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DF & DP NIM Progression


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If Cammack wants to keep updating that's fine but out of respect for guilds who post their kills, I would hope this is updated daily.


Textbook Execution's kill is still not posted and it would also be nice to designate guilds with time run achievements before the next patch. Didn't read back to see if any other guilds still need updates.


Also, I would like to see DF NiM updates discontinued when NiM DP drops and the NiM power buff is no longer active.


Agreed, it was a little upsetting to me that Cammack didn't really take the time to look at my post because he updated us 4/5, but I submitted all 5 kills at the same time.

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Well with NiM DP dropping this week and no current sign of Cammack, while I'm hoping all is well for him and that he returns, maybe we should organise somebody to take over the thread by Tuesday. I was thinking if his orginal post is quoted and edited into a new thread for DP, it would be pretty simple to continue progression tracking... Thoughts?
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Well with NiM DP dropping this week and no current sign of Cammack, while I'm hoping all is well for him and that he returns, maybe we should organise somebody to take over the thread by Tuesday. I was thinking if his orginal post is quoted and edited into a new thread for DP, it would be pretty simple to continue progression tracking... Thoughts?


Do it ero, DO IT

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Hello Harbinger...

I do apologize for the delay on updating i have been out of town for work so i have not had much time to get to the thread i do apologize everything should be fixed let me know if you see anything that needs to be changed.

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Agreed, it was a little upsetting to me that Cammack didn't really take the time to look at my post because he updated us 4/5, but I submitted all 5 kills at the same time.


I did see the post i even had the time right just forgot to highlight the brontes kills

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If Cammack wants to keep updating that's fine but out of respect for guilds who post their kills, I would hope this is updated daily.


Textbook Execution's kill is still not posted and it would also be nice to designate guilds with time run achievements before the next patch. Didn't read back to see if any other guilds still need updates.


Also, I would like to see DF NiM updates discontinued when NiM DP drops and the NiM power buff is no longer active.


Wasnt sure we were recording the time runs but im sure i can find a special color for it lol. Who all completed the time run?

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If I may make a suggestion, you should put a parenthesis behind Hatred as Zorz (7/8) and make Hated gray since it disbanded and list Zorz for their first lockout as a guild. Edited by Falver
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