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Or if you look at their forums you will notice people are getting to 50 in less than 24 hours through a nice little pvp exploit. Though I'm sure there are some doing it through legit means. :rolleyes: Edited by Onrush
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It's called powerlevelling. Most likely through grinding mobs, or these people played beta, went in a group of 4, learned what quest to do at what point, figure out the best way to level etc..


I've been playing for 22 hours and i'm only level 12. And it takes around 2 hours to get to level 10 on korriban :rolleyes:








O you are back and I know what it's called thank you though. Not sure what one planet in SWTOR has to do with the subject though , but the power levelers in SWTOR took about 48 hours to get to 50. I can guarantee that Korriban didn't take you 2 hours on your first play through though. At least SWTOR has 8 advanced classes with another 8 mirrored. the first person to post getting all 16 to 50 did so on the 3rd of Feb 2013. I wonder when someone will get their 3 classes ( factions ) to level 50 in ESO ?





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1. You obviously have a disliking to ESO

2. You've made a thread about ESO

3. You're spending the time of your day to talk about how bad you think ESO is

4. You're crying about launch issues. Seriously. It's the launch of probably the most popular MMO of this year. What do you expect? Are you mad that you can't log in? Maybe you should have expected there would be issues.


By the way, no MMO launch is perfect. Though so far ESO has been running pretty well. I've had one or two bits of lag but since Ive been playing practically non stop from 10 minutes after the server went up, it's gone quite smoothly for me.


Maybe you're jealous? Maybe this is your defence reflex? Maybe deep down you're scared to leave this game, scared of change because you've played this game for so long.


It's okay. We all understand.


Oh what the heck, I'll bite.


1. I like ESO. I pre-ordered it, why else would I pre-order it?

2. Yes... yes I have. Point?

3. I've spent all of 0 minutes talking about how bad ESO is. I like the game. (I have, however, spent a bit of time complaining about the forums and the bugs, but not really much of my time)

4. Well, SW:TOR was about as popular at launch and they didn't have any launch issues like that. The biggest problem people had were long ques to get onto servers. Other than that tho, practically no bugs (and definately none like the ones in ESO where people can't even log in and play)


It's nice that it's working for you, but alot of people are on their forums right now and are pretty upset.

And I'll be playing both games, like I've told you repeatedly.

But you have proven that you just kinda ignore parts of what people say if they don't fit your views.


If you enjoy ESO so much, why aren't you there playing right now then? Why are you here and not in the game?

Oh and don't say "because I needed a break" becaus you could have spent that break on the ESO forums :)

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Can we finally discuss things in this forum without being constantly bombarded by people who think this game is bad but are inexplicably still here?


Have they all left for ESO as they said they would?




Even if they did leave for ESO, they will be back tomorrow.

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Even if they did leave for ESO, they will be back tomorrow.


To tell us how awesome and fun and amazing it is and how it will end world hunger, while bashing it on the official ESO forums?


Can't wait. In the meantime I'll pretend to be a magical girl pokemon trainer and SWTOR fan fiction.

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To tell us how awesome and fun and amazing it is and how it will end world hunger, while bashing it on the official ESO forums?


Can't wait. In the meantime I'll pretend to be a magical girl pokemon trainer and SWTOR fan fiction.


Can my ****** Naruto Crossover Ninja with Force powers join you?


He has a mean Force Lightning Rasengan, I promise!



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Only WoD I've played was a Changeling game that went seriously awry and unfortunately did not involve a golem made from waste nuclear material stolen from France, but did have a vampire possessing a nearby town and attempting to eat us all.


I'm guessing that MMO wouldn't be anything like that.


It is rumoured that this WoD will be more or less a modern clone after Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. It is supposedly in development at CCP Games, after they bought White Wolf Publishing. They are keeping a very tight ship and not saying much about it, but they DID have some personnel layoff, which almost makes it vaporware.


It will be one of the very few modern day MMO - more or less a wanna be "smarter" The Secret World, with vampires. The idea is awfully compelling.




A quote there is hilarious: "The way the characters move around the city feels very vampiric" - It almost sound like "We want you to feel heroic".

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It is rumoured that this WoD will be more or less a modern clone after Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. It is supposedly in development at CCP Games, after they bought White Wolf Publishing. They are keeping a very tight ship and not saying much about it, but they DID have some personnel layoff, which almost makes it vaporware.


