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rely good playr looking 4 swag guild


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i am super awesome player of 2 years looking for pvpers to reck kids with i have full gear lolstabby opertive and super stronk sage healing person that can lift like u woldnt believe. pls reply with offer to play with me


i give you gud time when u play we kill every one

Edited by smuldro
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i am super awesome player of 2 years looking for pvpers to reck kids with i have full gear lolstabby opertive and super stronk sage healing person that can lift like u woldnt believe. pls reply with offer to play with me


i give you gud time when u play we kill every one


Me too have played same time i have hax and sexploits to lul bad players with and can send other team to spawn rip. have double litesayber guy big gun shooter thing healy probe person and overchargin mah saber assassin to make play with. ASL?

Edited by countpopeula
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But...I don't think he wants to put up with us perverts over on PoT5...Talking about illegal stuffs that the censors on the forums don't like the name of....


weed, crack, heroin, pcp, lsd, speed, meth, mdma, ketamine?


or like, illegal aliens?

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Me too have played same time i have hax and sexploits to lul bad players with and can send other team to spawn rip. have double litesayber guy big gun shooter thing healy probe person and overchargin mah saber assassin to make play with. ASL?


my asl is 3/???/murica


this post makes my eyes hurt


you know you loved it keiki :D

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weed, crack, heroin, pcp, lsd, speed, meth, mdma, ketamine?


or like, illegal aliens?


Well yea...Those things come up...But I mean like...illegal sex stuff...involving other species...Man on man flirting too...


And Thor...Thor still gets mentioned...For the past few months...

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arizona iced out boys r recrutin but r u swage enuf 2 join? i donts nots thinks so!


Ey remmber som1 who wr0te as well as dis lking 4 a guild on these 4ums. GG WP IMBA OP noob QQ.


oy m8 ill bop u right der in da gabber if u think ur gona mes wit me like dis donts nots expects reterliation!


My head hurts :(

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guise pls i just want a swaq guild filed with da best peoples their is in the games. (i forget to mention u need gardenoflight lvl skillz (with the z) to be worthy o me)


Brah, I b makin sweg gild for da PvP hood mang, legit100%OPNoHax&NoNubzFullZerkRankedSetOnly, you wan pwn nubz wit me brah? I b making it dis suma when I'm b free, some fresh premaids gon b dere to to pwn som nubs in reg PvPs. Brah, we be de best don't need nubz to join wit us, we gon b lik 8 man premaid but wit onli 2 ppl. U down? U b liftin me wit blak magix I b pwnnin nubz on marudar.

Edited by Tevzz
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Brah, I b makin sweg gild for da PvP hood mang, legit100%OPNoHax&NoNubzFullZerkRankedSetOnly, you wan pwn nubz wit me brah? I b making it dis suma when I'm b free, some fresh premaids gon b dere to to pwn som nubs in reg PvPs. Brah, we be de best don't need nubz to join wit us, we gon b lik 8 man premaid but wit onli 2 ppl. U down? U b liftin me wit blak magix I b pwnnin nubz on marudar.


lawl tis gay is super skrub lrn2recruteppl2urguild betr lik me! such dum face pepl replye 2 tis thred MAKE ME MAD! cus CANTS NOTS PLAY!@

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lawl tis gay is super skrub lrn2recruteppl2urguild betr lik me! such dum face pepl replye 2 tis thred MAKE ME MAD! cus CANTS NOTS PLAY!@


bru I smesh u for 999999999k wit force scream pwn ur comp so hurd game is disunstall and CPU b melting. I pwn nubz all day mang 25 hors par day 8 deys par weak, don't nid to recrut ppl cos da ppl comes to me bru I b pwnin2much. Nubz say I is haxoring end wan me 2 git nurfd mang. I iz pwn 2 much 4 nubz bru, at the end of the mathc I b like Soz4Pwn nubz, GG HF L2P cant pwn me, smesh 2 pro with auto-crit screm bruits truli best spec world mang.

Edited by Tevzz
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