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I hereby demand to add Retro Thusters to the Quell and Pike.


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It has its uses, but in an actual dogfight, I often feel like Barrel Roll is the one that's more of a disadvantage if you want to continue the fight. It's great for getting in or getting out, but not for the "in the middle of it" stuff. It's also harder to use in tight spaces... but I'm sure that's partially me. We all have our own foibles, and I always misjudge how far that thing is going to fling me forward.


I find it the exact opposite -- I prefer barrel roll in tight spaces to k-turn or retros. The reason is that I can see where I'm going to go. With excellent situational awareness, you might know if that retro or k-turn will put you into a rock or structure behind you, but I'd rather point myself at the most open space I can and barrel roll. I just feel like I have more assurance that I'm not going to hit something when I execute the maneuver.


To each his own though, I really believe that none of these are so clearly superior to the others that only one is worthwhile, or even the best. It really comes down to personal preference and how it fits a given pilot's style and skill with a given ship.

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Well, retro thrusters would make close range proton torpedo shots a heck of a lot easier. Once the really good pilots latched onto that, you'd have a chance at Pike/Quell becoming FOTM and generating QQ threads.


You could do Ion missiles before a missile that does serious damage, maybe land P-torps from less than 1.5 km on a regular basis. do P-torp - Cluster - Quads triple plays at close range.


I didn't think about the triple Torp->Retro->Cluster combo. You're right. That would be extremely powerful.



Maybe I should give Koiogran a try again, but I still have some bad memories from early days burnt in my head. :(

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When a thread title starts with "I hereby demand.." you know it's gonna be good. I use Barrel Roll on my Quell, but with the incoming nerf I'll likely switch to KT. It's a good engine ability; once you've used it a few matches, it's far less suicidal than you imply. Personally, I think giving the Quell/Pike Retros isn't that great of an idea. Like someone previously said, it would seem a bit OP to give us that extra jousting time to lock on another missile. I get that the point is to give us a lower CD missile-lock escape, but KT fits the bill just fine. Like they say.. adapt or die.
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and then suddenly poorly thought out nerfs with no compensation


at least give them power dive :/


I'm not sure if the nerfs are poorly thought out entirely- the engine components are probably too strong- but most importantly, if you rolled a Pike, you did it with a 10 second barrel roll as a thing, and soon it will not be. Meanwhile, any of the other options- retro thrusters, power dive, and even snap turn- should all really be added here. Koigran is pretty poor, but you didn't think about the options you were ignoring when you rolled your Pike!

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Personally, I think giving the Quell/Pike Retros isn't that great of an idea. Like someone previously said, it would seem a bit OP to give us that extra jousting time to lock on another missile.


Should the Starguard be better than the Pike at locking on missiles? That seems funny, right?

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I love seeing other players do koigran turns. It almost always means I'm about to land a protorp. I guess koigran can be good if you're 1v1 but that doesn't happen much. Barrell roll allows you to get out of double and triple teams whereas the turning engine components open you up pretty badly.


Barrell roll nerf is definitely a buff to pikes so I'm not complaining. Gunships will now need to rely on thrusters or stand and fight both of which works against them. I'm looking forward to 2.7 a lot. If ions would lose stunlock, burst lasers would loose some damage or range and dampening would actually work then I'd be real happy.

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Should the Starguard be better than the Pike at locking on missiles? That seems funny, right?


While it may seem funny, it's balanced. If a Starguard launches a missile, and the enemy uses an engine maneuver or pops his fully upgraded Distortion Field, the Starguard has to wait for his missile to come off CD before he can try again. But in the Pike, you can just switch to your secondary missiles and nearly have a guaranteed hit. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for more options, I'm just not sure if giving Retros to Pike/Quell pilots would pan out to be balanced. I can already spam people with lock-on warnings, and force them to hit their engine maneuver to get me a guaranteed lock-on afterwards; I don't think giving us yet another way to do so would be the best idea.


However after some thinking, and dispite all of that, I don't think giving us Retro Thrusters is as bad as I originally believed it would be. In hind sight we are Strikes first and foremost, and missile platforms second. We only have two engine maneuvers, one of which will be receiving a nerf. Retro Thrusters really isn't a very bad idea, given the fact that we are Strike Fighters.

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