It will be one of the very few modern day MMO - more or less a wanna be "smarter" The Secret World, with vampires. The idea is awfully compelling.




A quote there is hilarious: "The way the characters move around the city feels very vampiric" - It almost sound like "We want you to feel heroic".


I don't know about the whole "wanna be secret world" since world of darkness IP dates long before it and to be honest, bloodlines (and redemption, yes, I said it, I love that game) IMO aged pretty well.


I can definitely see how Bloodlines could work as an MMO setting and would be curious to see how they handle Malkavian and Nospheratu :p its possible that that's what they referred to as far as "vampiric" is concerned. and/or seeing regular people as potential prey?


either way, it would be interesting to see

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It is rumoured that this WoD will be more or less a modern clone after Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. It is supposedly in development at CCP Games, after they bought White Wolf Publishing. They are keeping a very tight ship and not saying much about it, but they DID have some personnel layoff, which almost makes it vaporware.


It will be one of the very few modern day MMO - more or less a wanna be "smarter" The Secret World, with vampires. The idea is awfully compelling.




A quote there is hilarious: "The way the characters move around the city feels very vampiric" - It almost sound like "We want you to feel heroic".

For a good month after Warlords of Draenor was announced, every time I saw an article on a videogame site or a forum post that only referenced "WoD" in its headline I kept thinking "Oooh, finally something new on the World of Darkness MMO!?" followed one short click later by "D'oh!"

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I don't know about the whole "wanna be secret world" since world of darkness IP dates long before it and to be honest, bloodlines (and redemption, yes, I said it, I love that game) IMO aged pretty well.


I can definitely see how Bloodlines could work as an MMO setting and would be curious to see how they handle Malkavian and Nospheratu :p its possible that that's what they referred to as far as "vampiric" is concerned. and/or seeing regular people as potential prey?


either way, it would be interesting to see


From what bits and pieces I could find, everybody starts human and it is possible to keep being human. You need a player to transform you (I assume biting), which will pretty much decide / influence your clan. The Masquerade is supposedly in play and enforced, or will play a big role. They also say they have measures in place against the inevitable naked hillbillies yelling in the middle of the town "I R VamPiRez!". Google is your friend - here and there are SOME pieces of info lying around.


The downside of all this is the CCP Games - and they say it WILL be more on the hardcore side. Supposedly perma death is present, albeit only in a few cases. Nothing new for the name behind the game, though.

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To tell us how awesome and fun and amazing it is and how it will end world hunger, while bashing it on the official ESO forums?


Can't wait. In the meantime I'll pretend to be a magical girl pokemon trainer and SWTOR fan fiction.


They're already back :p

Apparantly the game was so good that they played it for all of 2 days before returning here :rolleyes:

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Can we finally discuss things in this forum without being constantly bombarded by people who think this game is bad but are inexplicably still here?




I'm guessing people "constantly bombard" the forums about their dislike for the game, because they get an anxious and dramatic response from people like you. Here, you cried enough to make your own "Yay, nobody can criticize my game!" thread.


I find it hilarious that somebody makes a "SWTOR Sux" thread and people like you can bump it for weeks with 10 pages full of replies.


Just let the threads die, or don't let them get to you. Who cares if somebody doesn't like your game? My kid tells me almost every day how much she hates broccoli. I still eat it.

Edited by Graydon
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I really cant decide who is more pathetic, the ignorant people claiming one game is going to kill another game before its even out or the blind cheerleaders hoping people leave their game just so they don't have to hear anyone criticize it. And neither group seems to know a damn thing about the history of mmos.


Its like choosing whos more annoying, evangelical Christians shoving their religion down your throat or the unrelenting atheists ************ about how religion is destroying the world.


I am impressed that you took my thread seriously.

I sure didn't :p

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I really cant decide who is more pathetic, the ignorant people claiming one game is going to kill another game before its even out or the blind cheerleaders hoping people leave their game just so they don't have to hear anyone criticize it. And neither group seems to know a damn thing about the history of mmos.


It's not about critique for most people, I guess. But it's quite annoying when there is a whole bunch of people in the community (that you like to participate in) of the game (you like to play, despite all of its flaws), that obviously can't accept the fact that some people are still having fun and thus want to spoil it for everyone else. And yeah, that's exactly what all those anti-SWTOR-crusaders obviously are trying to do.

