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Key Bindings


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I have remapped most of my GSF controls and couldn't imaging playing any other way. All power options are 1-4 instead of F1-F4 because I didn't like reach that far for them. I have put all my cooldowns on my mouse except for shield ability which went to Q since I ran out of buttons on the mouse. I have system ability mapped to the scroll wheel as a button, engines and copilot skill are my two thumb buttons. I also mapped my target cycling to the scoll up and scroll down on the scroll wheel. Just wondering if anyone has done this or something like it and feels like sharing their keybinds.
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On my naga, I have a three columns of four buttons on the inside of the mouse, all bound to numpad keys. I have power conversion on the bottom three, which I can very easily hit with the inside of my thumb knuckle. F4 is unbound, because it's pretty much worthless.


1-3 take up the top row, and 4 is below 1. I find it's bad to have my systems and copilot abilities on the mouse, though -- I play very aggressively, so at least one of these buttons is guaranteed to be an offensive cooldown, and pressing mouse buttons on the side while aiming tends to jerk my aim around -- so I have 1 bound to A and 4 bound to Q.


I move with ESDF, R is target under cursor, W is target last attacker. Super loud spacebar is boost (anyone in the neighborhood can tell when I'm in an intense match by all the clicking).

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