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Kaggath Tournament Finals - Droid Supremacy vs Dark Imperium


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Well I'd be interested to hear thoughts on say how Traya will defend Malachor if G0-T0 manages to launch some drop pods filled with Terror Soldiers and the like. And also how G0-T0 will evade Traya's assassins on Nar Shaddaa.


i.e. assassination scenarios/arguments etc. Unless we have further thoughts on an invasion of Kamino.

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I may have already asked this, but does the DS get Terror Troops or Terror Troops + droids n all that?
Yes they do.
If GO-TO manages to drop terror troopers onto Malachor, I believe that Traya's best chance at defeating them is with her assassins. However GO-TO would need to defeat any space forces above Malachor first, which I see as highly unlikely.
I think given the numerical advantage the Supremacy has they could simply outmaneuver them.
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Yes they do.I think given the numerical advantage the Supremacy has they could simply outmaneuver them.


Alright wasn't sure, that being said then...the Sith Assassins are gonna be hard pressed to destroy the Terror Droids, I mean they could with their force pikes probably as full power could rip through flesh, armor, stone and thin durasteel.


"At it's maximum setting, a force pike could rip through flesh, armor, stone and even thin durasteel plating"


- Taken from New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology.


But then some of those droids are quick and have pretty good long range attacks.


If the Shadow Stormtroopers can survive on Malachor(don't think so personally, but just saying), that could help close the gap with the range. However then you have the Terror Troops(again just saying if they could survive on Malachor) who move faster than the eye can perceive, which means...the Terror Troops could essentially just speedblitz squads of Shadow Stormtroopers and then focus on the Sith Assassins along with the Terror Droids.


Buut...that's how I see it working out. The DI can take out the Terror Units...but they'll be hard pressed to do so.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Alright wasn't sure, that being said then...the Sith Assassins are gonna be hard pressed to destroy the Terror Droids, I mean they could with their force pikes probably as full power could rip through flesh, armor, stone and thin durasteel.

But then some of those droids are quick and have pretty good long range attacks.

If the Shadow Stormtroopers can survive on Malachor(don't think so personally, but just saying), that could help close the gap with the range. However then you have the Terror Troops(again just saying if they could survive on Malachor) who move faster than the eye can perceive, which means...the Terror Troops could essentially just speedblitz squads of Shadow Stormtroopers and then focus on the Sith Assassins along with the Terror Droids.


Buut...that's how I see it working out. The DI can take out the Terror Units...but they'll be hard pressed to do so.

Can we make some distinction between creative writing and fact?


Faster than the eye can perceive obviously depends on how close the thing is to you, but we're talking hundreds of m/ph minimum here.


And eh, I reckon the elite shadow troopers can survive on malachor, but only the best.

Traya's commandos survived because they were mildly force sensitive, not enough to shoot lightning etc but still force sensitive.

A way of telling if someone is mildly force sensitive is their luck/skill, and shadow troopers are very skillful, as well as more durable and fast than other humans, yet another sign of force sensitivity.

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Can we make some distinction between creative writing and fact?


Faster than the eye can perceive obviously depends on how close the thing is to you, but we're talking hundreds of m/ph minimum here.


And eh, I reckon the elite shadow troopers can survive on malachor, but only the best.

Traya's commandos survived because they were mildly force sensitive, not enough to shoot lightning etc but still force sensitive.

A way of telling if someone is mildly force sensitive is their luck/skill, and shadow troopers are very skillful, as well as more durable and fast than other humans, yet another sign of force sensitivity.

Probably true, but "very fast" definitely still applies. They might have even been equipped with repulsorlifts or something given that their speed was frankly unnatural - it did also feature in both cutscenes and game mechanics.


I think they'd have to be trained, which may be possible even if in a short amount of time, if Traya is able to use the Force to do it. But this limits the number present, however it is still possible.


I think Traya may have to take to the field. Which reminds me, Maul, he could prove effective if dispatched along with some assassins to track down G0-T0 on Nar Shaddaa (Black Sun style). He is also an accomplished tracker I believe.


That could prove a big issue for G0-T0.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Probably true, but "very fast" definitely still applies. They might have even been equipped with repulsorlifts or something given that their speed was frankly unnatural - it did also feature in both cutscenes and game mechanics.


I think they'd have to be trained, which may be possible even if in a short amount of time, if Traya is able to use the Force to do it. But this limits the number present, however it is still possible.


I think Traya may have to take to the field. Which reminds me, Maul, he could prove effective if dispatched along with some assassins to track down G0-T0 on Nar Shaddaa (Black Sun style). He is also an accomplished tracker I believe.


That could prove a big issue for G0-T0.



I'm working on it :p


But yeh, Traya taking to the field... I almost feel sorry for the terror units, her Force Storms would make pretty short work of them.

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Can we make some distinction between creative writing and fact?


Faster than the eye can perceive obviously depends on how close the thing is to you, but we're talking hundreds of m/ph minimum here.


And eh, I reckon the elite shadow troopers can survive on malachor, but only the best.

Traya's commandos survived because they were mildly force sensitive, not enough to shoot lightning etc but still force sensitive.

A way of telling if someone is mildly force sensitive is their luck/skill, and shadow troopers are very skillful, as well as more durable and fast than other humans, yet another sign of force sensitivity.


I assume you have some sort of source saying that Shadow Troopers are more durable/faster then humans?....Because they are humans too.


