote: "She is poorly written." about Ashara. In her own sense, she's great. I could imagine her for my Consular without a second doubt. He'd try to get her to control her emotions, but otherwise it'd be a fine fit. She would do what's necessary. She's by far poor written in itself, just missplaces in terms of class in my opinion.


Now, what I'm also not saying is that my option on what fits the Sith Inquisitor as a companion is the "correct" or "final" one. It was simply an opinion about how I see it personally for my character.


I think many people missinterpret the threads title as: "Should we re-do the companions, in order to fit MY taste." rather than it's actual purpose: "Would people appreciate it to have more choice in how they want their crew to be/what sort of company they keep around?".


The initial idea, posted in the old thread by Sidenti was this, I quote:


YES! One of the things that made Neverwinter Nights such a great game? I could hire ANY companion! I wasn't just stuck with Risha or SCORPIO or Torian or Vette. I could CHOOSE my party. Make my own story.


With that beeing said: If your Inquisitor is lovey-dovey with Ashara, perfect. It doesn't fit my taste, but whatever floats your boat. The basic idea behind this was to imply the following: "Could some of the characters we meet from now on be used as a possible choice for a companion?". Why isn't it possible to recruit some people you meet through the overall galactic story, such as Forged Alliances. HK is a good example. He was obtained via a long Quest chain which story-wise made sense. Treek on the other hand was just recruited out of nothing because they needed something from the Cartel market.


Wasn't this game initially about: "Forge your own destiny in a galaxy far, far away!"?


Why is it that you met so many people in your own story, even now during Makeb (The Sith Pureblood) and Forged Alliances (Lana Beniko) that'd fit so well into many peoples scheme of things which simply aren't recrutiable. That's where progressive storytelling comes in. It's about letting those stories personally affect your character, be it in a positive or negative sense. I simply think that the choices right now (Let's put in Treek as a companion while two companion characters which could be implemented aswell, and would also be bought/achieved stay out of the picture) seem utterly missplaced if so much potential is resting inside the overall galactic story.


Again, because I can't stretch this enough: I'm not saying Ashara is poorly written, neither is any other companion. They have a complete story, a character, they have goals. They're all very well written, just some seem missplaced for "my personal story". It seems a waste that people cannot recruit companion characters from an overall galactic story arc (Makeb, Forged Alliances), but instead have to stick to a simple mercenary contract to get a companion that, at least in my opinion (You're free to disagree), feels missplaced for most of my characters (Except my Bounty Hunter. He'd propably love the little trouble-maker.).


I think this threads question doesn't boil down to the fact if you agree or disagree on some companions in the story, or that I or people think they should be removed. I think it boils down to the question:


"Should Bioware give us more possibility in completing our own crew, thus achieving a crew our characters would get along with?"


I wouldn't say wasted at all, different ppl like different companions so it's simply a matter of opinion.


This is the perfect summarize. Why not give people the possibility to act based on this opinion? If you see this awesome supporting character that you'd think would fit into your own crew, why not give them the possibility to recruit it?

Edited by Alssaran
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Treek is not really a companion, she's an over-powered crutch with an attached sequence of conversations and some annoying noises that give you an incentive not to use her. Make up a few legacy Aim sets with your GSF armor and she's good to have in your back pocket for some situations, but I'd far rather run with Temple, Vette, Mako, Corso, Ashara, Gus, Scorpio, or Xalek.


