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Seperatist or Republic?


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You forgot a "faction": the Neutral Systems. Thousands of worlds that chose neither side, most of which chose to stay out of the war as much as possible. I would probably be one of those because the Republic is very corrupt, but the CIS's leadership is suspect: Dooku, Grevious, Ventriss, Gunray, etc do not inspire "goodness."


Meh, the field commanders were viewed as the same on both sides.


The galaxy saw no difference between Jedi and Sith, and the Seperatists were lead by a trusted politician who does not hold supreme power...

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Youre joking, right?

Every senator knew he wanted power, but he'd entrenched himself in the society. Every senator wanted a piece of that power and would do anything for it, a vote of no confidence would not pass.


As for the neutral systems, possible, but as we've seen it's nigh impossible to actually stay neutral.


I think we were watching different Star Wars. In the Star Wars I watched only the jedi council disliked him, not even Padme thought of him as corrupt and certainly not the entire senate.

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I think we were watching different Star Wars. In the Star Wars I watched only the jedi council disliked him, not even Padme thought of him as corrupt and certainly not the entire senate.


"...They know where the power lies and they will do anything to get a share in it" I believe that quote is from a discussion between Mon Mothma, Padme, Bail Organa and the rest of the committee.


Many senators shared this view.

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I think we were watching different Star Wars. In the Star Wars I watched only the jedi council disliked him, not even Padme thought of him as corrupt and certainly not the entire senate.
LOL, clearly you were, else you wouldn't have missed the scene where Padme says:


What if the democracy we thought we were serving no longer exists, and the Republic has become the very evil we have been fighting to destroy?


And Anakin accuses her of talking like a Separatist.


Though they did cut out of the Delegation of 2000 scenes were the Senator's discuss Palpatine's corruption and subversion of the constitution. That's 2000 by the way, two thousand Senator's directly opposed to the Chancellor.


You can watch those scenes here.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I would probably stick with the Republic.


Sure their is distaste for the corruption found in the government, but the attack on Naboo in episode 1 by the Trade Federation would make things pretty clear for me where the real intentions of many separatists lie. These are all mega-corporations who were using present dislike of the Republic to try and break away from its heavy taxes. As Padme also said, it was "business becoming government", and we all know that it's not usually the common people that businesses look out for.


Sure the sudden appearance of a clone army might be worrisome for many, but the invasion of Naboo made it obvious that a military build-up might become a necessity for the Republic and I'm sure for many it simply seemed like they were preparing for the worst instead of building some "oppressive" clone army. And while the Jedi are mysterious, anyone who knew the history of the Republic could see that they've saved the galaxy many times.


There are a bunch of other reasons I have for my choice, some of them simply personal, but I'll throw this out there;


How hard did the separatists REALLY try to address their complaints before allowing Dooku to put them on a path to war? A war that tore the galaxy apart and saw countless die, keep in mind.

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How hard did the separatists REALLY try to address their complaints before allowing Dooku to put them on a path to war? A war that tore the galaxy apart and saw countless die, keep in mind.

I'm confused, shouldn't this be the other way around?


The Confedarcy was formed, the Republic refused to acknowledge them or address the issues they raised and so in response the CIS began building droid armies with the intention of invading Coruscant.


The only reason the war started was because the Republic accepted a Clone Army from the Kaminoeans and invaded Geonosis rather than recognize the direness of the situation and attempt to placate the Separatists.

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I would have to side separatist. Not for the sake of wanting power, but because the alternative sucks. The Republic Senate was weak and easily swayed, and the Jedi of TCW era were not particularly all just and stuff. I wouldn't condone the genocide of the CIS, but I wouldn't want to side myself with a Republic that says cloning living beings to fight is ok.
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I'm confused, shouldn't this be the other way around?


The Confedarcy was formed, the Republic refused to acknowledge them or address the issues they raised and so in response the CIS began building droid armies with the intention of invading Coruscant.


The only reason the war started was because the Republic accepted a Clone Army from the Kaminoeans and invaded Geonosis rather than recognize the direness of the situation and attempt to placate the Separatists.


No, no, no Beni... Think for a moment. some kids are out on the playground and two start arguing, one picks up a big rock intending to smash the other kid over the head. Does the kid about to get hit with a rock just stand there and accept violence as an acceptable form of discussion? Or does he pick up a stick and whack his attacker in self defence?


