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Please go back to the old Armour numbering system


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Level 27: 72

Level 29: 76

Level 31: 80


I only know these because I have to deal with these numbers currently.


And this is the major flaw of this system for leveling. It works ? Yes, but you need a translation for those numbers, because these new numbers are meaningless. In order to make sense of these, you need to translate them to other scale. That's brilliant

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I like both systems, but I personally prefer the current one. I have always preferred to say "My chest is 180" than "my chest is 78". I think the easiest way for this to work is to simply add an option to the Interface section of Preferences which would swap between 180/78, depending on if it was ticked or something. That would, everyone would have their preferred way of looking at the numbering system.
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meh the new system will take getting used too... its like when the UK went from Imperial to Metric it took a while to get used to measuring stuff in Metres,Kilograms and Litres instead of feet/yards,pounds and Pints/gallons....
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Yes but if there was an option to select which one you like, that would cause a lot of confusion between players for crafting, grouping, even casual conversation.


Its a change, its weird now but you will get used to it.


It's like forcing invert y-axis in FPS game.

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The numbers changing at 55 people could get used to. 72s and 78s were better than 168 and 180 but we could get used to the change.


Item levels at below level 55 just make no sense whatsoever though. Level 35 in 80 gear is just completely stupid. There isn't even any consistent conversion calculation you can do e.g rating = level + 50.

My level 31 items are 80 rating and level 33 items are 84.

That's just idiotic.


We now have to open the mod item screen to see the levels instead of being able to see them straight way. Did they even think this change through at all? The new system is worse in every possible way!


They should change everything back to levels, get rid of rating completely and change the weeklies to say they require item level, because new players looking at requirement for the weeklies were the only people who used rating before this patch anyway.

Edited by DarthZaul
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And this is the major flaw of this system for leveling. It works ? Yes, but you need a translation for those numbers, because these new numbers are meaningless. In order to make sense of these, you need to translate them to other scale. That's brilliant


I really don't understand how this is going to make it more difficult for leveling. We are going to do the exact same thing we do now: visit the vendors when it's time to upgrade, see what the highest gear is that we can equip, and buy that. If we are doing it correctly, we will still replace our weakest armorings/mods/enhancements with the new gear, but also always keep our strongest armorings in chest, head, or legs.


The only difference is, we will be looking at rating, rather than item level, which is actually better. When we end up with that odd purple mod or armoring while levelling, now we'll know when it's time to replace it with a blue commendation piece.

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It's terrible. And while I recognize that change is hard and there is always a painful transition period, this particular change is so counterintuitive that the end result really is a change for the worse. At max level it may be fine, but for leveling it's incredibad...so bad, in fact, that it's a decision only Bioware could have come up with.
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It is a better system as a higher rating will always be better from a stat budget perspective than a lower rating, regardless of the quality / color of the item. The old system only made sense pre-50 and only when comparing items of the same quality / color.


It also lets them add the same rating levels to all gear, which will allow for the ability to average the gear rating a player has across a gear set, and hopefully lead to things like having the Group Finder use the average rating to display / determine if a player can queue for certain content (no more 55s in HMs with gear from Belsavis).


It can be a bit confusing when leveling as you can't just eyeball your gear and see you have mods that are ten levels behind, though you can still easily compare what is available on the vendors with what you have equipped, and you can still 'open' the shell if you really must see the level requirement of the mods you are using.

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They should change everything back to levels, get rid of rating completely and change the weeklies to say they require item level, because new players looking at requirement for the weeklies were the only people who used rating before this patch anyway.


Bad idea, because greens and purples of the same item level are vastly different.

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though you can still easily compare what is available on the vendors with what you have equipped, and you can still 'open' the shell if you really must see the level requirement of the mods you are using.


Exactly this. "Oh, I'm level 35 now. I can buy 88-rated stuff from the comms vendor. The weakest stuff I'm wearing is 72...should I replace it?" It doesn't matter than the 88 rated stuff is level 35, and the 72 requires level 27, because knowing the levels doesn't tell you about the relative strength of the gear.


If item level were important, we'd have all just been buying greens off the vendors/GTN for credits for the last 2 years.

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And this is the major flaw of this system for leveling. It works ? Yes, but you need a translation for those numbers, because these new numbers are meaningless. In order to make sense of these, you need to translate them to other scale. That's brilliant


Only because we are used to an older one - in my opinion better and simpler. But it`s not the end of the world, I`d think.

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I don't know about the reality you live in but it's not the same I live in.

You need passwords for everything. There just isn't way to memorize all item rating from 10 to 55 and their level req.


Only way they can now help people is by doing list of item rating reqs for leveling content. For example 76 for Mando Raiders, 68(?) for Athiss, 50 for HamStation.