You know, BW probably has stats on which companions people use the most. It would be interesting to find out who are the most popular companions. Maybe even have a competition -- designate a week and award the "Ms./Mr. SWTOR Companion" title to the companion who gets used the most during that week. I'd spend the week grinding dailies with Vette. :)

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Ooooooo, I see what you mean now, I think. Though one thing, if I may ask -- how does existing companions not fitting your current character play into wanting to recruit new ones that might fit better? Would you want the ability to get Companions from another class? Because that... wouldn't work story wise. Unless they were to seriously dumb things down with how companions are integrated into the story, which you do seem to have an issue with considering your problems with Treek. (Tbh, I don't even see her as a "proper" companion -- I got her when she was on sale and unlocked her so I would have a tank/healer when I needed one even if my current class would have to wait a while to get theirs and for running crew skill missions. My Agent thanks me :'D)


Or would you want the ability to kick companions from your party if you don't think they fit? From what I've heard there were at least some you could get rid off in beta but then people whined over shooting themselves in the foot because they only realized that they might have still needed their healer afterwards. I've played some single player RPGs that let you do that, like DA:O -- but even then there were characters you couldn't dismiss. (I think for some random reason, you either had to refuse to let Wynne come with you or trigger a scene where you could kill her to get rid of her <.< And Alistair was integrated into the story in a way that didn't allow for him to get dismissed either, no matter how much my Wardens would have loved to.) I dunno, I guess it could be useful if you ignore the crying from people who killed/dismissed a companion they still needed because of mechanics.


(Though, hey, giving companions that don't immediately click a chance might yield interesting results :D I spent a good part of Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa whining to my friend about Khem and my SI felt similarly, but come the end of chapter 1 and it was all "Give Khem back! ;__;" and "Is that you, my morose monster? ;n;")


As far as adding new companions... tbh, they don't seem to care about developing that aspect of the game any more? From what I've heard of him I'd love to have Lord Cytharat (I assume that's the pureblood you meant?) for my SW and Lana does sound like she might get along with my Agent (depending on how that guy turns out when I'm done with his class story). It'd be nice if they'd make some optional companions (or even just one) for expansions, but I won't hold my breath for it. (And even if they did, the question would be how well those are integrated into the story of your character. And they might be someone who doesn't fit your character at all as well, just like Ashara doesn't fit yours. Meanwhile, some other NPC might have... Same goes for everyone else. Might run into someone who would be perfect for my SI, but alas, not the new companion. Meanwhile, the actual new one might fit him hilariously badly. And snce companions tend to be more resource heavy than some random NPC I don't see them making a lot of optional recruitable NPC-turned-companions just to please everyone who might run into someone and say "Hey, that'd fit wonderfully!")

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TLDR, so I will just respond to the question in the title.


First off, its SWTOR. Star Wars: The Old Republic. SWToR would be Star Wars: The of Republic. This is a pet peeve of mine and it annoys the hell out of me. Please stop with the ToR BS.


To answer your question, absolutely not. The companion system is fantastic in SWTOR. Could it be improved? Always. I would be an extremely happy subscriber to have more convos and stories with them added to the game on a regular basis. That is one of the biggest wants I have for the game. But to say its wasted is simply asinine.

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Lot of Sgt Jaxo fans (from the Trooper story) out there, myself included. It would've been great to have her as a companion, but certain...story choices you make would not have been possible (and thereby have meaning and enrich the story) if she were part of my crew.


This was the 1st person that came to mind after reading "wasted potential". But I agree they better serve a purpose as an NPC then a companion as much as it pains my troopers heart. I really liked a lot of female NPC's that could've been companions in my books.


The biggest companion potential wasted is still, in my books, Jaesa but that's a rant for another thread. :rak_01:

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What the companion system should've been:


A potential companion on every planet of the leveling path, each with their own unique quest line to acquire them. On Imperial side this would be: Korriban/Hutta, DK, Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Alderaan, Taris, Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, Correllia, Makeb. Note that Quesh, Ilum and Oricon were excluded for obvious reasons such as being a daily planet or just plainly too short and limited. In any case, that's a list of 12 potential companions (so far) from which each class can choose 5, 6 or 7 (whatever) to be part of their permanent companion roster. Even the ship droid would be replaceable. With this system, players would be afforded with the freedom to pick the companions that mesh with their character best or for other reasons such as crew skill bonuses.


The current companion system is a bit too... rigid.

