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If you're not a Sorc/BH/Assassin...


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there's not really a point to PvP in this game. Get stunned 6 seconds, knocked back a million times and aoe 8sec blinded if you happen to be winning from some horrible player. If all this fails, they'll sprint or shield+outheal your damage as DPS spec. Interrupt the heal and you're dead from lolightning.


PvP from my PoV as a level 30 marauder is just masochism imo. The only way to do good is by waiting around corners scouting for 1v1's or possible killsteal opportunities. You can have all your rage spending abilities on CD and using your cd's like Ravage after Gore (100% ARP) and Force choke, but it's mostly in vain. I especially love being knocked back as I initiate the Force choke channeling (for which i have to wait 1sec after my abilities are on GCD else it has a 50% bug/fail rate and won't work) and being knockbacked 75% of the time just when my cast starts.


And don't even get me started on Snipers, we can't charge them, so that's 50% hp gone before you reach them. Then they'll have their anti melee abilities to unleash on you and take off another 50% hp with a simple combo on a defenseless rooted target.


No need to troll this topic, i'd prefer some tips and tricks from fellow marauders, or other classes who can share their experiences on how they've been countered by good players and what it takes to kill overpowered specs like the ones I mentioned. I've played the game for just over a week so i'm not familiar with every class's abilities like I am in WoW.

Edited by Jurary
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there's not really a point to PvP in this game. Get stunned 6 seconds, knocked back a million times and aoe 8sec blinded if you happen to be winning from some horrible player. If all this fails, they'll sprint or shield+outheal your damage as DPS spec. Interrupt the heal and you're dead from lolightning.


PvP from my PoV as a level 30 marauder is just masochism imo. The only way to do good is by waiting around corners scouting for 1v1's or possible killsteal opportunities. You can have all your rage spending abilities on CD and using your cd's like Ravage after Gore (100% ARP) and Force choke, but it's mostly in vain. I especially love being knocked back as I initiate the Force choke channeling (for which i have to wait 1sec after my abilities are on GCD else it has a 50% bug/fail rate and won't work) and being knockbacked 75% of the time just when my cast starts.


And don't even get me started on Snipers, we can't charge them, so that's 50% hp gone before you reach them. Then they'll have their anti melee abilities to unleash on you and take off another 50% hp with a simple combo on a defenseless rooted target.


No need to troll this topic, i'd prefer some tips and tricks from fellow marauders, or other classes who can share their experiences on how they've been countered by good players and what it takes to kill overpowered specs like the ones I mentioned. I've played the game for just over a week so i'm not familiar with every class's abilities like I am in WoW.


I am 20 Jedi Guardian.. and I do just fine in PvP.


Edit: Oh .. and I played a 40+ Marauder in beta and did just fine too.



Edited by Sephirius
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I am 20 Jedi Guardian.. and I do just fine in PvP.


Edit: Oh .. and I played a 40+ Marauder in beta and did just fine too.




But they were like rated 9001 prot pally in WoW , and they had the best Bright Wizard on their realm they know how PvP works.


This game is clearly broken.

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your biggest problem right now is that you are looking for that 1v1 fight, pvp is not balanced around it nor should anyone be able to 2v1 unless there is a signifficant difference in skill, and i mean professional taking on 2 people who have never played an mmo before, I play sith jugg and i do plenty good even topping charts in dmg and defence (taunt is my friend). you have to work with your team, and not outrange them, your fighting like a wow player not a swtor player, work with your team, play smart use abilites correctly and you will notice you will do much much better. also communication is key to this game, if your not communicating, your doing it wrong (text is still good as long as you are not being focused, aka trying to get a huttball pass or guarding a node.) Edited by Aghar
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I am 20 Jedi Guardian.. and I do just fine in PvP.


Edit: Oh .. and I played a 40+ Marauder in beta and did just fine too.




Thanks, but i'm pretty certain i'm a better player than you are. If you're going to be a nerdy troll, don't be one in this thread.

