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What was your biggest /facepalm moment?


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At level 47, during a Directive 7 flashpoint that wasn't going well. I was told that my scrapper scoundrel wasn't a very good healer. I had been doing every flashpoint like this since hammer station...

(To be fair, in retrospect, I dont think healing output was the only problem in that group...)


Also, I thought not talenting into sucker punch would be ok.



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I have 2 to mention.


1. Running hammer station on an alt, and tanking for a really bad group but, since they were clearly new, decided to stick it out. However, by the time we hit the last boss, I've started to get pretty pissy at our Mara for not following instructions and pulling out the (always embarrassing with hindsight) "check my achievements" argument. Anyway, I pull, point the cone attack away from the group, warm about knock back then, paying too much attention to the rest of the group rather than the job in hand, accidentally click a sideways step and am thrown off the edge by the first knockback! /facepalm


2. Huttball on my Sorc. About a minute left on the clock, 0-0, I'm on the upper ledge on the opponents side and the ball is thrown at me, I look ahead and the flames stop, clear run with no one between me and the goal line, I hit force speed.... misjudging slightly I run right off the edge of the platform and am torn apart when I finally land on the ground. Chat window lit up, most of the team having just watched that happen. All I could think to say was "I've never been very good at sports" /facepalm

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I was playing an encounter area I had played before with another character. I recalled how difficult the fights had been with the old character. This time around I was beating the guts out of them and I felt like such a boss.......then I ran into into the empty elevator shaft and plummeted to my death:).
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My biggest facepalm came just the other day. I was looking through my screenshot collection and was apalled to discover that, according to the screenshots, my original character from two years ago (a DPS Assassin) spent the majority of the levelling process in the tanking stance.


What an idiot. Why didn't somebody say something? :rolleyes:

Edited by PLynkes
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I look back at my early days and facepalm quite a bit, even though I did unbelievable, stupidly well for all my mistakes. First off, on my Commando I used Hammer Shot way too often, and this is a habit that I'm now having to combat whenever I play him now, even at 55. Another thing is, when looking at my older toons (the aforementioned Commando, an Inquisitor, a BH) I notice that many of my Companions are wearing gear with stats that aren't theirs. Mako wielding an Aim pistol, Andronikos wearing a Willpower helm (:eek:), Elara wearing strength boots, etc. It's just a miracle, I guess, that I now know enough to begin repairing these mistakes, and play my newer toons with a far greater skill level (I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually died on my 34 Sage). :p
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Plummeted to my death by leaping to that taxi platform on Coruscant.

Needed on an item the first time I grouped with someone.

Didn't understand crew skills at all on my first few toons. Only just learned about reverse engineering.

Bought a pack off the Cartel Market aimed for F2P on one of my first toons.

Accidentally bound an item of clothing, when I meant to just try it on. Done that a couple of times.

Didn't know I could unify colours until about a month ago. Been playing since July last year.

My first few toons and comps are so badly geared. One of the tanks had willpower stuff on.

Get lost everywhere. Even the Senate Plaza.

Tried to solo a flashpoint at level 10. Also tried to solo Coruscant world boss at roughly similar level.

Still can't get the hang of jumping - so can't get a lot of datacrons, and stuck on first macro binocular quest on imp side.


Such a numpty. :o:o:o:o

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Been playing since beta but had an interesting moment on Tatooine. Playing through on my Vanguard I was running down a hallway thinking "W**...dead end". There was a strange object on the far wall so I kept running to investigate it...and plummeted about 3 stories. Sometimes I think the elevator shafts have a higher kill counter than some operation bosses Edited by Taithleach
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Plummeted to my death by leaping to that taxi platform on Coruscant.


Been there, done that. Multiple times, in fact. And not just the taxi pad. The most amazing time was probably in the Black Suns territory on Coruscant. Decided it would be cool to drive down the railing with my speeder, which worked perfectly... and then I miscalculated a jump.


Or that one time at Hammer Station, where I was totally sure I could still make it over the bridge. Or that other time where I forgot that the boss had a knockback.

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a 2.4 scoundrel healer comes into a warzone with us, tells the team we got to protect him as he is doing all the heals (even though my commando healer and a sage are there too) and keeps talking about how he is the only good healer on the team and repeatedly calls us noobs and says the team should guard him more. When we lose, we look at the scoreboard, he has only done barely 200k in heals, whereas me and the sage easily broke 500k, and then he STILL keeps smacktalking even though we are pointing out the evidence to him. I literally waited an extra 5 minutes afterwards to make sure I did not get that guy again.
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Been there, done that. Multiple times, in fact. And not just the taxi pad. The most amazing time was probably in the Black Suns territory on Coruscant. Decided it would be cool to drive down the railing with my speeder, which worked perfectly... and then I miscalculated a jump.


