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Sith Sorcerer (Lightning Spec Level 19 atm)


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Hello all, I had a question about the skill Crushing Darkness. When I hover over this skill the tool tip says; "Summons a dark cloud of energy to crush the target, instantly dealing 417-470 Kinetic damage and an additional 319 Kinetic damage over 6 seconds" however, I noticed my instant damage never breaks 200. If it is supposed to be 417-470, why am I getting less than half that as instant damage dealt?


Any help or insight is appreciated, thanks.

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I'd guess it's the target's armor and other damage mitigation/resistances. The tool tip is listing the raw damage of the attack, before any defenses at all are taken into account.


If your other force abilities are actually hitting for much closer to their "advertised" damage, then it may be an error/bug on CD's tooltip though.

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I see, well, it does say kinetic damage so i suppose it is possible the enemies armor is mitigating it, still, to only hit for 170-200 initially rather than 417-470 initially is 50%+ kinetic damage mitigation and seems awfully high, especailly for NPC mobs.
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I see, well, it does say kinetic damage so i suppose it is possible the enemies armor is mitigating it, still, to only hit for 170-200 initially rather than 417-470 initially is 50%+ kinetic damage mitigation and seems awfully high, especailly for NPC mobs.


Your level compared to the targets and your accuracy also affects the damage, iirc. Power also gives you a slight boost with damage/healing

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Crushing darkness (and the equiv on the pub side) will NEVER hit near what the cool tip says. It's actually one of the most commonly *****ed about things sorcs/sages have. Even with armor pens on bosses or being overleveled you can basically take crushing darkness's tooltip, divide it by two, and then you have an estimate for non-crits.


Its insanely stupid that that one ability is that horribly far out of the range the tool tip says (but also maybe a good thing because if crushing darkness did the damage it says it does at end game it would be literally the strongest ability in the game while playing madness).


But it is still worth using in lightning and in madness because you have talents that buff it. So use that gimped ability like a pro.

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L2sorc ppl


I can crit double then what Crushing Darkness states.


you need to take into account the enemy resists and your damage dealing skills. do not even bother to handle those until at least l50 when u can min\max with rakata mods then on 55 from end game mods.

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