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Arkous is Infallible


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In the post op conversation with Lord Beniko I sought to be inquisitive and accuse her Master of potential wrongdoing. Unfortunately everytime I selected that piece of dialogue I was booted from the conversation and forced to start over. This occurred eight times. When I decided to follow a different path of inquiry she was more open to speaking.


Simply put I do not appreciate such open defiance against the Wrath. No Sith is infallible. And no Sith is safe from questioning. Fix this Bioware and restore order to the Empire.

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This occurred for two of the four people in my group last night as well. It was the post-FP scene in the Fleet Cantina with Lana after you have completed both of the new FPs. They chose the #3 conversation option on the first bubble choice and they were both thrown out of the cut scene completely. After several attempts and the same results, they chose other options and the cut scene proceeded normally. Edited by Kayeri
incomplete information
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In the post op conversation with Lord Beniko I sought to be inquisitive and accuse her Master of potential wrongdoing. Unfortunately everytime I selected that piece of dialogue I was booted from the conversation and forced to start over. This occurred eight times. When I decided to follow a different path of inquiry she was more open to speaking.


Simply put I do not appreciate such open defiance against the Wrath. No Sith is infallible. And no Sith is safe from questioning. Fix this Bioware and restore order to the Empire.


My Lord Wrath,


I have informed those that be of Lord Beniko's insolence and will see to it that it is corrected.


Thanks to your reports, the Empire shall prevail.


Moff Watson

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My Lord Wrath,


I have informed those that be of Lord Beniko's insolence and will see to it that it is corrected.


Thanks to your reports, the Empire shall prevail.


Moff Watson


Moff Watson,


I believe there is more of a problem than just the issues pointed out so far:


I usually cancel conversations in instances that auto trigger upon arrival. (Although that doesn't apply here) A trigger NPC is usually then highlighted and any non-trigger interactive NPC's you can then approach and get a chance to hear audio cues that often go completely unheard by the majority of the player-base. I just wanted to let you know little details like that are not lost to some of us and have been appreciated. I also talk to every interactive NPC after the cut scenes finish to hear their voice cues which are always different than before. After you complete Korriban Incursion and go through the final cutscene with Arkous and Lana, I immediately went to her and right clicked her instead of leaving the instance. This triggers the next cutscene in the cantina with the previously mentioned glitch or you can complete it to the end but not get credit for it since you don't have the final mission step updated upon leaving the current instance.


Is that intended or is she kidnapping/force persuading me against my will somehow...because that is the only way I would ever be caught talking to a girl in a cantina...especially one that seems to never have been introduced to a hairbrush. I mean, can you imagine the very thought of it, Moff Watson? My famous legacy would never recover and I might as well give up my position on the Dark Council as Supreme Commander of Sparkle Powder. I find this unacceptable and the Empire would quickly unravel.


I must return to my fans now,



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Although it's already being looked at, I wanted to hop in and report that I saw the same behavior trying to select dialogue option #3 to the first prompt in Lana's post-mission scene at the cantina. I got booted out of the cut-scene twice before figuring out that was probably the cause, picked another option the third time, and was able to get through the scene to completion that time.
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