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How to be defensive in PVP?


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I really suck with my sentinel. I have all Conqueror gear with a few Obrean artifacts. But I'm super squishy without a healer behind me. Especially against an operative/scoundrel/assassin I get killed pretty quickly 1v1. I usually get hit from behind and try to pop up Defensive Skills like Rebuke and Saber Ward and pacify (by that time I'm already 1/2 down. I'm able to land a few offensive shots and maybe get 1/5 of his health down. I get CC again pop guarded by the force, fight chase after the other guy and eventually die. What do I need to do to get better results?


I'm Combat build

Edited by chosonman
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This is a little strange especially if you really do have all of that PvP gear. Its not much but it should still be enough to guard you moderately. My advice would be to make sure you have augments on all of your gear (remember all gear can be augmented relics, earpiece, armor etc. literally everything on you). Try to go datacron hunting the boost in stats is actually quite substantial if you get all of you useful strength/endurance datacrons. As far as rotation and ability wise, use your stun breaker and force camo if you're CCed. DO NOT POP guarded by the force when you do. You're effectively wasting the full 4 seconds of protection while you're stunned. Do not pop all of your defensive cooldowns right away. This limits your defensive capacity to the first 30 seconds of the fight. Remember that if you're being kited to use your leap, transcendence, and Force camo to close distance. Use you Crippling throw and Twin Saber throw, along with leg slash to slow enemies down. Finally, try to remember we as a class aren't meant to be very tanky and defensive oriented, yes we can take our fair share of damage, but unless you're making use of your burst windows and shredding the enemy before they can kill you then you're out of luck.
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Yea I have all my gear (except the ears, and implants) augmented and I fell like I"m pretty well spec'd for pvp. But oddly even though all my gear is PVP I'm still not getting the full 60% damage mitigation and 38% healing I'm only at 58% and 37% respectively anyone know why? I'm getting the impression Sentinels aren't very good as a solo class (1v1) in pvp.
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As Combat you're not going to want to wade into the conflict. You're going to be better off and suited to staying as much on the fringe as possible. Be an opportunist. Seek targets that are already weak. Until you become comfortable with Combat, try to avoid full health targets where possible and seek out healers or soft targets (light or medium armor) classes first.


Do not be afraid to run away if you have the opportunity. There are going to be times when it appears that you're damned if you do and damned if you don't--you're too far away to kill the target before he kills you (you're snared) or the whole team is after you and there is no escape. In those scenarios I feel it is better to spite the enemy as much as possible. I often find myself in that situation. Try to reduce the enemy to a Pyrrhic Victory. On the other hand, try not to feed the enemy medals needlessly.

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Yea I have all my gear (except the ears, and implants) augmented and I fell like I"m pretty well spec'd for pvp. But oddly even though all my gear is PVP I'm still not getting the full 60% damage mitigation and 38% healing I'm only at 58% and 37% respectively anyone know why? I'm getting the impression Sentinels aren't very good as a solo class (1v1) in pvp.


Keep in mind that combat is one of the toughest spec's in the game to play well, and until you get real good with it your 1v1 performance will be lackluster. You almost have to have a sixth sense about when they are going to CC you to be able to beat them. With practice and paying attention it does come though.

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