The Terror Troopers are still fast enough that they seem to disappear as shown..




Shadow Troopers have NEVER dealt with something that fast, they have shown no reactions or abilities above human levels. So they aren't gonna be able to take out Terror Troops...or at least not any great number of them if possible.


But this assuming that Shadows/Terrors can survive on Malachor for any extended period of time, if not then that just leaves the Terror Droids and SIth Assassins...which again the assassins could take out the droids...but then the droids could also take out the assassins.


Of course this isn't involving Traya, if she appears then yeah...probably tips the favor in the DI winning in that battle on Malachor as she takes out the droids.




Now the defense in relation for the DS is...well poor, at least compared to the DI. The DS doesn't really have anything to counter Maul(PROXY & Guri would at best be a nuisance to him really), in fact he could probably just solo the mission to find/kill GO-TO considering he has great stealth/espionage capabilities and so forth.


Finding GO-TO is the only issue.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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OK so it seems that Aurbere and Selenial had scenarios planned, if you'd like to confirm that that would be great so I can give you a little time before I call this.


And I assume the busy period is now coming to an end? I require minions to exact my plans!

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OK so it seems that Aurbere and Selenial had scenarios planned, if you'd like to confirm that that would be great so I can give you a little time before I call this.


And I assume the busy period is now coming to an end? I require minions to exact my plans!


I have something in mind, still working on the details though.

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I was kind of hoping to see what Sel had planned for bringing G0-T0 out, but I guess I can post my thoughts on it.


Give me some time to get everything in order.


I've been busy I'm afraid.


I still don't have time for the whole fanfic style writing, I'll just post some bullet points up tonight...

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Ok, Here goes. I'm pretty happy with this scenario :p

But yeh


  • The Imperium launch an attack on Mon Cala.
    Knowing that G0-T0 took a droid and turned him against his master, 4 vessels are at the front of the Imperium fleet creating a communications barrier. No enemy vessels can communicate or send transmissions, and neither can the 4 ships creating the barrier. The remaining imperium ships are kept behind the barrier, free to communicate. Traya has 4 of her best assassins (force wielders) on each vessel, and uses them as a hive mind to communicate, using the force to whisper in their minds and listen for responses.
    Mon Cala is taken with ease.
  • Maul sends a transmission from Mon Calamari, saying that G0-T0 is a droid, and that the Imperium has the wealth of a galaxy to spend, and will reward any criminals working for him. He speaks of his conquest of Malachor, and gives the criminals of Nar Shadaa a choice, Die in their old world, or live as kings in Trayas new one.
    He also talks about G0-T0 wanting what's best for the Republic, not their criminal contracts.
  • Maul goes to Nar Shadaa with a task of Assassins and the best Shadow Troopers' Infiltrators, but instead of looking for G0-T0 he scours for HK-01
  • When HK-01 is found, HK-47 requests a meeting in deep space, with no chance to create any hacking devices, HK-01 cannot Hack 47. 47 dictates that he cannot harm 01 due to their programming constraints, and whether or not he's speaking the truth, 01 believes him.
  • 01 meets 47, but brings Guri, knowing that he cannot challenge 47 alone if things go south. 47 proposes an idea, that G0-T0 doesn't want droids to have a stable role in this society, and intends to carry on using them as slaves to build the republic from the ground up. He proposes an Alliance with Traya, after which their communications guard will be let down and Hk-01 is free to hack the imperium and revolt with Guri and 01.
    Both droids accept.
  • Back on Nar Shadaa, Maul has implanted Spies in G0-T0's infrastructure, and dealt with anyone truly loyal to the droid.
  • 01 and Guri request a meeting with G0-T0 when he next contacts them, saying they may have an end to the war. G0-T0, knowing his fleet has lost and he lacks the ability to put competent ground forces into action, accepts. It is there that the Imperium spies, Guri, 01, and Stealthed DI forces (Assassins and HK) find G0-T0 on the bridge and execute him.
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Well, I had something different, but good job Sel. Here's what I was thinking.


The DI turtles up and uses a group of Rakata tech enhanced Harrowers to destabilize the DS' infrastructure, specifically the shipyards of Mon Calamari. If the attack is a success (let's face it, it probably will be), then the DS loses a major asset. Without a stable fleet production, the DS has no real way to field their massive numerical advantage, which allows the DI to move more freely and begin taking the offensive. They can hunt G0-T0 down and practically ignore the ground forces on the DS' worlds because there is no real need to engage them. They can just use BDZ tactics wherever they may find G0-T0.


Factor in Maul and HK in the underworld and tracking G0-T0 may not be as difficult as we think.




That's a basic argument for now.

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Good arguments from both sides, but I'd point out two things.



  1. The Imperium cannot exactly "turtle up" with the small amount of ships they possess
  2. HK-01 is an unknown, they'd have to discover his existence first which will be tricky.

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Good arguments from both sides, but I'd point out two things.



  1. The Imperium cannot exactly "turtle up" with the small amount of ships they possess
  2. HK-01 is an unknown, they'd have to discover his existence first which will be tricky.


Correct, the Imperium is at a numerical disadvantage, but when that first hit from the Harrowers comes in, the DS will backpedal in an attempt to fight against the stealthed vessels, lest they leave themselves easy prey.


Besides, I'm sure the rest of the DI can hold its own in a battle. Dat fighter tech, you know?

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