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Kaggath Tournament Finals - Droid Supremacy vs Dark Imperium


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They'll be vulnerable in space though, once G0-T0 gets spies on those stealthed vessels he can ambush, cripple and board or destroy them and take potentially half of the Imperium's shadow stormtroopers with them.


If you are referring to the HK takeover strategy, did we ever decide how long that would take?


It was agreed that the factories on Geonosis can produce 50,000 droids a day. I can't say for the factories on Kamino however, though we know in regards to the cloning facilities that clones can be created in the space of weeks, I expect we could see hundreds if not thousands more Terror Troopers coming off the line in short space of time.




I feel that if G0-T0 manages to sustain a constant siege on Saleucami - the Imperium's military base - they can whittle down the Imperium's forces with constant waves of battle droids hitting them in the open while Terror Units use the chaos to slip behind enemy lines and carve them up where there vulnerable and unaware.


Well, remember that G0-T0 apparently only starts with 5,000 droids. So he can't attack right away. That would be foolish.


Now of course this does depend partly on the factories remaining intact, but they are not so easy to destroy as one might think. The cities on Kamino are well protected by turrets and shields and as such are impervious to bombardment, they can't be approached from land either which makes them quite difficult to infiltrate.


Considering that the Separatists managed to land troops multiple times, I think the Imperium can handle a direct assault.


The factories on Geonosis are more vulnerable and not as well protected but they are still ray shielded, which will prevent then from being destroyed by bombing runs or bombardment. The Imperium will have to assault and infiltrate the factories directly, and they will meet stiff resistance as these areas are well fortified and also provide nowhere to hide or sneak, they'll be flushed out in the open and under such conditions they'll be vulnerable.


Those factories can be infiltrated. We've seen it happen before.


And yeah, exams are on there way, so I expect everyone in education is knuckling down. :p


My classes have been fairly light right now, so I have been able to get ahead and see what's coming down the road. Perks to an online education, I guess. :p

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If you are referring to the HK takeover strategy, did we ever decide how long that would take?



Well, remember that G0-T0 apparently only starts with 5,000 droids. So he can't attack right away. That would be foolish.



Considering that the Separatists managed to land troops multiple times, I think the Imperium can handle a direct assault.



Those factories can be infiltrated. We've seen it happen before.



My classes have been fairly light right now, so I have been able to get ahead and see what's coming down the road. Perks to an online education, I guess. :p

1. As soon as discovers the existence of the stealth fleet, he'll start transmitting that signal. So as soon as they attack.


2. This much is true, but he'll only use that time to mount naval attacks and soften them up for ground invasion. That said he only has to wait a day before he has a sizable army on his hands.


3. While true, it eliminates the possibility of undercover strike teams, a full on invasion will be necessary. Noting that Timira City is far better defended than Tipoca, defenses that proved a challenge even to Starkiller.


4. Yes but again it required a full scale invasion to be pulled off.


5. Well aren't you lucky. :p

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Warren, Silenceo, and Canino have all *waves hands* magically disappeared. That leaves no one to defend the DS. I have yet to make up my mind on who I would support.


Disappeared? No. Correction, gathering information and planning out the war before it happens would be much more accurate. I rarely post much in the first 20 pages of Kaggaths, i tend to spend most of that simply watching, observing, learning... I am very much here, and I am very close to emerging fully from the shadows. After all, at one point I have argued for both of these factions, and choosing a favorite is never easy.

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SUGGESTION: I recommend far better assassins if you plan to delete me, foolish organic. Those pathetic meatbags deserved nothing less then the painful deaths I gave them.


STATEMENT: I find it insulting that you believe those things capable of destroying me. In fact, I find them to be a disgrace to assassins throughout the galaxy.


You can't get rid of me, Sel. And, for the record, I've had rehearsal through out the week keeping me busy. So busy, that even looking at the forums was not on my mind.:eek:


Anyway, I have a point I want to bring up, but not now. I have work to catch up on (yay horrible teachers who still give work even though I am still coming into school to rehearse while they are on vacation on a cruise). When I have time, I'll post.

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1. As soon as discovers the existence of the stealth fleet, he'll start transmitting that signal. So as soon as they attack.


2. This much is true, but he'll only use that time to mount naval attacks and soften them up for ground invasion. That said he only has to wait a day before he has a sizable army on his hands.


3. While true, it eliminates the possibility of undercover strike teams, a full on invasion will be necessary. Noting that Timira City is far better defended than Tipoca, defenses that proved a challenge even to Starkiller.


4. Yes but again it required a full scale invasion to be pulled off.


5. Well aren't you lucky. :p


1. Well, my question was how long will it take for them to get the signal ready. I seem to recall a fair bit of discussion on that from previous threads.


2. He does have to deal with a pretty powerful fleet. I mean, we're talking Rakata tech here. It's going to take some heavy muscle to take them out.


