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The Capabilities of Legacy Storage


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Kind of curious as to what sort of things we'll be able to put in this. Just things that are bind on legacy? BoE? Or are we going the full nine yards and making it so we can put everything in here, such as stuff that's BoP? :rak_04:
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Kind of curious as to what sort of things we'll be able to put in this. Just things that are bind on legacy? BoE? Or are we going the full nine yards and making it so we can put everything in here, such as stuff that's BoP? :rak_04:


I'm hoping that legacy bank follows all the same binding rules that are in the game now.

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I'm hoping that legacy bank follows all the same binding rules that are in the game now.


Then its a super pointless addition. I mean if thats all its going to be, it would a whole lot easier for them to just code in more cargo slots in our cargo bays, and make it free for us to Mail things to the other Characters on our Legacy.


The game already lets us move things around with Legacy Gear so why not just make so we can move anything around.....It would make CM gear even more desirable if you could move it around.

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Then its a super pointless addition. I mean if thats all its going to be, it would a whole lot easier for them to just code in more cargo slots in our cargo bays, and make it free for us to Mail things to the other Characters on our Legacy.


The game already lets us move things around with Legacy Gear so why not just make so we can move anything around.....It would make CM gear even more desirable if you could move it around.


It's not pointless just because it doesn't let you avoid some effort and "get around" the binding restrictions. it does not have to be a "get around the binding rules" feature to be advantageous and have benefits.


It will certainly make crafting easier if we can use legacy storage to store all our crafting mats and then have characters able to access those mats directly form the legacy storage. Sure we can send them back and forth now, but a legacy storage would be much easier.

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It's not pointless just because it doesn't let you avoid some effort and "get around" the binding restrictions. it does not have to be a "get around the binding rules" feature to be advantageous and have benefits.


It will certainly make crafting easier if we can use legacy storage to store all our crafting mats and then have characters able to access those mats directly form the legacy storage. Sure we can send them back and forth now, but a legacy storage would be much easier.


This right here. Unlike some of the people posting, I never wanted a legacy bank to "cheat the system" (IE: they want to put bound items in to give to their alts). I just want my crafters to be able to pool their resources, all my gatherers to be able to dump them in a pile everyone can use.


I have one of every crafter do you know just how many mats are shared between the professions, let alone mats that are oddly specific? Even if the toon can't just say craft and have it pull directly from the shared bank, at least I would be able to just walk them over to the storage unit rather then spend many many aggrivating loading screens having other chars check for mats and send them. This will be a huge help to any crafter. And anyone with alts, just pop the item you want them, or any other future char to have and there it is ready for use when needed.


No, I don't need to be able try try and be sly and try to put things I know can't go to other chars (bound et cetera) I will just be happy being able to lump it all together foreveryone to use as needed.


I hear people also complaining that they think it will only be available in your "house" given the plthora of quick travel abilities, I don't see the issues. Myself I will be glad to have somewhere to be that isn't the laggy mess that is the fleet. (I'm looking at you nasty people spewing your nasty nasty stuff into general chat, you make old school barrens chat look puritanical :p )



Reading some of the posts, I think people refuse to acknowlege what legacy means. (I fully expect once this goes live for the tantrum posts of "Why can't I put x bind on pickup item in the legacy bank, let me do it right now or I'm quitting" threads to choke the forums for at least a week)


••••Editied for typos and clarification

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I have a strong feeling, based on the architecture of the game, that bind on legacy gear will be able to be stored and that's probably it. For now. Maybe mats. Mats would be great.


It makes the most sense but is limited. However its a great step forward.


We'll see though.

Edited by Arkerus
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It's not pointless just because it doesn't let you avoid some effort and "get around" the binding restrictions. it does not have to be a "get around the binding rules" feature to be advantageous and have benefits.


It will certainly make crafting easier if we can use legacy storage to store all our crafting mats and then have characters able to access those mats directly form the legacy storage. Sure we can send them back and forth now, but a legacy storage would be much easier.


The Crafting thing I can see, but there are better ways.