This war is similar to the American Civil War. Both sides view the war entirely differently. The "rebel" government has issues with the "republic" government and refuses to work together to resolve them and instead chooses violent secession. The other refuses to acknowledge the seceding government as legitimate and its only interest in the war is self preservation through forced reunification.


Actually, the more I look the greater the similarities are.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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No, no, no Beni... Think for a moment. some kids are out on the playground and two start arguing, one picks up a big rock intending to smash the other kid over the head. Does the kid about to get hit with a rock just stand there and accept violence as an acceptable form of discussion? Or does he pick up a stick and whack his attacker in self defence?


This war is similar to the American Civil War. Both sides view the war entirely differently. The "rebel" government has issues with the "republic" government and refuses to work together to resolve them and instead chooses violent secession. The other refuses to acknowledge the seceding government as legitimate and its only interest in the war is self preservation through forced reunification.


Actually, the more I look the greater the similarities are.


That's because Star wars is based on that War XD


And btw, many people in the republic agreed with the Seperatist cause, they just did not hold the philosophy that the ends justify the means, like the seppies did.

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That's because Star wars is based on that War XD


And btw, many people in the republic agreed with the Seperatist cause, they just did not hold the philosophy that the ends justify the means, like the seppies did.


Hmm, I figured as much but I've never seen anything from anyone at Lucasarts confirming it. Did someone in Lucasarts actually say that? I'd be intrigued to see what aspects in particular they sought to portray.


Oh, and do you really mean "Clone Wars" not "Star Wars"? Call me blind but the rest of the Franchise doesn't seem to fit well as being based on the Civil War.


And yes I agree, but that was mostly my point. I agree with the Separatists in principle, but their methods and allies are undesirable to actually correct the problems I see. Again, approaching this as a senator, I personally would side on the technically "legal" faction. I might not be a die-hard patriot, but the Separatists are going about it the wrong way.


Also note, "Ends justify the means" was what drove Darth Caedus to fall, as it did Revan and Vader himself at the start. :p

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Assuming in the Star Wars Universe I have the same personal philosophies I do in this one, I would be a fervently loyal Separatist. Now what I say, I say assuming I know nothing about the Sith, Sidious, and Dooku's dealings. To me in this Universe, Dooku is the political idealist who believes in a loosely bound confederacy of independent systems and that the Republic is unsalvageable.


The Republic is a bloated mass of bureaucracy that stifles the individual rights of the planets that fall with in it. It is an entity that acts only to preserve itself at the cost of the individuality of each planet- Malastare is a prime example. The Republic friendly Gran occupy an already inhabited planet, and when the Native Dug rebel what does the Republic do? Intervene and side with the Gran! Who become the politicians for Malestare? Oh, look it's the GRAN! It's sick and disgusting!


Also, if the Republic wasn't so trade unfriendly they probably wouldn't have driven the Corporate Alliance, Trade Federation, Commerce Guild, InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Techno Union to break away. These major Galactic players left because they felt suffocated by the incessant over regulation and bureaucratic nonsense of the Republic.


Finally, I find the fact that the Republic uses priests who are supposed to be "Guardians of Peace" as military commanders to be rather unsettling.

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No, no, no Beni... Think for a moment. some kids are out on the playground and two start arguing, one picks up a big rock intending to smash the other kid over the head. Does the kid about to get hit with a rock just stand there and accept violence as an acceptable form of discussion? Or does he pick up a stick and whack his attacker in self defence?


This war is similar to the American Civil War. Both sides view the war entirely differently. The "rebel" government has issues with the "republic" government and refuses to work together to resolve them and instead chooses violent secession. The other refuses to acknowledge the seceding government as legitimate and its only interest in the war is self preservation through forced reunification.


Actually, the more I look the greater the similarities are.

LOL, this is a lot more complex than a simple playground dispute. And I don't know what school you went to, but in my school kids didn't try to bludgeon eachother over the heads with rocks. :p


Anyway, you've conveniently missed out the part where the Kid A bullies Kid B for several years and when Kid B complains Kid A slaps him round the face i.e. Kid B has legitimate reasons for wanting to throw the rock.


And no, assuming you do not have the mind of a child I expect you not to pick up a stick and whack him first then complain later on that "he started it!" but actually try and calm the kid down and try to address what is wrong.


Yes I realise that both sides are at fault, but what I was taking issue with in the post I quoted was the bizarre argument that somehow it was the Separatists who didn't listen to the Republic rather than the other way around. Maybe the Separatists acted rashly, and lets face it they were goaded on by the Sith, but the Republic still should have listened.