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problem is not about the classes, they would be well balanced around same lvls, but the 10-50 lvl range in Warzones makes the battles so pathetic. Impossible to do anything agains a decent geared lvl50 with my lvl12 vanguard


Gear isnt a factor. A level 14 in purples will have better stats than a level 45 in greens when bolstered. I have a ton of purples from just crafting and RE.


Thanks, but i'm pretty certain i'm a better player than you are.



Edited by DJShef
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I agree with you. PVP in this game is absolute garbage. The resolve bar is near-worthless, and it seems like all that happens during PVP is stunlocks.


I thought one of the devs said they had "some of the best PVP developers working on PVP for this game"? Wow, you might want to rethink that statement. Aside from the completely unbalanced PVP system, and possibly more frustrating, is the fact that it takes ~2 seconds for an ability to cast during a warzone. I checked my latency, and it's great (70'ish ms), however there is an enormous lag for getting abilities to cast when you need them the most. This alone destroys any interest I have in PVP in TOR.


TOR team, you say you have some good PVP developers working on this game? Well tell them to get their sith together if you want to keep generating revenue.


/rant off

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You know I laugh my arse off when I see sentinels or marauders either..


A) run into a fur ball of players and rapidly get cut down


or, my favorite...


B) charge head-on into a ranged DPS and rapidly shot down.


They're doing it wrong.. and I know those folks are gonna come onto the forums and moan about how their class sucks etc.


I have NO sympathy for these people. Marauders/Sents are monsters if you know how to use your terrain, teammates and map awareness.

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your biggest problem right now is that you are looking for that 1v1 fight, pvp is not balanced around it nor should anyone be able to 2v1 unless there is a signifficant difference in skill, and i mean professional taking on 2 people who have never played an mmo before, I play sith jugg and i do plenty good even topping charts in dmg and defence (taunt is my friend). you have to work with your team, and not outrange them, your fighting like a wow player not a swtor player, work with your team, play smart use abilites correctly and you will notice you will do much much better. also communication is key to this game, if your not communicating, your doing it wrong (text is still good as long as you are not being focused, aka trying to get a huttball pass or guarding a node.)


Thing that's frustrating is that even keyturning clickers can almost kill me depending on their class/spec whilst I unleash my cooldowns and abilities on them like a madman, using Force shout during blood frenzy for guaranteed crits, interrupting their every lightning spell (bads don't start healing anyway, but they'll shield for a lol amount of absorbtion). But yet it doesn't seem to make a difference when some Jedi or Sorc spams their lightning and idk what the Republic version is called where they summon a rock or some massive object and throw it at you. And then just now I was crit for 3k by some instant cast ranged spell from an assassin?

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Gear isnt a factor. A level 14 in purples will have better stats than a level 45 in greens when bolstered. I have a ton of purples from just crafting and RE.






not only the gear, but talent differencies, skills as well, i have 3 talent points, they has 31, i have 7-8 skills, they has 18-20 maybe. And crafting purples is every low lvls to get a bit better stats is not, how pvp-gearing should works. Also there are low-lvl PvP gears for lvl20 and 40. Thats a joke.

Edited by Dwighty
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Eh, you're overreacting. Snipers tear us up since we can't charge in, but we'd be completely OP against them if we could just jump over their cover and smack their faces in. Sniper fights come down to whether we get the jump on them or whether they get the jump on us, and that's fine for now. It would be sweet to get a non-channeled stun, but honestly I do just fine in PvP. I play a sentinel and I do just fine as watchman spec.. so whatever the marauder clone of that tree is, try it out if you aren't already. I haven't tried the shared tree between the guardian/juggernaut and sentinel/marauder (can't think of the name), but it looks to be really good for PvP. Try that, too, if you want.
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not only the gear, but talent differencies, skills as well, i have 3 talent points, they has 31, i have 7-8 skills, they has 18-20 maybe. And crafting purples is every low lvls to get a bit better stats is not, how pvp-gearing should works. Also there are low-lvl PvP gears for lvl20 and 40. Thats a joke


Good thing that the Conflict Areas aren't about how you measure up to a single opponent but how you and your team work together.

