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Kickball Friday


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Gentlemen, gentlewomen and non-binary sentient species of the Empire.


Since the new season of PVP has opened up a wonderful new grind for Brutalizer gear I believe it is only proper that we re-instate a weekly Kickball match for the acquisition and utilisation of deadly weapons against each other.


Mumble server details and chilled corellian cocktails will be provided, dress code is non mandatory but Jedi bath robes will be seen as a faux pas.


17:00 EDT See you there.


/doubleguns :cool:


Edit: Going to try for Kickball every Thursday every week if possible.

Edited by FixerFortyKay
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Woman, I demand you stop using my insults.


Comply or face the slandering of your father in a public forum.


Woman? Your father? This ain't the 40s son... get out of your mother's basement and go work a bit harder at that theater...


#herecomesthethesis #nobodygivesacrapaboutyou

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Woman, I demand you stop using my insults.


Comply or face the slandering of your father in a public forum.


Like the last time when you said my dad had diabetes? LMAO please. You promised me Zuul and all I got was Slimer.


Also, your face.



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Like the last time when you said my dad had diabetes? LMAO please. You promised me Zuul and all I got was Slimer.


Also, your face.




The hell are you talking about? I made you scream in terror, and I'll make you scream again if you ever decide to show your face around BC.


Your dad was adopted, his parents didn't even love him.


Woman? Your father? This ain't the 40s son... get out of your mother's basement and go work a bit harder at that theater...


#herecomesthethesis #nobodygivesacrapaboutyou




This is your best attempt at trolling me? You had a good few hours to sit there and think about what I typed, and that was what you came up with?


Plz newb, goml. Come back when you can force stuff like this:


PS: Oh, just letting y'all know, he'll probably post about my ''insecurities''.. 'cause you know, #Zuknowmystory #Zugotthatmuchtimetofantasizeaboutme


out of people without even having to make a direct comment to them.





Check out my cool mask, got it from being a BA PvEr

Edited by ZooMzy
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The hell are you talking about? I made you scream in terror, and I'll make you scream again if you ever decide to show your face around BC.


Your dad was adopted, his parents didn't even love him.






This is your best attempt at trolling me? You had a good few hours to sit there and think about what I typed, and that was what you came up with?


Plz newb, goml. Come back when you can force stuff like this:




out of people without even having to make a direct comment to them.





Check out my cool mask, got it from being a BA PvEr


Hes the Hero BC needs.


Also! Roisinn is a smelly sock! :p

Edited by Skinnychalk
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This is your best attempt at trolling me? You had a good few hours to sit there and think about what I typed, and that was what you came up with?


Plz newb, goml. Come back when you can force stuff like this:




out of people without even having to make a direct comment to them.





Check out my cool mask, got it from being a BA PvEr


Why don't you goml my ballsack? Why would I get on your level when I surpassed it by a long shot?

I said a few weeks back that I would be back with more than words, whereas you, still stick to the same BS day after day. I get things done.


Server first solo Q (class). Oh and btw, I didn't have to buy my way through it... maybe you should invest that money somewhere else, like moving out of the basement instead of ''servers'', who knows ;) As for ''your'' server first, that technically is not true, didn't happen on BC. You really are a whore when you think about it, buying your way to get a title that doesn't represent **** when you know the ''real'' story. ;)


As for best pvper.. I'll let you think about that in your corner. You've been a bad boy. Child please.


Please don't come at me with your ''who cares about this or that''... child, you're posting in a pvp record thread to show how much ''heals'' your assassin got...


You're desperate. I pity you.


Get a job. A real one ;)


PS: I bet a few ''kings'' will come at me about how much soloQ doesn't mean anything, but here they are, posting on a pvp record thread about how much they've done... Oh the irony.

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stopped here before reading anymore of your life story


all words nothing else :rolleyes:


oooreally... ''bestvgworld'' ... this guy is serious :rolleyes:


why don't you post more on BC forums about your lowbie pvp records, you seem good at that :p


goml goml my ballsack... if you don't know what that mean, just read it out loud ;)


Edit: Oh, I heard you were moving to Wildstar.. pretty sure you'll be back here in no time hehe..


I believe it actually requires ''skill''... clicking and keyboard turning won't cut it anymore, you won't get away with being ''bad''.. and here he thought he was gonna join MVP. lol

Edited by Yormik
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I don't think solo queue means jack ****. being a mando healer I know how fortunate I am and realize that classes and the other players on your team matter a lot towards the end result. I'm no king just stating my opinion cause I don't see what solo queue with a bunch of random ppl in arenas is any diferent from solo regs, somebody is carrying baddies. Plus if you intend to come bc or something looking from what your saying, you are welcone to do so ppl would have no problem queuing against ya. But don't expect us to do the reverse because in reality you are the one calling things out, there for respectively it should be you who meets inconvenient requirements.
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oooreally... ''bestvgworld'' ... this guy is serious :rolleyes:


why don't you post more on BC forums about your lowbie pvp records, you seem good at that :p


goml goml my ballsack... if you don't know what that mean, just read it out loud ;)


Edit: Oh, I heard you were moving to Wildstar.. pretty sure you'll be back here in no time hehe..


I believe it actually requires ''skill''... clicking and keyboard turning won't cut it anymore, you won't get away with being ''bad''.. and here he thought he was gonna join MVP. lol


I said a few weeks back that I would be back with more than words


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I feel we've gotten off track. This thread was started to talk about Kickball. It shouldn't be about boasting about how awesome you are.


It should be about talking about how awesome I am!


This thread is now about Jellico.


Also Kickball this Thursday :)

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Lol @ yormik


Solo q means something? Yeah, sure pal. So does being a regstar now that I think of it.


If you want to mean something, Queue 4's so I can farm you, but it's ok, because I know your "guys" won't be online, just like the other times I've asked. It's ok, we all lie sometimes.


see you on pot5 kid solo q so hard

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