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Sniper Class is nice


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I'd like to apologize to those whom I've offended when I said the class was weak and needed buffing due to my inexperience playing in WZ. I know now how terribly wrong I was. After playing a few weeks with the tips I was given here on this very illustrious forums I am happy to report I have improved! I am no longer running head first into battle being the first to get demolished thinking I was some sort of long rifle carrying demi god. To the contrary, I now bide my time as I head into the fray behind a line of teamates who would act as fodder while I mow down enemies who haplessly wander into my range. I pick them off one at a time before they even know what hit them. It's a wonderful feeling if you've ever experienced it you will know what I'm talking about.

As for survival from attacks from behind I am now better prepared. Stuns, Flash, knockback, and leg shots are all wonderfully useful tools that I have used with great effect. But the highlight of my week was the day when at least 2 different assassins tried to kill me in vein as I attempted to guard/attack in the Voidstar wars zone scenario. In at least 2 of their attempts I was 1v1 and was able to nullify them with great effect even with virtually no PVP gear (My PVP gear was given to my Scoundrel).

SO in conclusion I say very resounding YES! that you all were right that snipers are great the way they are.... But having stealth would make them way cooler :cool:

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