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Community Feedback: Suggestion for Launch Window


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First, I would like to say thank you for the separate colors to designate quads of folks as we prep for launching.


I am wondering what the community would think of a minor HUD update to the initial launch screen to indicate the direction people were launching from.

First Thought: I had originally thought of an arrow (aligned map side) indicating what spawn point your teammates (and only your teammates) for those not used to the ABC designation. Visually, this would easier to see for newer pilots.


Second Thought: Just put the letter off to the side of the character name (aligned map side) so it tells you what each character has selected as their destination.


What are your thoughts community?

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I don't feel very strongly about that -- but I would feel strongly about splitting up the default of who spawns from where.


For instance, the new Domination is large and has two spawn points....and it's kind of silly when everybody comes in at the exact same spawn location.


At one point, the Devs mentioned making the spawn points random for new players that didn't know they could 'change' the location so they didn't keep coming back at the same area that is being 'camped'. Not sure if they are going to implement or not. But it would be nice.

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It would be handy to see where the rest of your team will spawn at the start of a match. I've found myself the only one spawning from the middle point in TDM a few times; not much of a problem but still annoying.


At one point, the Devs mentioned making the spawn points random for new players that didn't know they could 'change' the location so they didn't keep coming back at the same area that is being 'camped'. Not sure if they are going to implement or not. But it would be nice.


Please no. If I want to change my spawn point I will change it myself. Most of the time I set it at the start of a match and leave it there. It would not be helpful to respawn from some random location I'm not expecting.


Speaking of launch screen tweaks... I'd like to see a more detailed ongoing score in the launch window. A breakdown of kills, deaths, etc like the end of battle window would be useful while waiting for respawn. It could be on a tab to keep it out of the way unless you want to see it.

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