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New Barrier (2.7)


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What do you think of the new effects on Force Barrier? I think they're excellent. They allow the sage to benefit from damage reduction while doing some burst healing on himself after barrier ends. This can buy enough time for him to escape safely.


Stuns are still a problem, though I guess it's fair that there's SOME way to slow the healing down.

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i like it a lot, i have tried only to fight against it, since i still have to do pvp on my sage after patch. fighting it feels like they gave to sages something they needed. about the stun thing, at least in arenas i usually use force barrier on their hard stun so at least one is gone for when you come out
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When I tested on PTS it gave me 25k absorb (Had a sab slinger precast Flyby and wallbang). But ye stun is a great counter but I generally stun when coming out of bubble.


The temptation is for me to use the interrupt-immunity to spam heals while benefiting from Enduring Bastion (i.e. face-tanking).


I have not taken Egress as full Tele, so when I'm rooted after barrier ends this is a good usage of Enduring Bastion.


However I think that I should be prioritising escaping more. That means:

1. With egress - use it and escape when barrier ends as top priority

2. Without egress - escape using force speed if you can

3. Without egress - Use enduring Bastion to heal; or to mitigate enough damage that you can take your opponent down in time.


All of the above are easily countered by a stun - so it seems that the best way to negate Enduring Bastion's effects is by stunning the sage when he pops out of Barrier.


As a side note: I was able to heal through a smashing Jugg that was on me after I popped out of Barrier. ^^ However when I tried to escape she used force choke and I didn't ultimately survive... but the feeling of healing through smash and ravage was pretty nice.

Edited by Ycoga
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I don't think is that good, a single defensive tool each 3 minutes isn't even close to be enough in this game full of stuns and roots and slows


If people smart, after you use the barrier, they'll stun you and wait the effect ends, and then you're done.


And still wait 9 seconds to get the full benefit of it, is 9 seconds you're doing nothing, not aiding your team, if you're the healer, your team will perish.


In the mean while others have near similar effect, cos to me, absorb 99% of damage is immunity. But they can act freely. Or miss all skils, same thing.


Bioware want to make things different, it's pretty simple, the force barrier should be exactly as paladin bubble. Reduce the time but make you free to act.


Game still imbalanced as hell

Edited by Benets
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