As for the less effort part your darn right. Look we can already move most stuff around with Legacy Gear, so that doesn't really matter other than looking the way you want. But I take it you're one of those types who thinks the game should be made crazy hard. Here is some advice, if you want things to be hard why don't you shut off the game, and go do somthing thats....I don't know...actually hard? Go build something, run for office, join an Amish community. This is a game, its here to blow off steam not to be a hard work sim. This game unlike others gives you bonuses for having Alts. In other games I can have one Toon, and never miss out on bonuses for him. You cant do that in this game, so making it a bit easier (And yes it would only make it a bit easier than it already is) to gear Alts, again something the game does already just not that well, doesn't seem like it should be that big of a deal.


And to top it off if YOU still want your game to be as hard as it is now you don't have to use it.


This right here. I never wanted legacy bank to "cheat the system". I just want my crafters to be able to pool their resources, all my gatherers to be able to dump them in a pile everyone can use.


Its not "cheating the system" if it is the system. ;)

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I was referring to the people already complaining they will quit if they cant put bound items in there.


Oh I got you. Yeah I NO have plans to quit if its not that way, just voicing what I want to happen. :cool:


Ive been let down before, Im sure we all have, but I'm still here right?


Edited because I forgot the word NO. LoL.

Edited by KalinSword
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Then its a super pointless addition. I mean if thats all its going to be, it would a whole lot easier for them to just code in more cargo slots in our cargo bays, and make it free for us to Mail things to the other Characters on our Legacy.


The game already lets us move things around with Legacy Gear so why not just make so we can move anything around.....It would make CM gear even more desirable if you could move it around.



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So it's only useful if it lets you "cheat the system" and "get around" the existing binding restrictions?


Why am I not surprised to see this attitude.


For months, many of the posts and posters clamoring for legacy storage have been claiming that they only want to make it easier for crafters. Now we will be getting legacy storage and all of a sudden it's "useless" unless we can "cheat the system" and "get around" the binding restrictions.

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So it's only useful if it lets you "cheat the system" and "get around" the existing binding restrictions?


Why am I not surprised to see this attitude.


For months, many of the posts and posters clamoring for legacy storage have been claiming that they only want to make it easier for crafters. Now we will be getting legacy storage and all of a sudden it's "useless" unless we can "cheat the system" and "get around" the binding restrictions.


If you give a mouse a cookie...

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So it's only useful if it lets you "cheat the system" and "get around" the existing binding restrictions?


Why am I not surprised to see this attitude.


For months, many of the posts and posters clamoring for legacy storage have been claiming that they only want to make it easier for crafters. Now we will be getting legacy storage and all of a sudden it's "useless" unless we can "cheat the system" and "get around" the binding restrictions.


They're not asking to "cheat the system" there ask for the system to change. to "cheat the system" is to find an exploit, if the system is changed then its is the system, and so there is no cheating!


We all have the right to ask for what we want, and to try to affect change in that direction. In a game where we have to level Alts to get all the bonuses, I don't think it's asking a lot. I meant this is supposed to be about fun, not a mindless grind. I work hard in the real world I certainly dont want to have a second 40 hour a week job trying to both Level, a keep geared all my Alts.


Like I said tho if you don't think the game is hard enough for you, shut it off, and do something in the real world that is. This is a game, not a life lesson.


Me I'm having fun in the game without a Legacy bay so Ill have fun regardless, but I think I would be having more with a Legacy bay that let me move anything.

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They aren't going to allow you to be able to put bound things into the legacy vault. They probably can't differentiate CM armor, weapons, etc, from regular items that can be acquired from in game or probably only can via extreme efforts on their part. I can't say i wouldn't like it to happen but they won't because its would totally invalidate their account wide unlock system.


The main and most beneficial use for that vault is the storage of mats, which is totally fine with me.

Edited by Nickious
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So it's only useful if it lets you "cheat the system" and "get around" the existing binding restrictions?


Why am I not surprised to see this attitude.


For months, many of the posts and posters clamoring for legacy storage have been claiming that they only want to make it easier for crafters. Now we will be getting legacy storage and all of a sudden it's "useless" unless we can "cheat the system" and "get around" the binding restrictions.


