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comments about the new ships ?


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hello joshortinis here ( yea I spell my own charter name wrong lol :p) any way just wanted to hear some thoughts on the new ships and find out what folks out there think of them so I thought I give my take and love to hear what others have thought so far....


so on the new strike fighter (I play republic btw so I would love to hear from the other side ....) I love that u can take a repair ability and take a crew member for offence if desired or to be really hard to kill take the repair one I like the crit I think it is a bit better then by-pass thought it dos not last long as by-pass when u do hit it hurts more just my preference. I like the new sf for support the fact that u can keep flying and repair near by allies I think is really neat and useful. and fully upgrades thermite torps with ether rapid or quad laser makes it deadly (quads for against other sf gs and bombers are nice though I find rapid dos work as well but quads I find are better for those and rapid or other light laser for scouts) I find its a tough ship to takedown as a strike fighter with the shield projector. though I have not unlocked the other components yet I like this set up and ben good for me right from the bat. (played 53 matches with it and I am current 32% win / loss. (gone up against battle scouts and found I can survive and win 20% of the time good players to) also with the repair u basically don't need to use any crew members for extra ammo as the repair ability give u ammo as well so u can tailor this ship as a real killer with wider kill range, and aim or rapid reload, though in this new patch me personally, i don't find rapid reload to be of a big of a deal as before. i like aim and wider kill zone found this works for me :)

I haven't found a good thing about the new scout yet besides the repair drone, so far, as I found that I need to stay out of the battle that their no use or I need to be with a large group for with out the missile lock brake (distortion field) your pretty easy target. I mean u could take the df option if u chose but them what is the point? its suppose to be a support ship? and I guess the extra aim is nice but is it worth it? I mean there so many crew guys that give more aim just seams to be a waste of a component. and target telemetry always great but how many scouts I have that have that>> so y buy the scout if its just a better version of the nova dive with out the option of BR? i just use the beacon, Target Tlem, and torps on my nova dive if i wanted that set up I mean the only option that useful is the repair droid and its powerful to don't mistake that i am saying that its not worth getting I my self have found no big useful ness i men the bomber with repair droid batter option as the scout gets owned way to fast. Now I hope i am wrong that's why i am making this so you guys can say no you are wrong here is why....

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Well, OP is kinda hard to read. :D


To sum it up, Clarion is a decent fighter. Can be build to be really durable and self-sufficient. I haven't played it yet though.


I am however in love with Spearpoint, which is my favourite ship right now. With Tensor you are the most mobile ship around, even though the mobility is kinda spikey. Don't ever limit yourself to DF only. Especially not because of lock breaker. I use Power Dive for this purpose, and it is definitely not a bad choice. With Shield projector, you can greatly improve your survivability and provide valuable buff to your allies in satellite fight.


These ships will probably never be mainstream like Flashfire, but if you invest your share of time in them, they can and will have the impact on the battle.

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Well, OP is kinda hard to read. :D


To sum it up, Clarion is a decent fighter. Can be build to be really durable and self-sufficient. I haven't played it yet though.


I am however in love with Spearpoint, which is my favourite ship right now. With Tensor you are the most mobile ship around, even though the mobility is kinda spikey. Don't ever limit yourself to DF only. Especially not because of lock breaker. I use Power Dive for this purpose, and it is definitely not a bad choice. With Shield projector, you can greatly improve your survivability and provide valuable buff to your allies in satellite fight.


These ships will probably never be mainstream like Flashfire, but if you invest your share of time in them, they can and will have the impact on the battle.


The Spearpoint seems pretty solid choice and different from the other two scouts, though I haven't flown it too much yet. It's actually pretty maneuverable and fast on its own, though you do miss the booster component.


In that regard, I think that Tensor Field will be a nice boost all the time, and actually really helpful for your team: in the objective maps, everyone wants to get there fast.


One thing I've been debating more is if I want to switch mine to Deflection armor or stick with the higher health. We'll see how it goes. I also like the idea of ion missiles debuffing... kind of a different style, but good.

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