But wait, American Civil War eh... the Confederate States condoned slavery and the Republic had a slave army! The Republic are the bad guys! :D But anyway, I digress.

And yes I agree, but that was mostly my point. I agree with the Separatists in principle, but their methods and allies are undesirable to actually correct the problems I see. Again, approaching this as a senator, I personally would side on the technically "legal" faction. I might not be a die-hard patriot, but the Separatists are going about it the wrong way.


Also note, "Ends justify the means" was what drove Darth Caedus to fall, as it did Revan and Vader himself at the start. :p

Just because the ends do not justify the means does not mean you should give up on the end and going running back to the Republic, especially if your constituents are suffering under the system. Supporting a Republic victory is supporting the continuation of corruption and oppression in the Senate, because lets face it the demonisation of the Separatists during the war would only make their resolve stronger, that and I'd be fueling the ascension of a dictator.


The "ends justifies the means" argument works both ways. Both parties in this discussion have admitted the Republic is broken and corrupted, yet one side believes its justified to continue to support the system with the end goal of fixing it. Is that anymore justified than the Confederacy? Perhaps, but lets not pretend the "loyalists" are the perfect choice.


And to be honest I agree with Dooku, I don't think the Republic ever could be fixed without overturning the system altogether. The corruption is too deeply rooted, and honestly the idea of a non-laissez faire galactic government attempting to instigate blanket laws across thousands and thousands of unique star systems seems ineffective.


We should also consider that supporting the Confederacy doesn't mean condoning everything they do, no more than supporting the Republic means condoning the corruption and other factors. Many Confederate members wanted peace, not war, and likely didn't condone the actions of Grievous etc. they just wanted it to stop. I think I'd be in that camp, the camp that believed the war should never have started in the first place and that the Jedi have failed in their duty as peacekeepers, and I'd therefore campaign for peace and probably get assassinated by Dooku. :p


P.S. On the topic of the Confedarate mega-corporations being greedy and corrupt and because of the power they hold in the CIS being worse than the Republic, you should pay attention to the fact that 1. all there dubious activites committed under the Separatist banner are done under the pretext of war 2. the rest are committed in the Republic senate. With the war over the mega-corps wouldn't be able to exploit others and probably be demilitarized.

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WARNING!! WARNING!! WARNING!! Extreme real life political bias incoming! As a disclaimer, this is only my opinion, I do not claim for it to be fact. If you try to correct my personal opinion, I will not accept your opinions as fact either. I am not about to change my stance and it is useless to try to make me.


I see the Republic and the Separatists a bit like the United States political parties. The Separatists tend to favor policies that support big-business and corporations, like the Republican party (and no, I'm not saying Republicans are evil). The Republic seems to be more concerned with the general prosperity and a healthy society, like, in my opinion, the Democratic party.


In fact, if I understand this right (and correct me if I'm wrong), the Separatists split off from the Republic because their trade routes were being heavily taxed by the Republic. As a general theme, the Republican party favors tax breaks on corporations, while the Democratic party does not.


The point is, if I were in the Star Wars universe, my real life politics would probably cross over. I'd have to stick with the Republic because I believe that greater over-all economic security is better than ensuring that CEOs of corporations make billions of credits.


But beyond that example, all I would need to do is look at the Invasion of Naboo, which I'm sure was highly publicized.


Heck, I get mad when corporations support groups that oppose civil rights. If a company invaded an entire planet, put its people under martial law, and then proceeded to kill countless civilians and basically attempt to commit genocide on the gungan people... yeah, I wouldn't be too much of a fan.


The Republic, no matter its flaws, simply exemplifies the philosophy of general prosperity and respect for civil and human rights that I would want my government to possess. Siding with the Separatists ignores their human rights abuses and supports a society where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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Considering that the Trade Federation did what they did not only under the orders of Sidious but under a Republic government and because of the Republic government, and continued to exploit the corruption of in the Senate for their own ends throughout the Clone Wars makes me think it is not quite as black and white as that.
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But beyond that example, all I would need to do is look at the Invasion of Naboo, which I'm sure was highly publicized.


Heck, I get mad when corporations support groups that oppose civil rights. If a company invaded an entire planet, put its people under martial law, and then proceeded to kill countless civilians and basically attempt to commit genocide on the gungan people... yeah, I wouldn't be too much of a fan.