3. Again, I don't have the novel so I'm going off the game (ignoring the bajillion Walkers, of course), but that was Imperial defenses. I don't think B1s are in the same league as Stormtroopers. Thanks, TCW. :p


4. Maybe, maybe not. The DI's stealth tech would probably diminish the possibility of engaging in actual battlefield conflict. Sure, you need a naval engagement, but that part isn't too difficult for Harrowers.


5. I am. :D

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1. Well, my question was how long will it take for them to get the signal ready. I seem to recall a fair bit of discussion on that from previous threads.


2. He does have to deal with a pretty powerful fleet. I mean, we're talking Rakata tech here. It's going to take some heavy muscle to take them out.


3. Again, I don't have the novel so I'm going off the game (ignoring the bajillion Walkers, of course), but that was Imperial defenses. I don't think B1s are in the same league as Stormtroopers. Thanks, TCW. :p


4. Maybe, maybe not. The DI's stealth tech would probably diminish the possibility of engaging in actual battlefield conflict. Sure, you need a naval engagement, but that part isn't too difficult for Harrowers.


5. I am. :D


I'm back ladies, posting some scenarios tomorrow!


However Aurbere, been working solidly on that favor you asked of me, just thought I'd say, should be ready for monday... I hope.

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I'm back ladies, posting some scenarios tomorrow!


However Aurbere, been working solidly on that favor you asked of me, just thought I'd say, should be ready for monday... I hope.


Okey dokey.


Edit: You'll see that put to use in my BattleZone 2v2 demo.

Edited by Aurbere
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1. Well, my question was how long will it take for them to get the signal ready. I seem to recall a fair bit of discussion on that from previous threads.


2. He does have to deal with a pretty powerful fleet. I mean, we're talking Rakata tech here. It's going to take some heavy muscle to take them out.


3. Again, I don't have the novel so I'm going off the game (ignoring the bajillion Walkers, of course), but that was Imperial defenses. I don't think B1s are in the same league as Stormtroopers. Thanks, TCW. :p


4. Maybe, maybe not. The DI's stealth tech would probably diminish the possibility of engaging in actual battlefield conflict. Sure, you need a naval engagement, but that part isn't too difficult for Harrowers.


5. I am. :D

1. Well considering HK-01 has already used the signal, and G0-T0 a similar one, I assume no time at all.


2. I'm sure G0-T0 will realise that and for that reason not take it head on, if he can track and isolate the ships, then hack the droids on board and have them sabotage key systems, assisted by boarding parties, he can take over the vessels without firing a single shot, I doubt G0-T0 will use any capital ships at all, just hacked droids and Terror Units.


3. Well considering that they are installed as permanent fixtures on sight as opposed to something like the Golan-battle platforms above Coruscant I think its safe to assume that these come under the cities defenses. Especially considering they were integral to keeping the cloned terror units and what not under control. Things that won't be there are the droids, troopers etc. I'll go over some cutscenes and come up with a comprehensive list.


Invasions strategies and counter strategies for both sides would be useful there, I feel if the Supremacy can hold on to Kamino they can overcome the Imperium's specialized advantages with their own army of infiltrators.


4. I'm more referring to the ground invasion, without stealthed transports the Imperium will have to land their troops a distance from the factories or they'll simple be shot down. They could send a small group in a set of fighters, but they'd be detected as soon as they pass through the ray shield which will make inflitration difficult.


OK I think there is a lot more to be discussed here, I think we should focus more closely on invasion strategies for the Imperium on Geonosis and Kamino, and vice versa, and maybe some thoughts on how G0-T0 will get to Malachor.


In terms of space though I honestly think they'll just destroy each other, I think the Supremacy can take down portions of the stealth fleet and the rest of the fleet can overwhelm the Venators and the rest but at significant causalities.

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Hard to concentrate on more then 1 debate at a time for me :p. I will get to this when others are more calm and I have time to catch up on all i Havent read yet here.


Pretty much this.


I still have a few huge arguments to make, but the Battlezone's taking up my time :p Including my aurbere-work :p

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I'll go ahead and post my thoughts on ground invasions.


I believe that the biggest target (concerning ground forces) for the DI is Geonosis. While the Terror Units are a major threat, an unlimited horde of battle droids is a much greater threat. So Geonosis will be a primary target, imo.


I'll reiterate my point about stealth. Even if a DI invasion is detected, the effectiveness of stealth tech and the limitations of the Trade Federation Battle Droids will allow the Shadow Troopers to pick their battles and infiltrate factories as they please, while also taking minimal casualties.


Concerning Malachor, does anyone else think the Terror Troopers may be susceptible to Malachor's power?

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I'll go ahead and post my thoughts on ground invasions.


I believe that the biggest target (concerning ground forces) for the DI is Geonosis. While the Terror Units are a major threat, an unlimited horde of battle droids is a much greater threat. So Geonosis will be a primary target, imo.


I'll reiterate my point about stealth. Even if a DI invasion is detected, the effectiveness of stealth tech and the limitations of the Trade Federation Battle Droids will allow the Shadow Troopers to pick their battles and infiltrate factories as they please, while also taking minimal casualties.