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It's not about critique for most people, I guess. But it's quite annoying when there is a whole bunch of people in the community (that you like to participate in) of the game (you like to play, despite all of its flaws), that obviously can't accept the fact that some people are still having fun and thus want to spoil it for everyone else. And yeah, that's exactly what all those anti-SWTOR-crusaders obviously are trying to do.


If they are posting here they probably aren't "anti-SWTOR-crusaders" because theyre paying to play the game, maybe they just want it fixed so we don't have another star wars mmo ruined by a game company that should know better.

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If they are posting here they probably aren't "anti-SWTOR-crusaders" because theyre paying to play the game, maybe they just want it fixed so we don't have another star wars mmo ruined by a game company that should know better.



"this game is a horrible failure"

"developers hate us"

"this game sucks and you are dumb for enjoying it"

"this ****** game will die once "insert upcoming game here" is released"

etc etc


are all such constructive critiques meant to improve them game amirite?


ruined. ruined. that word gets overused a lot.

fixed. arm chair developers are sooo much fun >_> people who think they know better than everyone else and who think their personal preferences trump those of multiple other people, so helpful, sooo useful. I especially love people who in the same breath accuse the game of copying some other game AND asking for this game to be more like that game they just accused SWTOR of copying.


incidentally, and I may have said it before, but playing ESO is painfully reminding me why I'm not a fan of MMO's depending on addons for their features >_>

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I like how people said that ESO will kill SW:TOR.


31.03 - Tython - around 80 people online at around 1pm gmt ( +1 )

01.04 - Tython - same server, same time, around 140-150 people ( middle of working day )


I know it's just one planet, but i think that this clearly shows that this game is now dead.

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"this game is a horrible failure"

"developers hate us"

"this game sucks and you are dumb for enjoying it"

"this ****** game will die once "insert upcoming game here" is released"

etc etc


are all such constructive critiques meant to improve them game amirite?


ruined. ruined. that word gets overused a lot.

fixed. arm chair developers are sooo much fun >_> people who think they know better than everyone else and who think their personal preferences trump those of multiple other people, so helpful, sooo useful. I especially love people who in the same breath accuse the game of copying some other game AND asking for this game to be more like that game they just accused SWTOR of copying.


incidentally, and I may have said it before, but playing ESO is painfully reminding me why I'm not a fan of MMO's depending on addons for their features >_>


People get frustrated when its been over 2 years and swtor devs are still making the same mistakes that lost them 3/4 of their subs in the first 6 months.


And I think eso addons are awesome, Relying on players for some features is definitely better than biowares philosophy of just not having the features.


I cant imagine how well swtor would have done if addons were available at launch and we didn't have to wait almost a year for things like combat logs. But I don't think youll ever have to worry about addons in swtor, they don't even have the ability to make cross server ques for pvp much less something as complicated as addons.

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People get frustrated when its been over 2 years and swtor devs are still making the same mistakes that lost them 3/4 of their subs in the first 6 months.


And I think eso addons are awesome, Relying on players for some features is definitely better than biowares philosophy of just not having the features.


I cant imagine how well swtor would have done if addons were available at launch and we didn't have to wait almost a year for things like combat logs. But I don't think youll ever have to worry about addons in swtor, they don't even have the ability to make cross server ques for pvp much less something as complicated as addons.


you see, what you consider to be mistakes? I consider to be strengths. no addons is a good thing for SWTOR. I'm glad developers are adding quality of life features themselves, rather than open this can of worms known as addons


it took me over an hour, just to get my damn essential addons working. and by essential, I mean something that I get in SWTOR without even THINKING. aka - ability to track multiple quests, ability to see my current buff (I've been cooking and eating pies in case you are wondering) and ability to have a minimap. and after today's maintenance (that is still ongoing, so much for smooth launches - though honestly, I did expect snags. that's part of an mmo after all) - I expect them to break for a while again. and even with getting them to work, I was still getting errors on login, aaah, flashbacks.


I'm not using addons because I want to, I'm using them because I'm left with no other choice becasue base UI DOESN'T OFFER THE FUNCTIONALITY and developers show no desire to add quality of life features since "addon makers will take care of it" at least at this time.