The Republic, no matter its flaws, simply exemplifies the philosophy of general prosperity and respect for civil and human rights that I would want my government to possess. Siding with the Separatists ignores their human rights abuses and supports a society where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

No point replying to the above, it's a point of view, but this isn't quite right.


The Trade Federation were behind that, publicly it had nothing to do with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In fact, it was a rally cry for the Seperatists simply because the Republic was SO corrupt, that the chancellor and many others were willing to let the people of Naboo die to please the Trade Federation.

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WARNING!! WARNING!! WARNING!! Extreme real life political bias incoming! As a disclaimer, this is only my opinion, I do not claim for it to be fact. If you try to correct my personal opinion, I will not accept your opinions as fact either. I am not about to change my stance and it is useless to try to make me.


I see the Republic and the Separatists a bit like the United States political parties. The Separatists tend to favor policies that support big-business and corporations, like the Republican party (and no, I'm not saying Republicans are evil). The Republic seems to be more concerned with the general prosperity and a healthy society, like, in my opinion, the Democratic party.


In fact, if I understand this right (and correct me if I'm wrong), the Separatists split off from the Republic because their trade routes were being heavily taxed by the Republic. As a general theme, the Republican party favors tax breaks on corporations, while the Democratic party does not.


The point is, if I were in the Star Wars universe, my real life politics would probably cross over. I'd have to stick with the Republic because I believe that greater over-all economic security is better than ensuring that CEOs of corporations make billions of credits.


But beyond that example, all I would need to do is look at the Invasion of Naboo, which I'm sure was highly publicized.


Heck, I get mad when corporations support groups that oppose civil rights. If a company invaded an entire planet, put its people under martial law, and then proceeded to kill countless civilians and basically attempt to commit genocide on the gungan people... yeah, I wouldn't be too much of a fan.


The Republic, no matter its flaws, simply exemplifies the philosophy of general prosperity and respect for civil and human rights that I would want my government to possess. Siding with the Separatists ignores their human rights abuses and supports a society where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


You've got the angle and the real life interpretation wrong.The Republic vs Seperatist thing, has almost nothing to do with left vs right as they are understood in real life,for the most part,although it can easily be interpreted that way from the certain pov.


Besides... the Republic is something like the UN,but with bigger prerogatives.The Republic is not a ''nation'' or a single unified political entity ,the way the Sith Empire is,or even the US.

Edited by Kaedusz
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The Trade Federation were behind that, publicly it had nothing to do with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In fact, it was a rally cry for the Seperatists simply because the Republic was SO corrupt, that the chancellor and many others were willing to let the people of Naboo die to please the Trade Federation.


The point is, the Trade Federation is one of the founding members of the CIS. And no way would I support a faction that was co-lead by that organization.


Regardless of Republic inaction, it still condemned the Trade Federation's actions. And once it did, the Trade Federation soon left the Republic to join the CIS, where its actions were not only accepted, but adopted for further use.


Sure, the Republic didn't really do anything but disapprove. But the CIS approved.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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The point is, the Trade Federation is one of the founding members of the CIS. And no way would I support a faction that was co-lead by that organization.


Regardless of Republic inaction, it still condemned the Trade Federation's actions. And once it did, the Trade Federation soon left the Republic to join the CIS, where its actions were not only accepted, but adopted for further use.


Sure, the Republic didn't really do anything but disapprove. But the CIS approved.


Except in the eyes of the public, the Republic did nothing.

And the public story believed by many was that the action on Naboo was unknown to the Trade Federation.


And you forget, the Trade Federation was still in the Republic officially.

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Except in the eyes of the public, the Republic did nothing.

And the public story believed by many was that the action on Naboo was unknown to the Trade Federation.


And you forget, the Trade Federation was still in the Republic officially.


No, I didn't forget. I'm looking at this as if the Battle of Geonosis had just happened, and I had to pick a side.


The Trade Federation, which is now part of the Separatist movement, was the organization that invaded a planet. And now they're going to be given the power to be on the council of a government that rules thousands of systems?


Aw heck no.


So what if the Republic did nothing? The Trade Federation did something and I hate the fact that they did it. No way am I gonna be ruled by them, much less support them. The Trade Federation "wasn't aware" of what was going on at Naboo? There's no way I would believe that, and even if I did it would just prove how horrible of a government they would be if they let their lackies run around terrorizing worlds with no oversight.


