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Execute proc


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I'm trying to get some advice from carnage marauders on what they look at to figure out the execute proc for the crit force scream. I've been looking for the proc icon above my nameplate but suffice to say it's hard to see it when you pvp and there's a ton of other buffs and debuffs with it. I know you get a visual clue with a red glow but I find it hard to see it sometimes. I would hope they would give us an audio clue to when the proc happens like how vanguards and scoundrels have. Any help would be appreciated.
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There is really only one thing to say: Play some more, practice and get experience with the class.


It can be very hard to notice the red dotted glow, especially with full fury available/saber ward/surrounded in a big cluster. In those hard times where u are unsure, you will look at your buffs, and this is a hard trick to do when you are a beginner but don't worry, you'll get there, if you stick with it!


Hf an gl.

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I'm trying to get some advice from carnage marauders on what they look at to figure out the execute proc for the crit force scream. I've been looking for the proc icon above my nameplate but suffice to say it's hard to see it when you pvp and there's a ton of other buffs and debuffs with it. I know you get a visual clue with a red glow but I find it hard to see it sometimes. I would hope they would give us an audio clue to when the proc happens like how vanguards and scoundrels have. Any help would be appreciated.


Also I find going into the UI editor and making the buffs larger helps. The sent version is a color of blue that is rather distinctive so I may have it a little easier than the mara. In any case make your buffs bigger and get so you can tell if it is there with a quick glance.

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I'm trying to get some advice from carnage marauders on what they look at to figure out the execute proc for the crit force scream. I've been looking for the proc icon above my nameplate but suffice to say it's hard to see it when you pvp and there's a ton of other buffs and debuffs with it. I know you get a visual clue with a red glow but I find it hard to see it sometimes. I would hope they would give us an audio clue to when the proc happens like how vanguards and scoundrels have. Any help would be appreciated.


Make your buff bar bigger, my buff bar, currently, is bigger than the character portrait. It's around 3x3 in centimeters.

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Make your buff bar bigger, my buff bar, currently, is bigger than the character portrait. It's around 3x3 in centimeters.


Good lord, that's HUGE... anyway, from my knowlege after having trashed my Carnage Mara till they remove the RNG on Carnage like they have for most other classes, I would stare at my buff bar till something died, then i would move to the next target, this game loves to make you stare at your buff bar...

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Good lord, that's HUGE... anyway, from my knowlege after having trashed my Carnage Mara till they remove the RNG on Carnage like they have for most other classes, I would stare at my buff bar till something died, then i would move to the next target, this game loves to make you stare at your buff bar...


Yeah, I notice having bad luck with the proc. Usually get it when the target is dead or less than 10% health where the damage is overkill. I keep hearing people say combat can be bursty but really the stars need to align for that to happen.

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Yeah, I notice having bad luck with the proc. Usually get it when the target is dead or less than 10% health where the damage is overkill. I keep hearing people say combat can be bursty but really the stars need to align for that to happen.


The stars do align quite a bit in extended fights though. Using PvP as an example, I was in a fight at the south node of Novare Coast and I 3-4 shot the same sorc 3 straight times in a 4 minute timeframe.

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Yeah, I notice having bad luck with the proc. Usually get it when the target is dead or less than 10% health where the damage is overkill. I keep hearing people say combat can be bursty but really the stars need to align for that to happen.


It's getting frustrating. On the one hand I kinda like how it's set up but on the other there are so many times when I need the burst and nuda.


To the OP the graphic for the proc is pretty distinct. I stood in front of my dummy on ship and hacked away till I knew it really well. In pve I spot it right away without looking however in pvp it is more difficult. In my humble opinion when a tree is so dependent on a proc it should have an audio que. Lol so many procs once you get your relics too...man it's getting a bit stupid.

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It's not that bad to assume it's always up, certainly better than always trying to find it on the buff bar


Or use a real time log parser, but those aren't perfect either


In PvP, popping force scream when execute is not up gets you killed. It really isn't that hard to train yourself to spot it with a quick glance.

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In PvP, popping force scream when execute is not up gets you killed. It really isn't that hard to train yourself to spot it with a quick glance.


Not it doesn't, don't be so melodramatic. Losing sight of your surroundings while searching for a buff might, though.

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