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Jedi Combat ...


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OK, seeing those animations you're right, they are pretty. But some things to consider that are not shown in that video:


how do they look strung together?

how do they look from the back (which is how most players would be seeing them)?


i dont know about "pretty" looked more like fencing than actual battle.


Could animations be better, sure. Are they horrible, no. Were those that I've seen on SWG so far great, no. Were they bad, not really.

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Let's not purposely find the worst examples on YouTube. SWG was a great game with beautiful animations. It was also a game released 11 years ago.



Exactly! 11 years ago. Its looking like **** ;) Yeah, we are game-plyers for 15-20 years but ... we are all forgoten the old game graphics. I played games like Quake 3 Arena or similar ,,, but now they looks **** to me. We are all changed. My favourite game was "Super Mario Bros" in 1995-6. There was some really cool game in 1995-2000 Nintendo - Sega - etc. games. I thought it was amazing and nobody can make such a good graphics in the future. But ... ;] the times are changed. ATARI 2600 was my first game console. I still playing it while Im on my grandparrents home ;) But ... The new is better.


In two words - SWG is ****!

Well ... maybe 3 words


Im not sure if you can understand what Im saying ;] But ... my signature has a purpose.

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Well... it isn't a fair comparison to be honest. It was a long time ago and graphics and game tech has changed things for the better.


But, I find TORs combat and animations with regard to Knights and Warriors to be extremely good barring lag of course. Shadows and Assassins are good as well actually.

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Again .. not saying SWG > SWTOR ... I've been here since launch. I am in no way hating on the game. I love it. I just want more fluid combat for Jedi. It has alway been about finesse.

Is that Vanishing on 7th street http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-RA1U2rAw8 ? Anakin Skywalker is there :p (Hayden Christensen). Watch the movie. This SWG video is darker than the movie.

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I simply can't stop lol'ing at the examples of swg combat in here. I mean someone even posted NGE combat.....


Let's not purposely find the worst examples on YouTube. SWG was a great game with beautiful animations. It was also a game released 11 years ago.





Are you deathsticks?


SWG had the worst animations for Lightsaber combat, it never even syncronize like SWTOR does.

SWG had this trail effect on Lighsabers which was over the top dumb.

SWG Combat was basically spamming 3 attacks, followed by other 3 on endless cycle until mob died, in SWTOR atleast we can make series of different attacks for different mobs, not just the same combo over and over.


SWG was poorly made, not fun for most people (FACT) want SWG...go to the emulator.

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Are you deathsticks?


SWG had the worst animations for Lightsaber combat, it never even syncronize like SWTOR does.

SWG had this trail effect on Lighsabers which was over the top dumb.

SWG Combat was basically spamming 3 attacks, followed by other 3 on endless cycle until mob died, in SWTOR atleast we can make series of different attacks for different mobs, not just the same combo over and over.


SWG was poorly made, not fun for most people (FACT) want SWG...go to the emulator.


There's not enough facepalm for your post.

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If my sin's GCD was reduced by half a second that would be an indirect buff to our burst output and that would make us hella OP. So now, leave the GCD as is.


Well talking to devs at cantina event in Dallas, this theoretically was the purpose of adding alacrity boost to Combat spec Sents. They told me that their objective was to create two modes of play with that spec, one that would go a power/surge route for higher bonus dmg and one that would go a power/alacrity route and be sort of a berzerker spec with the alacrity bonus in Zen. But then they also told me that alacrity wasn't working the way they intended for this to be functional. So whatever. Maybe in a few updates it'll be useful for those of us to stack alacrity and have a redonk GCD.

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Are you deathsticks?


SWG had the worst animations for Lightsaber combat, it never even syncronize like SWTOR does.

SWG had this trail effect on Lighsabers which was over the top dumb.

SWG Combat was basically spamming 3 attacks, followed by other 3 on endless cycle until mob died, in SWTOR atleast we can make series of different attacks for different mobs, not just the same combo over and over.


SWG was poorly made, not fun for most people (FACT) want SWG...go to the emulator.


1) That's subjective. The synchronization stopped being impressive in beta when you realized that you spent most of your time staring at your toolbar, syncing only worked in a limited capacity due to being overridden by player/npc abilities, and is glared out by particle effects.

2) lol

3) lol...... You clearly never played swg. Which is fine, but don't comment on something you haven't the foggiest clue about. Additionally, spamming the same abilities in a specific order is called a rotation. It's also done in this game. Obvious l2p issue right there.


SWG is dead, and I have no desire to play the emu. I'm happy here. It was a good game, it just wasn't for everyone. From your seeming inability to form coherent thoughts or grasp basic mmo concepts like a rotation, it was probably too complicated for you.....even in the NGE.


How about facepalm for you!:D


lol Imake swg vets my next pet in swtor


Have at it kid.

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I love SWG but when it came to comant animation...meh.


That game was the most fun I have had gaming ever, but it was not all that pretty and when it comes to ability animations...swtor all the way. I remember that weird lighting circle thing from DSJ, yuck.


I do agree that the knight animations are boring looking, he does hold the saber Ina very boring baseball bat way

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this was by far my favorite lightsaber combat.....PRE-CU...on my old server...


there was a reason why jedi were so overpowered in SWG pre-cu, it took another jedi(dark/light) to par up to one, or a really well prepared player (mostly BHs).

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