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Companion candidates (may contain spoilers)


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Vector Hullis is a painfully bad romantic option when the female PC gets teased with a sleazy Zabrack on Hutta, Jadus, Aristocra, Koth and the Hunter as a Male, who are much, much, much... TBH, the Fifth Sith Apprentice on DK is a better choice than Vector. Heck, a planter you put in your stronghold is a better --- Anyway, the IA ends up with the second worst in-party romance of the lot. Because Quinn is still Number 1 in in the "What Were you Thinking, BioWARE?!"


Now, I play only male toons, because I am resigned to the fact that BioWARE just doesn't write the in-party romances for a female PC that I want to play through. :(


They occasionally get it right with the out of party choices, like Numen Brock (which should have been join-able) or Aristocra or Theron... that's about it. all other males I liked were not eligible. :(


We are opposite on so very many things :(


I think Quinn is the best of the romances and I adore Vector. Most of my male characters haven't even finished their romances because I find them to be so very boring or obnoxioius, with the exception of Vette. Love Vette! I can barely stand even talking to Ashara, let alone flirt with her and I know she is one of your favorites ::eek:


I do, however, agree on Numen. He is fun and adorable. Aristocra is very fine, and Theron has dreamy eyes...

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Different strokes for different folks. I like Theron, but I would not want him as a companion. I can just see how it's going to go. Theron's carrier with SIS is finished, so he asks to join the crew, because he has nothing better to do now. Following are 15 dialogues on Satele Shan. Then he decides to prove his love in private. Then he says "let's get married one of these days" and I then I will get a nice letter, and he never says another word save for the soundset. Nah, making a character a companion is probably the worst thing that can happen to a good character.... if he is out of party, chances are he keeps talking, and you actually have adventures and a partnership....
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Problem was, people weren't happy when this happened because they realised "oh no! My healer / tank is gone!" and moaned to Bioware,


so make droid substitutes or use the cartel market companions + HK 51


there are at least 3 companions i would kill in all my playthroughs

Edited by Kaedusz
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I think Quinn is the best of the romances and I adore Vector.


Quinn is a pretty good character. It's just that of all the possible classes to have a 'companion betrayal' story in, making it one of the Sith is just...bizarre. MyLight Side Sith might have let Quinn live, but certainly would not have allowed him to remain onboard his ship or be part of his crew/inner circle.

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How can you kill Qyzen?


Easily enough. In fact the thought of having him along for Tython, Coruscant, Taris, and Nar-Shaddaa is the only thing that prevented me from creating another Consular immediately after playing the first one. The only upside is that I don't have to worry about his affection this time round.


The thing with Quinn is that he isn't just a traitor, he is the dumbest traitor that BioWARE/Obsi has created. At least in NWN2, the NPCs that turned cloak did so when the PC faced rather overwhelming odds, and they had a good chance of succeeding. Quinn's entry was just pathetic.


Another thing is that


I have never gotten the sense of Quinn being manipulated by Baras in my play-through - I did not click the "OMG, what about our love?!" option because it was worded sarcastically, and because I really never got a sense of romancing him really. At first I was surprised he was not offering any angst-filled self-justification along the lines of "Baras made me!", then I liked it. Basically, he did not betray my Warrior, he remained loyal to Baras. I guess his strongest character line is that he wants to serve a grand Lord, medieval style, interpreting the honor in that old-fashioned way. So, what I had to accept is that his loyalty to the Warrior doesn't start when he kneels on Balmorra, it starts with the beginning of Corellia.



So, yes, now that we have alternative companions, I would very much want to discard Quinn. Honestly, Treek will do. But if could gain a companion during a new chapter, as BioWARE did before with the expansions it would be quite nice.

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Wouldn't mind Thana as comp either, although i'm sure Gravus would though and before the EU was demolished as non canon refuse, Gravus was a most powerful Sith indeed but died around the time the warrior or inquisitors time on Korriban at the end of the main storyline. with the EU no longer around, who knows what happened to Thana or Gravus.


Assuming you didn't kill her for DS gain in the pub spaceport.


The chances of getting her on Taris were not promising unless Thana wanted to come along and Gravus was willing.


the only other comp i would like to see is the jesus droid as a companion, it heals, tanks and dps all at the same time and one tough droid to take out.

Edited by Celise
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Well, Thana could be opened to all Imperial classes since she is a part of the Taris story, but on the Pub side we pretty much all get a companion on Balmorra. I dunno if I can think of a Jedi we all meet during the planetary story-line. On Belsavis or Voss would probably be ideal, as by then most companions would be developed and tried out. I guess a Voss could be Okay.
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Well, considering that I killed Thana on almost all my Imperial chars, she wouldn't have made it far enough to become my companion. (She was so much fun to antagonize!) She is one of the more memorable NPC's in the game though and is very well written. I probably would have enjoyed her as an option rather than Jaesa.


I agree that Gaden Ko and Hallow Voice should have been companions. I wonder sometimes if they almost were...especially with the way Hallow Voice...



hangs out on your ship afterwards and you can even have a conversation cut scene with him.



And Gaden Ko would make the perfect padawan.


I also agree with Jonas Balkar.


Basically, I think that female chars should have had two romance options just like many male chars did. It's great to have choices and it encourages replayability.


And for the record, I will always defend Vector as one of the coolest companions. :p He meshes so well with the agent and his romance is unpredictable and interesting. I enjoyed his story quite a bit.

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As an Inquisitor, I would love to take Lord Skar. After defeating him, forcing him to change side with the good old lightning, then showing him by murdering all of Thanaton's champions before forcing Thanaton to flee. The disgrace it would've been for Thanaton to see one of his former servants (and also one of his apprentices, if I'm not mistaken?) serving his nemesis. Would've been priceless. Also, he seems decent. I'd like to have him instead of Azhara. (I don' think 3 force users would be "acceptable", especially since Khem is almost a sith himself, and having 3 force-users and 1 force-eater would be a bit over the top.


Also, Azhara is not fit to get a promotion, and Xalek is just an assassin (Darth Maul, hardcore style). Such a brute cannot even train an apprentice, at least not for anything but brutal murder.

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