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Is Sabotage Probe Bugged?


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I have it maxed out, but there are two things I'm noticing happen:


1 - Rank 4 of sabotage probe is supposed to neutralize engine components so that the enemy pilot can't use them to break out of the probe. This is not the case. I'm seeing the probe launch, connect with it's target, then they'll fire off barrel roll, retro thrusters, etc. and break it.


2 - The target's speed is supposed to be reduced by 35% at rank 5, but even still, I'm seeing ships pull away from me even if I've got my foot down on the gas to be going top speed.


Is anybody else noticing this?

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I have noticed some weirdness occurring occasionally with sabotage probe (on the receiving end of it). In each case, I used barrel roll right after a sabotage probe was launched but before it hit me. I successfully barrel-rolled away. Then, after my barrel-roll ended, the sabotage probe somehow caught up with me, latched onto my ship, and prevented me from turning. This doesn't make much sense: if I hit barrel-roll too late, the probe should have latched on to me before I barrel-rolled, not after. And if I barrel-rolled before the probe hit me, it should have broken the lock and the probe should have had no effect on me.


I usually survive when this happens, because by the time the scout gets back in weapon's range of me, the effect has worn off and I can get away. Sometimes the scout doesn't even bother chasing after me when he sees me barrel-rolling away, because he assumes that I broke the lock and that the probe did not affect me.

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They are probably using their missile break just prior to the probe actually connecting, and a small time lag is causing you to see it as happening after.


That might explain them seeming to break it if (and I stress the "if" part) that is what is happening, but that doesn't account for them not going 35% slower when it connects.

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I have it maxed out, but there are two things I'm noticing happen:


1 - Rank 4 of sabotage probe is supposed to neutralize engine components so that the enemy pilot can't use them to break out of the probe. This is not the case. I'm seeing the probe launch, connect with it's target, then they'll fire off barrel roll, retro thrusters, etc. and break it.


2 - The target's speed is supposed to be reduced by 35% at rank 5, but even still, I'm seeing ships pull away from me even if I've got my foot down on the gas to be going top speed.


Is anybody else noticing this?


Issue 1 definitely appears to be a sync issue. I've seen the same thing.


Issue 2 has me stumped. Are you boosting to run your targets down?

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Ok, I'm a pro at GETTING sabotaged (LOL - Thanks Zuchisen!)... you CAN boost while you are being sabotaged. I do it as a tactical measure to delay any incoming fire as long as possible.


That should explain how people pull away as you're firing at them as you're most likely (although possible) not shooting as you're boosting. (I do that too, but it's really inaccurate.)

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