MMO addons are a gosh darn crutch. they are one of the few flies in the ointment that is ESO for me currently (I'm enjoying it for the most part and honestly can only shake my head at some of the IMO ridiculous hate its been getting)


as for SWTOR and inability to add cross server queues? they would be better off trying to figure out how to let people queue for multiple activities at the same time, particularly ranked and unranked at the same time.


no cross server queue for pve? again, you may consider it a mistake? I personally consider it a strength and if there's one thing that will definitively drive me away from SWTOR - its addition of cross server queues for pve (pvp I'm ambivalent on, but like I said, multiple queue would solve a lot more issues)


so this refusal of developers to fix so called mistakes? is just a matter of perspective and I will insist its NOT what drove people away. it lack of content updates at the pace they wanted coupled with the usual MMO ebb and flow that is typical (even for WoW - that gets influx of players once content is released that ebbs after few months, it just managed to get a higher baseline player base being in the right place at the right time)


but anyways, "people are getting frustrated" is neither an excuse to just bash, nor does it make bashing into constructive criticism. there's no discussion when bashing begins. there is not "fixing" things when the person just goes - this is a horrible game and I hate it.

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you see, what you consider to be mistakes? I consider to be strengths. no addons is a good thing for SWTOR. I'm glad developers are adding quality of life features themselves, rather than open this can of worms known as addons


Youre exactly right, its just that 1.5 million people agreed with me. A couple of hundred thousand agree with you or like me also have been overlooking the absence of modern mmo features because its the only Star Wars mmo we have.


it took me over an hour, just to get my damn essential addons working. and by essential, I mean something that I get in SWTOR without even THINKING. aka - ability to track multiple quests, ability to see my current buff (I've been cooking and eating pies in case you are wondering) and ability to have a minimap. and after today's maintenance (that is still ongoing, so much for smooth launches - though honestly, I did expect snags. that's part of an mmo after all) - I expect them to break for a while again. and even with getting them to work, I was still getting errors on login, aaah, flashbacks.


It took me 2 minutes to d/l my addons and have them working perfectly ON THE FIRST DAY no less lol. And yes ESO also has some essential mmo features missing, but they do have an excuse. Its trying to be skyrim, a mistake imo but atleast its a legit reason unlike biowares reason of "we don't think an mmo needs that" and atleast they are letting players customize the features to make the game they like.

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Youre exactly right, its just that 1.5 million people agreed with me. A couple of hundred thousand agree with you or like me also have been overlooking the absence of modern mmo features because its the only Star Wars mmo we have.




It took me 2 minutes to d/l my addons and have them working perfectly ON THE FIRST DAY no less lol. And yes ESO also has some essential mmo features missing, but they do have an excuse. Its trying to be skyrim, a mistake imo but atleast its a legit reason unlike biowares reason of "we don't think an mmo needs that" and atleast they are letting players customize the features to make the game they like.


you are ASSUMING they agreed with you. and I say - my reasoning has just as much if not more merit. I see very few people complain about lack of addons (mostly you and few others) but I saw a lot more people complaining about lack of content. and I see people migrating from MMO to MMO staying only for few months - ALL the damn time.


and lucky you. I had to reinstall the same addon 3 times before it would work (ZrMiniMap in case you are curious) and I was still getting errors with it on login, even after following maker's instructions on how to possibly fix those. I've given up on major UI addons for now. and even for that, I had to download ANOTHER damn separate addon manager. I had to give up on getting anything from nexus or curse becasue consolidating addons is for suckers apparently - we need more websites, MORE addon managers >_>


people are already complaining about ESO breaking promises. as much as it pains me (I do like the game, addons notwithstanding) - its only a matter of time before it goes through the same exact influx, then loss of players that SWTOR and every other MMO have experienced, before evening out with their actual intended playerbase which may or may not be smaller than what developers would have prefered.


there will be complaints about lack of content, there will be complaints about lack of balance, there will be complaints about everything under the sun, hell I've even seen accusation of it "playing just like WoW" no, I kid you not. not that I'm surprised to be honest, I think the only MMO that didn't get that accusation thrown its way (at least not that I've seen) - was EVE.

