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So I decided to give gsf more of a try then the last time. Yes I still think JTL is and was lightyears ahead of gsf, but things change for the worse over time. Anyways Ive seen allot of threads here saying nerf bombers, the funny thing is bombers are not the issue.


There is practically no dog fighting going on in gsf, and it has nothing to do with bombers. Everyone is using ordnance, for those who do not know what that means. It means proton torpedo's, missiles, and what not. From strike to scout, to gunship, and to bomber.


The problem is the basic fighters people are given are junk in so many ways its not even funny. I can tell you people who have been at this longer have fully upgraded missile trees for the simple and easy kill. A start up fighter even with key upgrades stands little chance. This is actually amusing for those so called aces lol. All they are doing is using upgraded missiles to take out starter ships left and right. Thats really skill full lol. This is not to say their is no kill via blaster fire because there is.


My feed back here bioware is upgrade the starter ships to include some sort of default armor. To either drastically limit the range of missiles, or drastically increase their lock on timer. Right now about 70 percent of all kills are being done from extreme range or mid range by Ordnance. There is a much small percentage that includes just blaster fire.


Take the feedback or leave it bioware your call.

Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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My feed back here bioware is upgrade the starter ships to include some sort of default armor. To either drastically limit the range of missiles, or drastically increase their lock on timer. Right now about 70 percent of all kills are being done from extreme range or mid range by Ordnance. There is a much small percentage that includes just blaster fire.


Take the feedback or leave it bioware your call.


If you mean by "right now" "post 2.7" then yes that's true that missiles are much more deadly. Prior to that I think missiles played a very minor role compared to blasters due to the ease of missile lock breaks.

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One of my best 2 ships is the T1 Strike Fighter, it hits like a truck and can take quite a bit of damage.


The problem with GSF is not the free ships (all 3, or 2 depending on when you were a sub) are incredibly good at what they do, it's not the time it takes to get components, no the problem lies in the fact the tutorial is completely useless and that there is no way to learn how to play other then by playing.



If there was single dominion and death match map that was PvE things would be different, even if you only fought a single enemy, it would help a ton.


Right now newbies are getting blown to pieces until they either quit or they get good, but the road to newb to good is littered with the broken remains of what was once your ship...



There needs to be a PvE map, a real PvE map where people can learn to hit above 20% accuracy, LoS a missile lock by flying around terrain and lock missiles on a moving target and so on...

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There is practically no dog fighting going on in gsf, and it has nothing to do with bombers.


Yes and no....personally I don't dog fight in this game because I find it boring. Even in older games like XWA or XvT, I didn't like dog fighting. Flying in circles...is there skill in it - sure, but meh... It's more fun for me to attack other ships that aren't attacking me, to get a better vector...it's also more efficient that way since you're utilizing teamwork and the 'wingman' concept by protecting others.


The problem is the basic fighters people are given are junk in so many ways its not even funny. I can tell you people who have been at this longer have fully upgraded missile trees for the simple and easy kill. A start up fighter even with key upgrades stands little chance. This is actually amusing for those so called aces lol. All they are doing is using upgraded missiles to take out starter ships left and right. Thats really skill full lol. This is not to say their is no kill via blaster fire because there is.



Fact: Most of my kills in my strike fighter or scout are not from missiles. Also, most of my deaths are also from lasers, not missiles. Do missiles help, yes...but in my experience lasers make up majority of the damage. Even after the recent engine nerf.

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GSF has all sorts of problems. Gear has way too much of an effect. The tutorial stinks. Now, missiles are way too effective, unless the point is to stand off and shoot missiles (which isn't a terribly fun game, IMO.) Matchmaking, even same faction, is a total joke. Yes, a good pilot in a unmodded ship can do ok, if he is in a good group that isn't mostly unmodded ships. However a group of 6-8 unmodded ships against a group of 6-8 heavily modded ships are totally screwed.


I've gotten to the point where I'll do periodic dailies with one character. The rest will fly if I'm terribly bored, but otherwise it's not worth the aggravation.

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My take on it : the problem is cannons are too hard to aim. Not just talking aboutthe RNG accuracy, the reticle is too small and moves too quickly at close range. Not to mention very strange behaviour at very close range.


Yeah sure, blowing up a gunship parked in the middle of somewhere or a strafing strike/scout blissfully unaware of you is easy. Trying to kill someone who is actively trying to evade you with lasers alone is another matter.


There's a reason why burst damage is so desirable, why gunships and bombers are hated so much. If you're good enough (not like, one the best, just been at it for long enough) and trying hard enough, the only things that can actually kill you are railguns, mines (assuming you have a reason to get close), your own recklessness, or a huge pile-up of ships (and even then that's not guaranteed).

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I've been playing GSF since it launched for subscribers and so I consider myself above average (not an ace yet) but I have areally good feel for the game and what to do. I went on one of my lower level toons and did a GSF match. I took my unmodified scout and got 14 kills and 10 assists with it. The match was pretty even. We had 2 newbies and the other team had 2 newbies. The other team had a couple gunships with competent pilots in them as well as a couple of bombers.


The point is, if you don't know how to fly your ships well and use what you got, its easy to complain and blame the equipment as to why you are losing. Each loadout you make for your ship will give you a chance to win. The upgrades give you slight boosts, but I can't emphasize this enough: piloting skill is what gives players success, not upgrades. My favorite ship to fly is the very first strike fighter model. The starting loadouts are effective, but you can change up your strategy to take down different targets (like getting Ion cannons to take out bombers for example).


I'd encourage the OP to continue to get the hang of flying his ship. There is a steep learning curve for GSF and its not easy to just get good at it in a day. It isn't other ships equipment killing you, it is their skill at flying that is. You can take out any ship with any loadout if you are a good pilot. So keep it up and don't be discouraged by being killed a lot. It happened to all of us in the beginning. If you stick with GSF, it becomes a very rewarding experience and a ton of fun to play. I'd suggest picking one ship and mastering that particular ship. Then you can move on to other ship types.

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