Even if it's a lesser of two evils scenario, the Republic is definitely the lesser.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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I'm confused, shouldn't this be the other way around?


The Confedarcy was formed, the Republic refused to acknowledge them or address the issues they raised and so in response the CIS began building droid armies with the intention of invading Coruscant.


The only reason the war started was because the Republic accepted a Clone Army from the Kaminoeans and invaded Geonosis rather than recognize the direness of the situation and attempt to placate the Separatists.


I did not say the separatists were to listen to the republic, but to address their complaints in other ways. How is my argument bizarre when it is the case for any single civil war to ever occur? There are two sides and neither is going to immediately give in to the arguments or desires of the other, which is how the civil war actually starts, and placating the other side usually end up with that side pushing for even more, as we've seen throughout history. I never said the Republic was completely without fault, but in our past people have addressed their serious issues without supporting violent uprising. Saying that the separatists acted rashly, but it's still the republic's fault for not listening is condoning the violence they used to get what they wanted.


And the war started because the separatists wanted it to. Do you think they put Anakin, Obi-Wan, AND A SENATOR on trial (for espionage, but didn't even consult the republic or anyone), as well as building up a droid army and the plans for the death star, for fun? Padme told Poggle that it was an act of war, and he laughed! If the clones did not show up, where would the three of them be? How would the galaxy see their deaths? Should the Republic have declined the offer for the army when the separatists were obviously building their own?


If the separatists were truly out for peace, freedom, and all the other stuff people attribute to them simply because they're "rebels" fighting oppression, then why didn't they instead try to rally support from the citizens and try to get more power in the senate? I'm sure with their money they could easily use the corrupt senate to get what they wanted, which is how dirty politics usually goes. Instead they went for the option that would give them the most power if they succeeded and plunged the galaxy into war.


As for Dooku? I consider myself an idealist and I love Dooku as a character, but in the end even he wasn't completely convinced with his own arguments. Yoda was SO close to bringing Dooku back to the Jedi order that if Anakin had not shown up (thanks to Palpatine) the separatists would have most likely lost their head of state. Sure he is right in that the republic needed a major overhaul, but is it harder to get more honest people into the senate like Padme and her allies or to fight a huge civil war?


Isn't the prelude of the war what put Palpatine into his supreme power (thanks Jar Jar :p)? So by going to war you've forced the republic to put their power into one ruler, as if he was a Roman Dictator, and like the ancient republic not all are so willing to give up such power and instead reach for more. By starting the war Dooku has pushed the republic even further down the path so many disliked.


And how can you say that supporting the republic is supporting its corruption, but then say you can support the separatists without supporting their atrocities and choices? Why can we not support unity in the galaxy AND want to fight the corruption within it? Is it really better to create multiple large bodies of government in a huge galaxy that can continue to fight down the road even after the first war ends, or try and fix the single entity in the first place? Once the separatists won it would not have immediately meant peace and would have most likely resulted in more wars (especially when both sides begin to build super-weapons in their inevitable cold war.


I have other arguments, but my response is already too long! XD


P.S. I love this thread, since good civil debate is always better than the yelling and name-calling most political threads fall into :)

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I did not say the separatists were to listen to the republic, but to address their complaints in other ways. How is my argument bizarre when it is the case for any single civil war to ever occur? There are two sides and neither is going to immediately give in to the arguments or desires of the other, which is how the civil war actually starts, and placating the other side usually end up with that side pushing for even more, as we've seen throughout history. I never said the Republic was completely without fault, but in our past people have addressed their serious issues without supporting violent uprising. Saying that the separatists acted rashly, but it's still the republic's fault for not listening is condoning the violence they used to get what they wanted.


And the war started because the separatists wanted it to. Do you think they put Anakin, Obi-Wan, AND A SENATOR on trial (for espionage, but didn't even consult the republic or anyone), as well as building up a droid army and the plans for the death star, for fun? Padme told Poggle that it was an act of war, and he laughed! If the clones did not show up, where would the three of them be? How would the galaxy see their deaths? Should the Republic have declined the offer for the army when the separatists were obviously building their own?


If the separatists were truly out for peace, freedom, and all the other stuff people attribute to them simply because they're "rebels" fighting oppression, then why didn't they instead try to rally support from the citizens and try to get more power in the senate? I'm sure with their money they could easily use the corrupt senate to get what they wanted, which is how dirty politics usually goes. Instead they went for the option that would give them the most power if they succeeded and plunged the galaxy into war.


