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Reading comprehension fail?


I believe Crin's original statement was referring to the fact that a scout that takes a missile (except for clusters) is pretty much dead, much less trying to fend off eight missile locks at once. A gunship, on the other hand, has stronger shields and hull, and thus is less than absolutely mullored when they eat a torp.

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all of which can be accomplished by a barrel roll since it brings the roller out of the locker's range.


Oh and how many times have you ever been focused by eight people on your scout and lived?


EDIT: idk maybe I am missing something since I found out today that I have been running like half of everyone else's roll speed (which equates to turning speed) all this time.


Using BR will cause a 15 (soon to be 20) second cooldown. That means, we try and save them until we need them. It's easier for a scout to evade missile fire without having to pop BR because they're a lot more mobile and can dart in unexpected directions a lot easier, thus have an easier time of breaking lock without popping anything.


And I've never been focused on my scout (since I don't play it often). On my gunship though, that was the first time (to my knowledge) that I had been targetted by an entire team. As such, tactics switched from attacking to evade, and GS's are great at evading people (hence the BR nerf).


Make your upgrades and tell me how you fair. I play at least 10-15 games a night on Leggogurl and still do dailies on 3 other toons. Knowing to play your class well makes more of a difference than upgrades (hence why on a BRAND NEW toon I started this weekend, I was topping charts in Kills, Damage, and Assists). Skill > Ship upgrades, and if the opposition doesn't have it, this is how scenarios like mine occur. Couple a good ship with a good pilot against scrubs, and you'll understand why I was able to do this. Gear a GS and you'll understand


Again, the purpose of this thread was to explain that you can use the star destroyers as excellent LOS breakers.

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all of which can be accomplished by a barrel roll since it brings the roller out of the locker's range.


Oh my god. This is not. freaking. complicated.


List of things a gunship can do to evade a missile:


  1. Use the lock break on distortion field.
  2. Use the lock break on barrel roll.
  3. Manually fly outside the lock circle.


List of things a scout can do to evade a missile:


  1. Use the lock break on distortion field.
  2. Use the lock break on barrel roll (or other engine component).


Ergo scouts have an easier time evading missiles. QED.

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I believe Crin's original statement was referring to the fact that a scout that takes a missile (except for clusters) is pretty much dead, much less trying to fend off eight missile locks at once. A gunship, on the other hand, has stronger shields and hull, and thus is less than absolutely mullored when they eat a torp.


If you get hit by proton torpedoes you are a bad pilot, straight up. You honesty should not be eating concs on a scout either.

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If you get hit by proton torpedoes you are a bad pilot, straight up. You honesty should not be eating concs on a scout either.


If that were true, I suppose there's even better reason for 2.7's nerfs to missile breaks, but... that's not really the case. You're making a lot of assumptions with those statements, especially the idea that a good strike pilot couldn't possibly hit a scout with those.


Not saying it isn't a challenge, but it's not impossible to get locks or hits with those, even against aces or good pilots.

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Why does this always come up ?


Seriously asking, since as far as I recall the size does not matter in GSF.


But people want to use logic... even with zero empirical evidence to back it up.


Actually the gunship's zoom out feature is the only thing to change (grow) a ship's hitbox size. (hint: the lead target circle is the target ship's hitbox)

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If that were true, I suppose there's even better reason for 2.7's nerfs to missile breaks, but... that's not really the case. You're making a lot of assumptions with those statements, especially the idea that a good strike pilot couldn't possibly hit a scout with those.


Not saying it isn't a challenge, but it's not impossible to get locks or hits with those, even against aces or good pilots.


I have never, ever been hit with a proton torpedo. Literally never.

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If you get hit by proton torpedoes you are a bad pilot, straight up. You honesty should not be eating concs on a scout either.


Hey, welcome to the thread. We're discussing situations in which literally the entire enemy team is putting locks on you, thus missiles are coming at you faster than you can break locks.

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Hey, welcome to the thread. We're discussing situations in which literally the entire enemy team is putting locks on you, thus missiles are coming at you faster than you can break locks.


  1. Even in that situation, the lock time and cooldown of proton mean that it has a low chance of getting through.
  2. The lock arc for protons is freaking tiny. It is not hard to just dodge out of that arc - and if you are dodging out of other missiles' (much larger) arcs then you are probably dodging out of its as well anyway.


It's like everyone except me thinks the only way to dodge a missile is to press a button on their keyboard. No, guys, you just have to fly.

