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m(elee)DPS vs. r(anged)DPS?


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Just looking for honest opinions here before I make this gripe in the suggestion box. Assuming equal skill of both players is rDPS going to out DPS mDPS? I realized there are many variables like on a dummy or in an op. I'm asking more during an op. I also know there are some differences between melee dps classes. Does anyone feel some melee classes can consistently out DPS another?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just looking for honest opinions here before I make this gripe in the suggestion box. Assuming equal skill of both players is rDPS going to out DPS mDPS? I realized there are many variables like on a dummy or in an op. I'm asking more during an op. I also know there are some differences between melee dps classes. Does anyone feel some melee classes can consistently out DPS another?


There are too many variables in the real world. Some fights greatly favor having at least some rDPS, but melee do have their perks. They tend to be hardier, more mobile, and easier to mass heal, and they can more easily deal with moving small distances. It really depends on the fight though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just looking for honest opinions here before I make this gripe in the suggestion box. Assuming equal skill of both players is rDPS going to out DPS mDPS?

Yes. In fact, range doesn't even need skill to beat melee most of the time.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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Melee also have a huge advantage with interrupts.


Starting with leaps being a soft but quick 30m interrupt and their real interrupt being much shorter (in cd) than ranged.


I think its also safe to say melee dps are much burstier, making them better for PvP, as well as fights in the Dread Operations like Calphayus and Draxus.

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I think its also safe to say melee dps are much burstier, making them better for PvP, as well as fights in the Dread Operations like Calphayus and Draxus.


Regarding DF/DP: I'd say you're wrong there, at least on NiM, you want a balanced group (at least if you're running with a static group). And generally, for healing intensive fights: If mechanics dont dictate otherwise, ranged dps will almost be in melee range anyway in order to benefit from group heals. Or in other words, everyone will be standing in the salvation bubble.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I personally found ranged dps much easier to play. I would say that given the same skill and equally geared characters, one would argue ranged dps does more damage overall. But, melee dps has done very well and have gotten higher dps parses than ranged.


I just found it easier to switch targets without having to move much. On my sniper/gunslinger, I just mainly sit there and pew pew away. Sure there are boss mechanics where you have to move, but the majority of fights don't have that. I have also found less harmful stuff for ranged, and its easier to spot the bad stuff if you are alone out there by yourself.


Stacking in favor of melee? Range can stack just as well, this isn't the old WoW where hunters had a minimal range factor. You can definitely group up and cluster right underneath a boss's rear end without issue. It's melee that has to run out if the boss has some sort of PBAoE ability, then run back in.

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