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Worst Graphics Engine Ever


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You live in the past, HSA and CPUGPU is the future, peiod.


Discrete graphic cards will increase the potency of the processor so everything a processor does now, will be shared between GPU and CPU.


Also Vectors and things the processor supposely does for gaming is minimal, that why you can run any game if you have a high discrete card with a medium quality processor, for AMD processors will definetly help gaming industry.


are you for real?


You do realize that graphics processing is vector math and matrices, the processor is just the command/control unit for the most part. Processors in GPUS are highly specialized with super fast memory and specific instructions. CPUS are more general processors, MMUs, ALUs and other various controllers for handling the daily activities and offloading the more specialized tasks to the specialized hardware (which is why we have things like soundcards, video cards, network cards etc.). You can do somethings well, nothing great, and everything poorly..or do one thing great and let others deal with what they are good at.


IF i wanted the best phone conversations, best internet experience, and best TV I would by a land line, a PC and a large screen TV. IF i wanted worst of everything, I'd just by a smartphone.


Systems on chip (which is why you are describing) are great when you only need to be average at any thing you do, since it all has a cost (processing time, memory etc). You can't be processing data if you have to be rendering video. So a PC with 4 processing cores and a dedicated video card will be much better at everything than a pc with 3cores and an integrated graphics chip.


But if all you want is crap graphics, poor processing and average results, sure they'll do fine, if you want the best, you buy the best.

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Really AMD is the future why go intel which arent meant for gaming, intel based processor main function is to speed the computer, spreadsheets and obsolete calulation per cycle.


AMD is made for gaming and to last, best processors even now for everything, only intel has is extreme manifacturing and nano-components but basically an i7 is sub-par to AMD 7800k which I use and I dont even need a Graphic Card because my processors has on inside the processor.



mullered by a midrange i7

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Okay time to chip in my 2 cents.


I am currently running a Phenom II X6 1055T underclocked to 1.5GhZ, a HD 7850 underclocked to 300 MHz, 16 GB of DDR3 RAM and I still get a stable and well playable game. I would guess that your PC needs a fresh install. Backup your critical data and reinstall from scratch. Should give some more fps. Then try to optimize your config.


But yes the Hero Engine is not really a "hero" when it comes to performance. Actually one of the worst optimized game engines used in a current gen MMO in my opinion.

Edited by Brexten
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