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  1. Even in that situation, the lock time and cooldown of proton mean that it has a low chance of getting through.
  2. The lock arc for protons is freaking tiny. It is not hard to just dodge out of that arc - and if you are dodging out of other missiles' (much larger) arcs then you are probably dodging out of its as well anyway.


It's like everyone except me thinks the only way to dodge a missile is to press a button on their keyboard. No, guys, you just have to fly.


Nobody is saying the lock breaker is the only way to dodge missiles. I avoid quite a few from flying and using obstacles myself. But if five to six people chasing you can't get a lock at all, they're not all that good of pilots. I'm sure you're godly and all that in your starfighter, but you can't take the other pilots and their skill out of the equation.


Heck, I can count the amount of times I've been hit by a sab probe on one hand, but it HAS happened. I'd argue that it's hard to hit me with one of those, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.

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  1. Even in that situation, the lock time and cooldown of proton mean that it has a low chance of getting through.
  2. The lock arc for protons is freaking tiny. It is not hard to just dodge out of that arc - and if you are dodging out of other missiles' (much larger) arcs then you are probably dodging out of its as well anyway.


It's like everyone except me thinks the only way to dodge a missile is to press a button on their keyboard. No, guys, you just have to fly.

The firing arc on my Pike's protons is 20. Some people actually know what they are doing. Pro pike pilots hone skills at delivering point blank protons.
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If you get hit by proton torpedoes you are a bad pilot, straight up. You honesty should not be eating concs on a scout either.


Not really, it's just that if you want to land proton torpedoes on a good pilot that's paying attention to you it's a real pain. Against someone splitting their attention on other things it's not that hard.


Of course, to consistently land a torpedo, you have to give up the range advantage. Meaning ideally you launch at 3000 m or less, and 550 m being close to the perfect shot.


It's really more that consistently landing torpedoes on good pilots requires being an amazing (and/or lucky) pilot for 4-8 seconds per torpedo launch. Choosing targets under pressure from other pilots also helps.

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The firing arc on my Pike's protons is 20. Some people actually know what they are doing. Pro pike pilots hone skills at delivering point blank protons.


If you have a 20 degree lock arc then you are either giving me several years to dodge the torpedo after you launch it, or you are sacrificing the entire range advantage. In which case... congratulations, you have a concussion missile that does less damage and requires an extra 0.86 seconds to lock on. I am still not scared.

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If you have a 20 degree lock arc then you are either giving me several years to dodge the torpedo after you launch it, or you are sacrificing the entire range advantage. In which case... congratulations, you have a concussion missile that does less damage and requires an extra 0.86 seconds to lock on. I am still not scared.

Actually I have a concussion missile that does 800-1200 damage directly to your hull. Once you get good at it you will get more kills with protons than with concussions.

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If you have a 20 degree lock arc then you are either giving me several years to dodge the torpedo after you launch it, or you are sacrificing the entire range advantage. In which case... congratulations, you have a concussion missile that does less damage and requires an extra 0.86 seconds to lock on. I am still not scared.


And when you have eight people all shooting missiles at you, you die regardless of whatever type of missiles they are shooting.

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And when you have eight people all shooting missiles at you, you die regardless of whatever type of missiles they are shooting.


False. If you're firing missiles that require longer to lock, it gives more time to break. Tie that to LOSing, 2 missile breaks and crappy opposition, and you can survive (albeit heavily damaged probably). Like I said, I didn't die.

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False. If you're firing missiles that require longer to lock, it gives more time to break. Tie that to LOSing, 2 missile breaks and crappy opposition, and you can survive (albeit heavily damaged probably). Like I said, I didn't die.
Because you were in a gunship.
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Because you were in a gunship.


But not because gunships are better defensively (they're strictly inferior to scouts and strikes in that regard) -- rather because railguns are stupidly good and he put himself in a position where no one could do anything but eat his shots.

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But not because gunships are better defensively (they're strictly inferior to scouts and strikes in that regard) -- rather because railguns are stupidly good and he put himself in a position where no one could do anything but eat his shots.


Yeah, he used the field to mitigate his ship's weaknesses & forced everyone else to play by his rules. Kinda like a scout/strike fighter does when they fly behind asteroids/rocks & then come at a gunship from the side/rear.

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Yeah, he used the field to mitigate his ship's weaknesses & forced everyone else to play by his rules. Kinda like a scout/strike fighter does when they fly behind asteroids/rocks & then come at a gunship from the side/rear.


Yeah, exactly. Except he did it to eight people at once.

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