As for Dooku? I consider myself an idealist and I love Dooku as a character, but in the end even he wasn't completely convinced with his own arguments. Yoda was SO close to bringing Dooku back to the Jedi order that if Anakin had not shown up (thanks to Palpatine) the separatists would have most likely lost their head of state. Sure he is right in that the republic needed a major overhaul, but is it harder to get more honest people into the senate like Padme and her allies or to fight a huge civil war?


Isn't the prelude of the war what put Palpatine into his supreme power (thanks Jar Jar :p)? So by going to war you've forced the republic to put their power into one ruler, as if he was a Roman Dictator, and like the ancient republic not all are so willing to give up such power and instead reach for more. By starting the war Dooku has pushed the republic even further down the path so many disliked.


And how can you say that supporting the republic is supporting its corruption, but then say you can support the separatists without supporting their atrocities and choices? Why can we not support unity in the galaxy AND want to fight the corruption within it? Is it really better to create multiple large bodies of government in a huge galaxy that can continue to fight down the road even after the first war ends, or try and fix the single entity in the first place? Once the separatists won it would not have immediately meant peace and would have most likely resulted in more wars (especially when both sides begin to build super-weapons in their inevitable cold war.


I have other arguments, but my response is already too long! XD


P.S. I love this thread, since good civil debate is always better than the yelling and name-calling most political threads fall into :)

Exactly, the Separatist complained, the Republic didn't listen, the Separatist's declared war. I accept that the Separatists declaring war was perhaps the wrong action, but I don't see what you were getting at about the Separatists addressing the "complaints" of the Republic when those complaints were "you exist, stop." If they had done that then the Separatist movement would have disbanded and they would go back to being corrupt little senators.


If what your actually saying is that the Separatists should have pursued a non-violent means of action as opposed to forcing the Republic to accept them through war then yes, I agree. But ultimately it didn't go that way, the chips are down and you have to choose a side. Of course I'd be campaigning for peace the whole way through. As many Senators did. To be quite honest it was only the mega-corps (who are not strictly Separatists) who were playing both sides that wanted to war to continue, the actual Separatists wanted to war to end.


But you can't put the blame on the Separatists for allowing Palpatine's ascension to power. That is soley at the feet of the Republic. Just because a war is happening does not mean you have to give emergency powers to the Chancellor, rip the constitution apart and effectively turn him into a dictator. The Senate had a duty to preserve democracy, and they failed, and partly why they failed is because Palpatine used the corruption to manipulate them.


But if the Republic lost the war? Bye bye dictatorial Chancellor, bye bye crapsack Senate.


Also remember that war =/= government. These atrocities were committed by the military leaders of the CIS army, not by the government. The Separatists did not operate like the Galactic Empire, from which the atrocities stemmed not from the war front but from the rulership itself. It would be the equivalent of saying that supporting the US govt. is supporting the innumerable war crimes they have committed in the past decades. But they are not directly related.


The corruption in the Republic however is not a military matter, it is rooted in the bedrock of the Senate and the Republic itself. Noting that the Republic Military were just as capable of committing war crimes as the CIS, and they did on the occasions. People do bad things in war, no one is blameless, and war is never a positive thing.


As for the fate of the galaxy after a Separatist victory, I'm not entirely sure. I'm not entirely sure that the Separatist style of governing is superior to the Republic, all I believe is that the Separatists are the most sure fire way of eliminating the problems within the Republic which to be quite honest is beyond saving. Like Dooku said, the Republic cannot be fixed, its time to start over, it needed to be torn down and started anew and the Jedi with it. Metaphorically speaking of course. I'm not advocating an extermination of the Jedi, just a change in their role in the galaxy.


But we should remember that the Separatists are not quite a state, but a movement. They were all members of the Republic once and don't all totally believe the Republic should be destroyed, they merely demand change, and are willing to leave the Republic and turn against it to achieve this. If peace between the Republic and the Separatists were made and diplomacy was allowed to resume, with the threat of war being all too real the Senate might have reconsidered making drastic reforms to the political system and exterminating corruption.


Or at the very least, achieve a coexistence.


Though to be quite honest, if I survived towards the end of the war and saw what was happening to the Republic, my resolve to utterly destroy them would become far stronger, or else face the possibility of an authoritarian govt. Because lets be honest, did everyone really believe the Chancellor would lay down his powers after the war was over?


Me, Mr. Suspicious Separatist, would not. :p

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