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Star Wars The Old Republic update Expand


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Hello dear friends, fans, subscribers, developers of the Bioware and all those who love Star Wars! My name is Ken but it's not important. I am writing on behalf of his old friend from Russia. Some time ago I worked in a 3d artist the most wonderful studio world - LucasArt. For me, the sad fact remains dismissal and closing our "home." But I'm not going to talk about sad! I want to share some impressions and ideas well. Once I discovered the wonderful game Star Wars The Old Republic, but when I finished the story line and became lvl 50 I suddenly felt bored! Time passed and I thought that everything has changed, but there is nothing, except only 55 lvl new flashpointy! I do not know where to look your marketing? Remember - you mmo game on the Star Wars universe, which can be extended to infinity! I noticed that the droid and treek added a companion - it's great, but not enough! Why such a small selection of Species? Where is all your favorite Togruta or Tolotiane, Wookiees? People still in my tweeter ask me "Why do not you do major updates" is also very important question? If I worked there as before, and would have a voice that would have done much for Star Wars The Old Republic! So friends I am attaching a list of small changes that I would like to see in this wonderful game and if anyone nteresno this topic just put + in comments in response - you know this is very important!

attached list of updates:

1) Add Quest Prestige Class Jedi Master / Sith Lord / Admiral / chieftain/ and new skills tree and power abilities and increase HP such as those provided by the Knights of the Old Republic!

2) Add the droid scout with which you can find some expensive items! I think it can be added as a quest!

3) Add a new planet that can only attend class prestige!

4) Add a new companion! I thought it would be as a companion to any one of your Legacy, your second character as a companion for example, what do you think?

5) Add the new Species, so many of them - Togruta, Tolotiane, Wookiees, Duros, Tsereanin, Fallah, Miraluka, Chiss, Umbarane, Arkaniantsy, Datomirtsy, Coruna, Mirialane, Pantorantsy, Pau'any, Ubeziytsy, Muun, Chagrianin. And that's not all Species!

6) Add the quests on the transition of the parties - light or dark!

7) Add the game all the items in the collection Cartel Market!

9 ) Add a new ships - let everyone can now buy the same ship instead Defender

10) Add more options for Legacy!

11) add the ability to send or sell most items for subscribers and add credits to unlock f2p players and the ability to send credits.

12) Add the possibility to buy the amount of "N" for loans cartel coins all players! And you know I think even half of the list as an added return and give you more subscribers! Honestly the only thing for which you pay monthly - the opportunity to exchange letters and trade, an opportunity to get more credit to the character and it grieves! I would have fired your marketing! Friends Thanks for your attention! May the force be with you! set + if liked the subject, so subscribers may affect developers and they will think! It's like some sort of petition, Thank you!

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I, like many other fans and players, would love to see more content and story added to the game. And as I have heard from here-to-forth anonymous sources, have been made aware that we will be seeing more species with the release of Update 2.8 in the near future. However, though petitions are nice and support of fans does show the desire for more content, the problem is there just aren't any resources currently to make it happen.


Unfortunately it's about marketing and business. SWTOR had one of the smoothest launches of any MMO, yet major MMO'ers quickly left once seeing content was not on the same level as existing MMO's like World of Warcraft. Those people I feel never gave SWTOR a chance or were pulling back to wait until there was a lot more content. Many do not realize that when SWTOR launched, WoW already had 7yrs to build content within its game and fix mistakes. No starting MMO will have the same degree of content as one that's been around for the better part of a decade.


That was one reason why the player community dropped so sharply so soon after launch. Because of that the servers were merged and contracted to lessen costs of maintenance. And that was just the start of the reason why the Story content for SWTOR has been at a standstill for Class and Companion storylines. Another reason had to do with EA cutting down BioWare's staff and budget and the decision to go Free-to-Play only further hurt the chances of added more in-depth content. At the time of launch, BioWare had up to around 20 writers working on expanding SWTOR. Within the last 2 years, they've been slashed quite hard as EA has either laid off or relegated writers to other projects, leaving the SWTOR writing team with only 2 or 3 people.


This has drastically decreased the probability of seeing more Class and Companion based content. At the same time, their total development staff has been reduced by about 80%. This makes it even more difficult for any amount of content to make it through, muss less the kinds of things that the players keep asking for. Though we are getting Guild Capital Ships for PvP, there's still a lot of things that're just left unfinished.


I would love to see more content. More stories, more species, SGRA companions, Sith Swords and Glaives on the Cartel Market, and so much more. But I know that such things require time, patience, and ultimately money to produce. Graphic designers needed to create details and animators for cutscenes, voice actors to play the roles and writers to make the scripts, as well as programmers to create the coding and fit it all into the game. It takes a tremendous amount of time, work and money to do all this. 5min of animation costs around 20thousand dollars to produce for a show. What it costs to produce content for an MMO is many times that.


Remember, SWTOR had over 100mil in development costs pre-launch. They had to sell around 1.7million Standard copies just to cover that before making a profit. Some people believe that subscription costs are just a way to make more of a profit. It's only half true. Most don't understand that the money gleamed from subscribers is what pays for the maintenance of the servers which keeps the game going. When a game goes F2P, that funding drops from people no longer wishing to pay for the full experience and just become casual gamers. Which can eventually lead to a games closing. Much like what happened with City of Heroes/Villains.


I for one would like to see this game last many, many years. Not only is it very fun, but it can do so much to expand upon the lore within Star Wars that has been to be explored. And because it's 3500yrs removed from the Original Films, then Disney can't really gripe about it because whatever they do with the films will only affect the ABY EU (After Battle of Yavin Extended Universe).


People believe that it's up to the Game Company to keep the game running. However it's not. It's up to the Gaming Community to ensure that Star Wars: The Old Republic stays strong and that it has our support in maintaining service and producing new, exciting and enjoyable content. I'm not saying Subscribers alone help. Even those who are F2P do help by purchasing Cartel Coins. This also gives them a little more to put towards advancing the game, keeping those updates coming along with future expansions.


The Old Republic is ours to enjoy and ours to help build and grow. Whether you choose the path of Light, the path of Dark, or remain a neutral party, may the Force be with you.


And go kill some Jawas.

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you're right ! I agree that it is necessary - time, staff to work , money! If it were possible to contact representatives of the Bioware and talk about this work ! You know I have a lot of friends around the globe who just dream of working on a project for star wars even for "food" ! I am a former employee LucasArt - 3d artist, I keep in touch with friends - animators , coders , programmers , etc. The only question is what he wants Bioware ? Who to contact ? I suggest if you want to volunteer help ! We are ready to help the studio for the benefit of the project without any requirements regarding the financial share of the profits ! If you need income Bioware why not make all the items for sale in the game cartel market? If subscribers want Bioware why not just remove them for restrictions on item (such as transfer or sell / do not item is bound for subscriber player) and give players the opportunity to f2p send and receive letters ! If it was all for Bioware needed, game would have looked different!

can gather petitions in support of a global update of Star Wars ...

Edited by Kopnik
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only voice your opinion and you, your friends can affect a whole Bioware...I offer assistance on behalf of the former employees of LucasArts...If you find interesting in this place + and add your comments....thanks Edited by Kopnik
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