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They had so many possibilities... For instance in the Smuggler Story at the End of Belsavis you get a choice to kill or save Ivory. After you save Ivory he goes back to your ship. He was on my ship for quite some time and would have made a great companion.
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so I will just respond to the question in the title.


To answer your question, absolutely not. The companion system is fantastic in SWTOR. Could it be improved? Always.


This post was never to doubt the system in place (How Affection works, Crew Skills) and stuff. This post was, as later clarified, about the question if Bioware should've given us more then the generic companions we got. A way to customize our crew with people our character would spend time with. Not people he'd despise.


Please, if you don't read a post, then don't answer it. That's just a bull**** thing to do, especially if you want to complain about a letter.

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I have to say, I agree with the OP about the part where Ashara is the weak link of the SI's story. I would have had no qualms shooting her out the nearest airlock or cutting her to ribbons while she slept. Utterly useless, utterly annoying. That said, I really don't feel the need for that Benikos woman either. I have no interest in her character either. This is just my opinion of course, and I know others love those characters.


Is companion character potential wasted in swtor? Yes. Absolutely. There are characters all over the place I'd love to adopt as companions. Captain Beron...Lieutenant Rutau are a couple off the top of my head. There are many others. The biggest waste of all however, is the companions we're already given. There is so much we could do with them. The stories and adventures we could have. The battles, the scraps...leaving, coming back after reconsideration. The possibilities are endless.


Sadly it all depends on one thing: Bioware's inability or refusal to produce these stories for us. I can't hammer away enough at how important having individual class and companion stories extensions is. What bugs me the most is that they've even stopped giving us new dailies, now it's just fps and ops only, and solo players have nothing new. And I really don't care to get into a big debate, about how I should buck up and fp and ops with people. I won't. Nor will I play 'solo' games on my pc, xbox, or playstation. I like being alone in a world populated with other people, with only a very select few to interact with, kinda like real life.


So yeah, yadda yadda yadda, more class and companion story extentions and evolutions.



The Story Lady. :p

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I have to say, I agree with the OP about the part where Ashara is the weak link of the SI's story. I would have had no qualms shooting her out the nearest airlock of cutting her to ribbons while she slept. Utterly useless, utterly annoying. That said, I really don't feel the need for that Benikos woman either. I have no interest in her character either. This is just my opinion of course, and I know others love those characters.



I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I just wanted to agree about Ashara. I don't think my SI has even done the first of her personal missions. That's because shes so lame I don't bother to try and get affection with her.


The entire reason she joins the SI is weak, and then she spends the rest of the times saying stupid crap like "Don't make me against my teachings."....huh? What? You already have gone against them. Why bother saying that when you'll join me in killing republic troops? Its sad because there could have been a larger and more convincing reason for her to join the SI.

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I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I just wanted to agree about Ashara. I don't think my SI has even done the first of her personal missions. That's because shes so lame I don't bother to try and get affection with her.


The entire reason she joins the SI is weak, and then she spends the rest of the times saying stupid crap like "Don't make me against my teachings."....huh? What? You already have gone against them. Why bother saying that when you'll join me in killing republic troops? Its sad because there could have been a larger and more convincing reason for her to join the SI.


There actually is a pretty convincing reason for her to join you, as part of the story.



You convince her that her masters can't protect her, by showing her that they can't protect her. Now, if, as with Jaesa, you could turn her, that would be ideal. That is, however the only addition to her as a character I would want, the ability to turn her.


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Is there wasted potential? Absolutely! I love what we do have in-game, but it could be so much more.


I desperately wish they'd continue the companions' stories. I think every class and gender should have had a choice in romances. Going forward, I wish they'd add new companions with engaging stories that tie into the up-coming explanations (sure I'd like to retroactively go back and get some favorites, but that's even less likely to ever happen.) I wish they'd give companions at least a little smidgen of dialogue in faction content so they'd be more than set decorations. I think they should follow through and add in real SGR options.

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