Or that one time at Hammer Station, where I was totally sure I could still make it over the bridge. Or that other time where I forgot that the boss had a knockback.


Knockbacks can be a pain. Was sent off into the depths of the droid factory on Balmorra by some large droid. Ended up stuck atop some contraption with no way back up and having to jump to my death to get back. I'd like to say this was a one-off. I can't. I've been caught out there at least twice. :D

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Ran the sheild the wrong way in SnV


Spent all my ultimate comms on 72s the day before they changed the gear levels and added 78s


Sold my Revan statue for like 50k on the GTN because I thought it was dumb

Edited by kirorx
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My biggest facepalms both came with my first toon, a Jedi Sentinel. First one was on Hammer Station when you have to cross that bridge with the short open window to get across. I was lagging behind having gone to grab the destroyed turrets into scrap, the group was on the other side and I'm hearing the warning and their msg'g in Grp Chat "DON"T GO! WAIT!!" Was I smart enough to listen? Nope, thought to myself, I'm a Jedi I "should" be able to get across quickly. Than I proceeded to fail crossing and die 2 more times. :o


Another was on Ord Mantell with the same Sent, after coming out of a class mission (I was level 21) I had to go there for I ran into 3 more Jedi all of them were over level 20 and one messages me in Gen Chat, "cool lightsaber, where'd you get it?" I told him it was the same one we got from Tython, his answer was "Where?? I'll have to go there and get one". And then and then all 3 headed away.

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Sith warrior



When my companion Quine betrayed me and i didnt have the option to kill ROAR, a bad sith lord who forgive someone who just tryed to kill him and let him get along on the ship, omg what a dumb dude who came with the idea of that part in the Sith warrior story line just EPIC faceblame!



That was caused by some beta testers. Back during beta you could do what you wanted but people did it with out realizing that they just lost something important to their play through and there was no replacement. The cried and whined so much BW said screw it and removed the ability.


My biggest Duh moment is during HM FE me and my guildies are doing the run we got to the chamber with the big circle cat walk path with to roaming golds droids. We got to the right and attack one of the droids. As we are fighting some one uses their knock back sending the droid flying off the catwalk. As it goes flying off out Tank who is a Guardian had just used force jump and goes flying off after it. We all went duh and then laughed joking that as he went off his character was yelling "GET BACK HERE WHO SAID YOU COULD LEAVE!!"

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I first started playing TOR on an old, not very good laptop. I ran everything on lowest settings, and still my laptop went burning hot and loaded things terribly slowly. Since my laptop had a lot of trouble doing pretty much anything, I couldn't walk in a straight line, had to zig zag, and didn't adjust my view a whole lot. Anyhow, stairs would often render slowly or they'd initially look like a cliff because of my camera angle, but then fix itself when I walked on them. This turned into a long series of me assuming a cliff, or elevator, was a set of stairs and dying for it. I recall one Mandalorian Raiders flashpoint, where on the big long cliff, I fell off the edge three times. I felt so bad for my group.
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I've only been at this game a few months, so I'm still claiming noob status. I'm sure there's alot of moments that qualify.


But there's one that sticks out in my mind not long after I hit 55 on my first character. A guildie had asked for help on the False Emperor FP. I had the time, and I was due to run through it anyways, so we go for it.


During a particularly difficult mob (either elite or champion, I don't remember) we took a real beating, but managed to down him with just a little bit of health lefft. Somehow, I had ended up on the edge of the platform; not too sure how. We heal up and I go to move away from the edge. But I didn't notice that my hand had shifted on the keyboard during the fight. So instead of backing away from the cliff, I ended up strafing right and over the side.


My guildie had the good graces not to say anything, but I felt like such an idiot over that.

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I've had plenty of dumb moments in this game, most stemming from the fact that this is the first MMO I've ever played regularly. My favorite, though, was on my first trip to the Dune Sea in Tatooine, where I found a glowy skull surrounded by dead Jawas lying in the middle of nowhere and decided to click it.


I have never again gotten squished so quickly.

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I've had plenty of dumb moments in this game, most stemming from the fact that this is the first MMO I've ever played regularly. My favorite, though, was on my first trip to the Dune Sea in Tatooine, where I found a glowy skull surrounded by dead Jawas lying in the middle of nowhere and decided to click it.


I have never again gotten squished so quickly.




I did the same with the dead Jedi on Taris.



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Theres been a few, worst one was on Dread Master Brontes in HM (before we had it on farm), during the transition phase with the spinning lightning beam and the droids. Went to tab target the third droid and pressed force leap and leap right into Brontes herself, needless to say i didn't survive and caused a wipe. Still chuckle about it today Edited by Swannigan
Accidentlly posted
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