I never said I wanted to cheat the system. I was only implying that it would be nice to have it cover all items, would sure as hell make gearing alts much easier. Not a requirement, but I wouldn't mind it.


But go ahead and put more words in my mouth if you wish, If that's what floats your boat ;)

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I never said I wanted to cheat the system. I was only implying that it would be nice to have it cover all items, would sure as hell make gearing alts much easier. Not a requirement, but I wouldn't mind it.


But go ahead and put more words in my mouth if you wish, If that's what floats your boat ;)


I'm not putting words in your mouth. Allow me to quote you:


Then its a super pointless addition. I mean if thats all its going to be, it would a whole lot easier for them to just code in more cargo slots in our cargo bays, and make it free for us to Mail things to the other Characters on our Legacy.


The game already lets us move things around with Legacy Gear so why not just make so we can move anything around.....It would make CM gear even more desirable if you could move it around.



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They're not asking to "cheat the system" there ask for the system to change. to "cheat the system" is to find an exploit, if the system is changed then its is the system, and so there is no cheating!


We all have the right to ask for what we want, and to try to affect change in that direction. In a game where we have to level Alts to get all the bonuses, I don't think it's asking a lot. I meant this is supposed to be about fun, not a mindless grind. I work hard in the real world I certainly dont want to have a second 40 hour a week job trying to both Level, a keep geared all my Alts.


Like I said tho if you don't think the game is hard enough for you, shut it off, and do something in the real world that is. This is a game, not a life lesson.


Me I'm having fun in the game without a Legacy bay so Ill have fun regardless, but I think I would be having more with a Legacy bay that let me move anything.


MMO's are all about the grinds and time sinks. If you want a game that has no grinds or time sinks, there are plenty on the market.

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I never said I wanted to cheat the system. I was only implying that it would be nice to have it cover all items, would sure as hell make gearing alts much easier.

I think it is better if people have to actually play their alts to get them fully geared. There are already more than enough players with full 78-com-gear on alts but who do not have a first clue how to play the alt.


The current system strikes a balance: you can partly gear your alts using Legacy transfers from your main, but if you want the better relics, earpieces and implants, you have to actually learn to play the alt effectively. I am fine with that.

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I want to be able to store credits, so my legacy can pull the amount of credits needed from a legacy wide bank.


This and mats. Those two would make my day.


It always baffled me that I couldn't dump credits into my cargo hold. (Guild bank yes, cargo no? ***?) I know it makes it much easier for me to save cash to spend on big ticked items if I'm not constantly looking at the total of all the money I have. Out of sight, out of mind.

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This right here. Unlike some of the people posting, I never wanted a legacy bank to "cheat the system" (IE: they want to put bound items in to give to their alts). I just want my crafters to be able to pool their resources, all my gatherers to be able to dump them in a pile everyone can use.


I have one of every crafter do you know just how many mats are shared between the professions, let alone mats that are oddly specific? Even if the toon can't just say craft and have it pull directly from the shared bank, at least I would be able to just walk them over to the storage unit rather then spend many many aggrivating loading screens having other chars check for mats and send them. This will be a huge help to any crafter. And anyone with alts, just pop the item you want them, or any other future char to have and there it is ready for use when needed.


No, I don't need to be able try try and be sly and try to put things I know can't go to other chars (bound et cetera) I will just be happy being able to lump it all together foreveryone to use as needed.


I hear people also complaining that they think it will only be available in your "house" given the plthora of quick travel abilities, I don't see the issues. Myself I will be glad to have somewhere to be that isn't the laggy mess that is the fleet. (I'm looking at you nasty people spewing your nasty nasty stuff into general chat, you make old school barrens chat look puritanical :p )



Reading some of the posts, I think people refuse to acknowlege what legacy means. (I fully expect once this goes live for the tantrum posts of "Why can't I put x bind on pickup item in the legacy bank, let me do it right now or I'm quitting" threads to choke the forums for at least a week)


••••Editied for typos and clarification


I think it is the next best thing to popcorn. Mats, gear you craft for your chrs you can pop in there. It will cut back on a lot of jumping back and forth.

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