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You know I laugh my arse off when I see sentinels or marauders either..


A) run into a fur ball of players and rapidly get cut down


or, my favorite...


B) charge head-on into a ranged DPS and rapidly shot down.


They're doing it wrong.. and I know those folks are gonna come onto the forums and moan about how their class sucks etc.


I have NO sympathy for these people. Marauders/Sents are monsters if you know how to use your terrain, teammates and map awareness.


Ah come on Sep, is it really fair that I have to think and use strat? I should just have an I-win button. ;)

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Thanks, but i'm pretty certain i'm a better player than you are. If you're going to be a nerdy troll, don't be one in this thread.


Oh this just warms my heart :) Whether you are a better player than me or not makes no difference to me, what makes all the difference is that I learned to adapt and never once complained about PvP class balance for my character during beta or otherwise.


As for you, you did.. 2 days after release.


That sir, makes you a troll.. and little young trolls need to l2play.

Edited by Sephirius
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This post needs to begin with:


I'm level 50 so bolster isn't the issue.

I'm in PVP Blues/PUrples so gear isn't the issue.

I'm playing within my role and with a pre-made, so random 1v1 and not using team mechanics isn't the issue.

I'm using terrain/LOS/tactical moves to my advantage so my play-style isn't the issue.


Once those are resolved, you could talk about balance, but with all those in the air right now, it's hard to have a good conversation about PVP balance...

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You know I laugh my arse off when I see sentinels or marauders either..


A) run into a fur ball of players and rapidly get cut down


or, my favorite...


B) charge head-on into a ranged DPS and rapidly shot down.


They're doing it wrong.. and I know those folks are gonna come onto the forums and moan about how their class sucks etc.


I have NO sympathy for these people. Marauders/Sents are monsters if you know how to use your terrain, teammates and map awareness.


Did you even read my thread? I described exactly what it takes to get kills as a marauder. And I love how clueless players say how a garbage class is overpowered when they use the terrain to their advantage and their teammates. Really? Any other dps class would do better with a healer than a Marauder. I'm sick of playing huttball as a Marauder. Just for the heck of it I leveled a Bounty hunter to level 10, entered a Huttball game with NO advanced spec yet, questing gear from the starting planet, and in the first match I ended up with the most medals and highest k/d. Balance is a joke. And their is no terrain advantage if ranged can be untouchable on the highwalks, but when you LOS them they'll just have a stun/root/knockback or all of these to keep you from doing much.

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You know I laugh my arse off when I see sentinels or marauders either..


A) run into a fur ball of players and rapidly get cut down


or, my favorite...


B) charge head-on into a ranged DPS and rapidly shot down.


They're doing it wrong.. and I know those folks are gonna come onto the forums and moan about how their class sucks etc.


I have NO sympathy for these people. Marauders/Sents are monsters if you know how to use your terrain, teammates and map awareness.


One of the best ways I've found to play my Marauder is to work to get 30 Fury ASAP, then find a nice pocket of people fighting, jump in with my team and buff everyone. Others may not enjoy turning a little fight like that, but I love it.

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Did you even read my thread? I described exactly what it takes to get kills as a marauder. And I love how clueless players say how a garbage class is overpowered when they use the terrain to their advantage and their teammates. Really? Any other dps class would do better with a healer than a Marauder. I'm sick of playing huttball as a Marauder. Just for the heck of it I leveled a Bounty hunter to level 10, entered a Huttball game with NO advanced spec yet, questing gear from the starting planet, and in the first match I ended up with the most medals and highest k/d. Balance is a joke. And their is no terrain advantage if ranged can be untouchable on the highwalks, but when you LOS them they'll just have a stun/root/knockback or all of these to keep you from doing much.


"Your ignorance does not upset me." - quoting your sig.

Edited by Sephirius
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