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Game Update 2.7 Issues


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Hey folks!


There are some things you may run into in 2.7 that we are aware of and are working to get corrected:


- If you're doing Flashpoints with a party, and the leader re-queues while one member is on the loading screen of the previous Flashpoint, that player may not be able to join the new Flashpoint with the party.


To avoid this, make sure that everyone is out of the loading screen before re-queuing.


- There are collision issues with some of the elevators in Korriban Incursion.


You can use the button near the elevator to get to the top (or bottom.)


- The Toxic Pipe Sludge in the Quesh Hutball Pit can damage you while under the platform below it.

- In Assault on Tython, Lord Goh's ability Debris Projection can cause framerate issues and possibly Line of Sight issues.



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And the Bugs in the Operations ???????????? Palas and Fortress ????????

Stop calling them bugs. If anything, they are undocumented changes, not bugs. Considering how many people have Fortress/Palace HM on farm, they may have decided to just buff the encounters and forgot to mention it in the patch notes. Unless we get an official confirmation that the boss fights were not intended to be changed, there is no reason to call them bugged.

I was in Palace HM today and the bosses are still killable, you just need to get used to a different, and in some case more challenging mechanic. I approve of the changes. :)

Edited by Jerba
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I am currently having issues with the New Update 2.7 : invasion and since it came out I have lost all connections to the internet through wifi and ethernet cable, but when I uninstalled the game and restart the computer I am able to reconnect to the internet again, both of my connections (ethernet and wifi) keep telling me that I have limited access, while also, sutting off my connection and antivirus completely. Now I tried to have the issue fixed by restarting the comuter, turning off and on the wifi card in device manager, resetting the router and power cycling the router, and resetting the computer back to factory ( major pain in the rear), yet once I Reinstall the game the same issues start all over again. If anyone else or people you know are having this issue then post a reply here so that Tech Support can see that I am not the only one having these issues. Edited by Malryte
Forgot to add the wifi card and antivirus shutting off.
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Stop calling them bugs. If anything, they are undocumented changes, not bugs. Considering how many people have Fortress/Palace HM on farm, they may have decided to just buff the encounters and forgot to mention it in the patch notes. Unless we get an official confirmation that the boss fights were not intended to be changed, there is no reason to call them bugged.

I was in Palace HM today and the bosses are still killable, you just need to get used to a different, and in some case more challenging mechanic. I approve of the changes. :)


http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7348289&postcount=31 It's confirmed it's a bug and shouldn't be there...

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Here are some other "undocumented" changes to the fights...


1. The second boss in DF now have adds that heal and actually combat rez the corruptors.

2. Corrupter Zero now has the gold adds with boss immunity making them unstunnable.

3. Sometimes the big adds in the first fight of DP have LOS issues even though you are standing on them.

4 Of course the famous Tyrans and having to drop down (and lose 40% of your health in addition to the damage in that fight) to purge the simplification debuff is there.


And a few others that bled through from the nightmare content


To those that say these changes are welcome, keeps healers on their toes, and provide new excitement for fights they have franky become bored with and had on farm for some time, and added "new challenges:"


That is what nightmare mode is for. There will be plenty of time for additional mechanics and bigger challenges. ...and yes, I get that they are still doable and people are beating it. I myself am waiting for those and look forward to farming many repair bills like the rest of you.




There are a lot of newer progression groups stuck on some of these fights in mechanics the rest of us got to farm without for months. Particularly #4 above with the Tyrans fight, and I'm referring more to hard mode. People actually pay to play these raids, and I am disappointed that Bioware has seemingly decided that people being stuck on mechanics (that aren't even supposed to be there) isn't an important enough issue to fix before the next patch, which according to some come about every three weeks. Meanwhile, some of the not so early established and somewhat undergeared raid groups lose about 3 weeks trying to get past a mechanic that shouldn't be there to begin with. It is amazing that something like this managed to bleed through into the patch to begin with. Especially with the Tyrans fight, which is for a nightmare mode that won't be released for more than 2 months.

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