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Repair probes : We need to be able to see allies hull bar, maybe target allies.


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Quite simple really. You can't really play a healer if you can't see you allies' health. Repair drones are passive, you drop them somewhere and people come and go as they need, but with repair probes, you need to be near them and there's no easy way to communicate with allies.


Well, of course, with a few upgrades, the buff is basically running for 24s every 30s, so it might as well be permanent, but still it would be nice to know where you're needed.



Another thing is, it would actually be nice to be able to target allies, regardless. I want to be able to inspect what ship class nearby allies are playing, without having to get close enough to see them, and it would also be nice to know what they're targetting, their hull and shield status, to coordinate actions without need for communications. All of that information we can already get for enemies, so why not allies ?

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It sounds like what you're talking about is adding raid-frames to GSF. (pressing a button to cycle through friendly targets wouldn't be very helpful imo).


So assuming this was added, you could have up to 3 group frames (squad-frames?) on your screen for 12v12 matches. They would show the hull/shields of each friendly, and what buffs/debuffs they may currently have. (ie, what mines they have deployed, drones, etc...or if they're under effects of ion rail, sabotage probe, bleed, etc). Ideally, when you clicked on somebody's 'portrait'/name, the mini-map would blink where their location is to make it easy to assist them (or just get close to them if you need healing and you see they have a healing probe deployed).


Not sure how I feel about that though, would take up a lot of screen space.


More importantly though, it could tell you whether or not a friendly turned off their targeting computer. :p

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