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you are ASSUMING they agreed with you. and I say - my reasoning has just as much if not more merit. I see very few people complain about lack of addons (mostly you and few others) but I saw a lot more people complaining about lack of content. and I see people migrating from MMO to MMO staying only for few months - ALL the damn time.


and lucky you. I had to reinstall the same addon 3 times before it would work (ZrMiniMap in case you are curious) and I was still getting errors with it on login, even after following maker's instructions on how to possibly fix those. I've given up on major UI addons for now.


people are already complaining about ESO breaking promises. as much as it pains me (I do like the game, addons notwithstanding) - its only a matter of time before it goes through the same exact influx, then loss of players that SWTOR and every other MMO have experienced, before evening out with their actual intended playerbase which may or may not be smaller than what developers would have prefered.


there will be complaints about lack of content, there will be complaints about lack of balance, there will be complaints about everything under the sun, hell I've even seen accusation of it "playing just like WoW" no, I kid you not. not that I'm surprised to be honest, I think the only MMO that didn't get that accusation thrown its way (at least not that I've seen) - was EVE.


I don't base my reasoning on people complaining on a message board, 99% of them don't complain, they just leave. Well they did leave swtor and they didn't come back, so im ASSUMING the problems havent been fixed.


Did you read the guys notes on zr minimap? he said he just made it on the fly and its pretty buggy still so I didn't evn d/l it. If the game has been out a week and it still doesn't work I would start getting worried but its still early release, im just happy I was able to log in with no ques and actually play from day 1 unlike other games ive played at release.


And yes people will complain about eso non stop it happens in every game. But we will see if they lose 1.5 million subs in their first 6 months and that will tell if their complaints are valid or not.

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I really cant decide who is more pathetic, the ignorant people claiming one game is going to kill another game before its even out or the blind cheerleaders hoping people leave their game just so they don't have to hear anyone criticize it. And neither group seems to know a damn thing about the history of mmos.


Its like choosing whos more annoying, evangelical Christians shoving their religion down your throat or the unrelenting atheists ************ about how religion is destroying the world.


its about the morons who troll incessantly like a certain few who create 50 accounts just to keep trying to incite fires who we all know who it is but I am not technically allowed to name, or their friends who when something is announced for instance, start complaining about how bad it is going to be without even knowing any of the details saying random stuff just to get people agitated, that is who we are talking about, and they say every time a new game comes out they are out of here, but then, shocker shocker, these certain people always come back. I am not saying its wrong to complain or criticize, but there are trolls who take advantage and spread misinformation and just love getting people angry who we are talking about.

Edited by Sangrar
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I was in ESO. i was in early access.

I start almost every new big mmo like GW2,Tera,sw,aion ..

I was happy on start , i make maximum lvl on my characters,but on ESO i feel like i want kill my self.This quests are so long . 3 -5 steps quest on 15 min with so low xp reward and u cant select item reward. I dont want play this game anymore pay2play or Free2play. I dont care,this is boring like hell.


believe that most people will come beck here or their favorite mmo soon

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I don't base my reasoning on people complaining on a message board, 99% of them don't complain, they just leave. Well they did leave swtor and they didn't come back, so im ASSUMING the problems havent been fixed.


Did you read the guys notes on zr minimap? he said he just made it on the fly and its pretty buggy still so I didn't evn d/l it. If the game has been out a week and it still doesn't work I would start getting worried but its still early release, im just happy I was able to log in with no ques and actually play from day 1 unlike other games ive played at release.


And yes people will complain about eso non stop it happens in every game. But we will see if they lose 1.5 million subs in their first 6 months and that will tell if their complaints are valid or not.


ah, yes, so the lengthy maintenance that JUST brought the server back online doesn't count, yes? of course not.


I'm happy I've been able to play on day one, but I also got to do same with SWTOR, so... that minimap addon is not the only one that I had trouble with, its just one of the few that I kept trying to get to work. I was lucky though, only got kicked out twice while I was playing, there were people who couldn't log in at all, there were people whose game crushed on them every half an hour or less. I'm also apparently one of the few lucky ones that was able to complete that Vukhel guard quest before they apparently just removed it indefinitely :/

bugs and maintenance is something I kinda expected to be honest, I'm surprised the game isn't buggier than it is already, but not everyone is as mellow.


and again, MMO tourists leaving doesn't validate their complaints. MMO tourists leaving is expected and par of the course. you can NOT please MMO tourists.

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