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Auto select chat channel


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Quite straight-forward:

if you click, within the chat, on some player's name, you can easily whisper to him.


Why don't you make a similar system for the chat channels?


What I mean is something like this scenario:

I'm in an operation so my current channel is set to Ops. I receive a message from a guild member and I want to reply in the guild chat. I'd like to click on [Guild] to automatically set the current channel to guild instead of clicking on the black-yellow quote button and manually chose the right channel.


So, to summarize, when I receive a message it's format is like "[Channel][username] Message" and I'd like to click on "[Channel]" to start writing in the same channed used by the sender.


I know that my English is not the best in the world but I'm quite sure that you all can understand what I'm thinking :)

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Sounds like a good idea.


However, shortcuts already exist in chat, simply type any of these slash commands, and after a space, you will be typing into that channel (I'm sure I'm leaving some out):


/1: general

/2: pvp (?)

/3: trade

/g: guild

/ops: ops

/p: group

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Why an extra option should be a downgrade?


I don't like writing, and so I prefer clicking.

If they give use the chance, you can still keep on writing /g while I'll go for a click on the "guild" tag from a received message.


Both of us will have their favourite option and nobody gets hurt.

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Why an extra option should be a downgrade?


I don't like writing, and so I prefer clicking.

If they give use the chance, you can still keep on writing /g while I'll go for a click on the "guild" tag from a received message.


Both of us will have their favourite option and nobody gets hurt.


But aren't you about to type a message anyway? Isn't that purpose of chat? I'm not trying to trash your suggestion. If you feel clicking a chat channel name would be helpful to you, then that's fine, I have no problem with more options. I just think your argument here is flawed.


Would I be wrong in assuming you are a clicker when it comes to playing the game, as opposed to using hotkeys?

Edited by GatorAndy
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Yeah, you're wrong :D

I'm using hotkeys for all my abilities.

But I'm still forced to click on the chat windows to write the message (pressing enter doesn't not always work) and it's way faster clicking on the received message instead of writing /g because to write "/" i need to use the hand that's on the mouse.


Anyway, it's just an extra option :)

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Yeah, you're wrong :D

I'm using hotkeys for all my abilities.

But I'm still forced to click on the chat windows to write the message (pressing enter doesn't not always work) and it's way faster clicking on the received message instead of writing /g because to write "/" i need to use the hand that's on the mouse.


Anyway, it's just an extra option :)


And then you type with just one hand? Also, by default, hitting "/" while not in chat will automatically open the chat as well. I'm not trying to derail your suggestion, as I said before, but just making sure you know all the options available currently. I've run in to numerous people in-game who had not explored the chat functions fully and didn't realize all the things they could do.

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It happens if I'm moving or I'm doing something else.

I can't really explain that, but a lot of times I found myself clicking on the chat windows and being forced to manually select the channel made me lost focus on what I was doing.

And since the chat window does not alway work and I'm still forced to click on it to activate the writing, it's quite easier to click on the received message and start writing instead of clicking and the write "/g" before the message

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