Concerning Malachor, does anyone else think the Terror Troopers may be susceptible to Malachor's power?


Not sure whether terror troopers are susceptible to Malachor. Geonosis is a huge undertaking for the DI to attempt. The GAR was unable to hold Geonosis even after its inital invasion.


Would the DS get the advantage of geonosian warriors?

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Not sure whether terror troopers are susceptible to Malachor. Geonosis is a huge undertaking for the DI to attempt. The GAR was unable to hold Geonosis even after its inital invasion.


Would the DS get the advantage of geonosian warriors?


Occupation is not the plan. Here is why:


G0-T0 lurks in the shadows. He lets others do his work for him while he sits in a managerial position. The only way to get to G0-T0 is to take out his infrastructure and force him to accomplish his primary objective personally. Traya is set up in a nearly unassailable position, which means that she can afford to hole up and wait. G0-T0 relies on infrastructure because his elite forces are severely limited. The same can be said for Traya's forces, but they are able to fight on their own terms to minimize casualties.


So basically, all the Imperium is doing on Geonosis is destroying factories. They have no intention of occupying the planet.


And, I don't know if the DS gets geonosians. I'd say yes.

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They don't have the advantage of the Geonosion warriors as that would count as third-party army. They do however have the workers needed to work the machines, if any are needed at all.

I'll go ahead and post my thoughts on ground invasions.


I believe that the biggest target (concerning ground forces) for the DI is Geonosis. While the Terror Units are a major threat, an unlimited horde of battle droids is a much greater threat. So Geonosis will be a primary target, imo.


I'll reiterate my point about stealth. Even if a DI invasion is detected, the effectiveness of stealth tech and the limitations of the Trade Federation Battle Droids will allow the Shadow Troopers to pick their battles and infiltrate factories as they please, while also taking minimal casualties.


Concerning Malachor, does anyone else think the Terror Troopers may be susceptible to Malachor's power?

I think some of the factories could be infiltrated that way by landing stealthed starships near the factory, the sneaking in troopers to plant bombs in the reactor chambers. But this could still prove difficult, breaking into the reactor chamber (which is probably guarded anyway) is going to draw attention and droids will soon be dispatched to deal with them.


That is if they can even find their way around, remember the Republic had the massive advantage of actually having the complete plans to the factories, these troopers will be going in completely blind and Geonosian hives are not exactly easy or save to navigate. They might not even find the reactor or anything worth blowing up.


A few battle droids I'm sure they can handle, but Droidekas? And possibly Terror Troopers? It seems unlikely with the small force they are dealing with. On top that that even if the first few are successful, the Imperium will soon get wise and have the reactor chambers heavily guarded. And with the primary factory as far as the Supremacy is aware there is only one way in, right through the front door over that bridge - good luck sneaking into that one.


I think for this reason that they'd have to launch a full ground invasion to distract the battle droids. But even then they could be caught and overwhelmed, it may come down to actually invading the factories themselves.


And on an open battlefield with troopers who frankly aren't designed for that kind of warfare, casualties will be high.


Well the effect that the Force has on a person's mind is determined by their willpower. And I suspect these elite soldiers, who probably have undergone all kinds of mental conditioning and cybernetic enhancements are likely very strong willed, and they don't need to worry about the dark side as much as a Jedi.


I'd say they'd be distracted, but not enough to prevent them from fighting. The rest should be immune.

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Occupation is not the plan. Here is why:


G0-T0 lurks in the shadows. He lets others do his work for him while he sits in a managerial position. The only way to get to G0-T0 is to take out his infrastructure and force him to accomplish his primary objective personally. Traya is set up in a nearly unassailable position, which means that she can afford to hole up and wait. G0-T0 relies on infrastructure because his elite forces are severely limited. The same can be said for Traya's forces, but they are able to fight on their own terms to minimize casualties.


So basically, all the Imperium is doing on Geonosis is destroying factories. They have no intention of occupying the planet.


And, I don't know if the DS gets geonosians. I'd say yes.

In regards to Malachor, deploying drop pods filled with Terror Units and maybe battle droids could prove an effective means of taking the planet. Terror Units vs Sith Assassins anyone?
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In regards to Malachor, deploying drop pods filled with Terror Units and maybe battle droids could prove an effective means of taking the planet. Terror Units vs Sith Assassins anyone?


Not sure a single terror unit would be able to match an assassin. Perhaps a few terror units vs one assassin, but the terror units could still take assassins out.

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Well the effect that the Force has on a person's mind is determined by their willpower. And I suspect these elite soldiers, who probably have undergone all kinds of mental conditioning and cybernetic enhancements are likely very strong willed, and they don't need to worry about the dark side as much as a Jedi.


I'd say they'd be distracted, but not enough to prevent them from fighting. The rest should be immune.


I suppose you have some sort of source stating this? Because if not, there isn't any value to it. We can't just assume that Terror Troopers have gone under mental training or assume they are strong willed.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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