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Two fun ideas


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Upvote/Downvote maps- you dislike deathmatch, so you downvote both deathmatch maps. You like Kuat Mesas, so you upvote that one.


When a team is selected, their upvotes and downvotes are counted. Maps with more net upvotes are more likely to appear, maps with more not downvotes are less likely to appear. It's still random- you didn't blacklist- but the desires of the whole team would be taken into account. If a map was less popular (or temporarily more popular, such as Denon) it would pop more often.



Nanite Heal Railgun- this railgun shoots a cloud of healing nanites. Blah blah figure out a way to make it balanced. The point is, you shoot it at your friends somehow, and it heals them.

Edited by Verain
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This would be in addition on a select gunship, or on a third gunship. It definitely wouldn't delete a sniper role.



But the upvote/downvote map idea is IMO a pretty great idea, hence my posting it. Not that my other ideas aren't also great. But this one is particularly great. It would also provide solid numbers to the devs about map preferences for future yadda yadda.

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Map preferences is a good idea, my one worry right now though is the smaller playerbase and map selection would cause queues to slow down even further. A game like WoW can get away with it due to cross-servers and a plethora of maps, if GSF is sticking with only matchmaking on a single realm then the idea's dead in the water.


Long range heals aren't a bad idea, although i'm not sure if a rail gun is the best implementation. I'm thinking a nanite torpedo.

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Nanite Heal Railgun is how I wanted gunships to be done the first time around (replacing the three current railguns).


Ah ha. Ah ha ha.


You're just upset you play the GSF equivalent of Rogues and can't hang back with us Gunnys and our Arcane Missiles Railguns.

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Ah ha. Ah ha ha.


You're just upset you play the GSF equivalent of Rogues and can't hang back with us Gunnys and our Arcane Missiles Railguns.


No, I'm just upset that gunships are objectively poorly designed and make dogfighting feel like a chore instead of a game.

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Map preferences is a good idea, my one worry right now though is the smaller playerbase and map selection would cause queues to slow down even further.


And you'll note my idea avoids this, along with what I consider to be exploitive (blacklisting maps you don't like). In this method, you make the match just like now, but when you pick the map you SLANT it based on the sum of down and upvotes- it doesn't guarantee anything.



A torp or other delivery system would be fine, but the railgun requires skillshots. A torp would be like, cycle through friendly targets (obv you'd need to be able to) and then shoot it.

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Upvote/Downvote maps- you dislike deathmatch, so you downvote both deathmatch maps. You like Kuat Mesas, so you upvote that one.

While I can safely say that both ideas are amazing/awesome/fun/sweet/let'sdoit, does ANYONE like seeing Kuat Mesas Domination? I swear that thing has a 99% chance to pop on The Bastion. I want your first idea to exist so I can constantly downvote it and not play that map for a solid month.


Thank you. :)

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While I can safely say that both ideas are amazing/awesome/fun/sweet/let'sdoit, does ANYONE like seeing Kuat Mesas Domination?


It's honestly my favorite of the four old maps. Like all domination maps, though, the match is now determined by who has more bombers, which kinda sucks.

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No, I'm just upset that gunships are objectively poorly designed and make dogfighting feel like a chore instead of a game.


You saying this in every thread (though you were provoked here) doesn't make it true. Snipers aren't "objectively bad". They aren't uncounterable. The game isn't just dogfighting. The existence of someone sneaking up on you and being effective doesn't make it bad- without that, the best ship at dogfighting would pretty much be it.

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You saying this in every thread (though you were provoked here) doesn't make it true. Snipers aren't "objectively bad". They aren't uncounterable. The game isn't just dogfighting. The existence of someone sneaking up on you and being effective doesn't make it bad- without that, the best ship at dogfighting would pretty much be it.


I've addressed all of those points in previous threads. If you need a reminder (I suspect you do, as you're remunerating arguments I've never made), my post history is available on my profile.


Another idea would be a way to drag a trail of fire over an area- perhaps as a kind of engine wash, like the old Thraddash ship in Star Control II. But this could temporarily deny an area.


That would be kinda neat, though fire in space is questionable. Maybe a cluster of short-range (500m radius) mines?

Edited by Armonddd
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Well, it wouldn't need to be FIRE fire. It could be, you know, science fiction fire.



The tiny field of little mines could work too, but it would be beast-er-er to flame it out of your engine. So metalllll

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