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What is the tiebreaker in GSF TDM?


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There is no tiebreaker. In case of a tie both teams lose.


This is really the only fair way to do it -- having a tie breaker such as 'team with most damage' or 'team who got last or first kill' etc just wouldn't be fair.


It would also be really dumb to let both teams have a win...so here we are.


I've had the misfortune of being in around 5 ties so far in DM.


On a side note -- has anybody ever seen a tie in Domination? I've seen some 1000-999 matches, but never a tie.....

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On a side note -- has anybody ever seen a tie in Domination? I've seen some 1000-999 matches, but never a tie.....


Only when there was not enough players. As Domination is also time limited, a tie could happen, but ti would have to be a helluva match I would so much want to attend. The result, however, is also a loss on both sides.


What about having both teams... tie?


I mean, I'm no professional, but I'd think that having tied games end in a tie sounds pretty reasonable.


This is WAR, not soccer!


I doubt Darth Whatever would be okay with his fighter squadron returning with "yeah, the opposition was bout the same strong as us, so we called a tie and went home."

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What about having both teams... tie?


I mean, I'm no professional, but I'd think that having tied games end in a tie sounds pretty reasonable.


LOL! Only retort I have is that sporting events don't have ties b/c of their competitive nature. Wait... I'm being told by my GF that flying around in a starship isn't a sport... And she confused "pilot" for "giant nerd". You may be on to something Armonddd

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This is WAR, not soccer!


I doubt Darth Whatever would be okay with his fighter squadron returning with "yeah, the opposition was bout the same strong as us, so we called a tie and went home."


LOL! Only retort I have is that sporting events don't have ties b/c of their competitive nature. Wait... I'm being told by my GF that flying around in a starship isn't a sport... And she confused "pilot" for "giant nerd". You may be on to something Armonddd


Technically, that would fall under the game not ending as a tied game.


Honestly, I'd like a sudden death mode in the event of a tie. First team to score a point wins, GL don't suck.

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A NERD with a GIRLFRIEND :p:p:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::p:p


Seriously, tiebreaker can't be fair. Just make it both people lose. Think about it. If someone gives up, the others has won. If someone dies, the one alive has won. If both die, then both have lost. There is no way both will stay alive without dying. Or any Sith Warrior will kill his pilots for this failure :p

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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