I do everything by I level. Not sure why you dont. Time to catch up.

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Exactly this. "Oh, I'm level 35 now. I can buy 88-rated stuff from the comms vendor. The weakest stuff I'm wearing is 72...should I replace it?" It doesn't matter than the 88 rated stuff is level 35, and the 72 requires level 27, because knowing the levels doesn't tell you about the relative strength of the gear.


If item level were important, we'd have all just been buying greens off the vendors/GTN for credits for the last 2 years.


I think this new system will just give people more reasons to kick other people from leveling FPs for "being undergeared". Remember that this already happens in level 55 tactical FPs.

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All of the references to this new system being confusing for leveling is absurd.


When you are leveling and greens or blue drops do you look at the item # (whatever system is being used ) and make a decision based on that? Of course not. Would you put on a green level 32 in place for your blue level 29 that has better stats? Of course not. When leveling you burn through gear and only look to see if it is an improvement to your stats, not if it has a higher level rating. It is the stats that matter, not some rating/level. If it is modable pieces you have always looked to see if the individual parts will be an upgrade. That has not changed either.


For end game the new system is superior. The item level was meaningless since all it said was the mod part that was the highest number in that piece. The new system gives a more complete picture of the overall power of that piece of gear.

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All of the references to this new system being confusing for leveling is absurd.


When you are leveling and greens or blue drops do you look at the item # (whatever system is being used ) and make a decision based on that? Of course not. Would you put on a green level 32 in place for your blue level 29 that has better stats? Of course not. When leveling you burn through gear and only look to see if it is an improvement to your stats, not if it has a higher level rating. It is the stats that matter, not some rating/level. If it is modable pieces you have always looked to see if the individual parts will be an upgrade. That has not changed either.


For end game the new system is superior. The item level was meaningless since all it said was the mod part that was the highest number in that piece. The new system gives a more complete picture of the overall power of that piece of gear.

I don't disagree with the points you're making, but I feel you're overlooking something.


When using moddable gear, you used to be able open your character sheet and at a glance immediately know if your gear were up-to-date (while leveling that is). That is what is missing now.


Of course, when gear drops, you compare the stats, not the level. Of course when you reach end-game, level no longer matters. But while leveling, can you really disagree with the convenience of knowing when your gear is out of date with a quick glance at your character sheet? (This is particularly helpful if you have more that one toon your leveling, and you don't remember the last time you changed your gear.)


Sure, we're all going to eventually get used to seeing rating in gear. It's just a shame that a number that was useful without doing any comparison has now become a number that is only meaningful when a) comparing it to other gear, b) if the number increments are "memorized", or c) if you take the time to ctrl-right-click on the mod to see the actual level of the mod.

Edited by Khevar
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I think this new system will just give people more reasons to kick other people from leveling FPs for "being undergeared". Remember that this already happens in level 55 tactical FPs.


As I said before, or in other thread, I do think this is the foundation for gear rating requirements for content - either hard lock, or informative.


This being said, leveling, at least, the new system is easier - makes re-slotting in armor VERY fast and intuitive, under max lvl, anyway. My lowbie commando is very happy.

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I don't disagree with the points you're making, but I feel you're overlooking something.


When using moddable gear, you used to be able open your character sheet and at a glance immediately know if your gear were up-to-date (while leveling that is). That is what is missing now.

Of course, when gear drops, you compare the stats, not the level. Of course when you reach end-game, level no longer matters. But while leveling, can you really disagree with the convenience of knowing when your gear is out of date with a quick glance at your character sheet? (This is particularly helpful if you have more that one toon your leveling, and you don't remember the last time you changed your gear.)


Sure, we're all going to eventually get used to seeing rating in gear. It's just a shame that a number that was useful without doing any comparison has now become a number that is only meaningful when a) comparing it to other gear, b) if the number increments are "memorized", or c) if you take the time to ctrl-right-click on the mod to see the actual level of the mod.


Yeah, I agree on that. I feel the benefit of the new system for end game compensates for that once people get used to the numbers.

Under the old system your item level at end game was solely based on the highest level mod you had in the gear. So a chest piece with a 78 armoring and the rest 58's would be level 78. Not really accurate. With the rating system it weighs each part and gives a rating based on the whole. Confusing in the short run, but really a better gauge of an items true power in the end.

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Only because we are used to an older one - in my opinion better and simpler. But it`s not the end of the world, I`d think.


Where did I ( or anyone else ) even remotely suggested this is the end of the world ?


The gear rating is a poor system for leveling. That's my complaint. I'd like to have the option of having a simple and effective system to visualize my gear "quality" with just a glance. A system that already exists, not that I'm asking to develop an entirely new thing.

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