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GSF getting a raw deal VS ground PVP!


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Ok. Been Space Ace since december, and recently made fleet admiral promotion. Have heared aces in both factions, understand and fly all the ship types. Plenty of pilots have put in the time, energy and thought to really play GSF, but what recognition do we get from the game? Zilch rewards.


Now I don't like to moan, I love the GSF system and hpe beyond hope that bio continue to expand it - but it makes me sick to see the effort that goes into giving ground PVP rewards, leaderboards on the website and al the rest. Banrtha mounts & unique weapos? Yes please. Season ratings? Yes please. Just something, some kind of reward system other than the recogition and fear we earn within the community? Please.


Zolo / Zyt :D

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I'm afraid that in order to have some meaningful ratings, you must have working system first, aka matchmaking. Which we don't. People are already pursuing all possible ways to circumvent the rules of solo queue in ground PVP, can you imagine what would happen in GSF where no matchmaking, no separated solo/group queues and no limitation on roles (= ship types) are present?


Cosmetic rewards for Achievements and participation, yes. But no ranking please (in current state of things).

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I'm afraid that in order to have some meaningful ratings, you must have working system first, aka matchmaking. Which we don't. People are already pursuing all possible ways to circumvent the rules of solo queue in ground PVP, can you imagine what would happen in GSF where no matchmaking, no separated solo/group queues and no limitation on roles (= ship types) are present?


Cosmetic rewards for Achievements and participation, yes. But no ranking please (in current state of things).


I always thought they should make a GSF reputation faction. Then, just have the daily and weekly give you a rep trophy, hopefully throw in a few more dailies some how (certain # of sats captured, # of enemies killed etc.) And you're good to go. Have the top tier items (mounts, sweet armor) require Space Ace or Fleet Admiral. They could just cycle the items on the vendor alongside the seasons in ranked.

Edited by mandoforlife
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GSF has the best reward of all, far better than ground pvp: you get to fly a spaceship.



Also screw leaderboards a rating. Ratings are detrimental to whatever they touch, people become more concern with their rating than with playing the game. stuff like match fixing and superqueueing become commonplace. others will only queue at opportune times when they think they have better chances, rather than queue anytime.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I kinda liked the idea of using reputation in GSF, giving req gains every time a daily or weekly is done, then incorporating gear into the system like that, or maybe add a new tier of commendations strictly for GSF which follow a similar baseline to regular WZ comms, then buy the gear or other misc. items from vendors.


I would really like it if some sort of rating thing took place, trying to balance kills and damage with objective play in some sort so people aren't just farming for kills in Domination. I wish I could come up with specifics so it doesn't turn out like ground PvP, but I lack the intelligence to brainstorm other ideas.

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I would love to have something besides a legacy title (gear, pets, emotes, etc.) that I could take into my guild raid and show off to all my guildmates who have never touched GSF. I really don't care how you do it as long as the rewards are earned by playing GSF and not through credits or the CM. Sadly it looks like everything related to space combat and GSF is being thrown into the newest CM packs.
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GSF has the best reward of all, far better than ground pvp: you get to fly a spaceship.


As much as I think Gunships and Bombers need adjustments (and maybe burst lasers), I really, really agree with this. I generally like ground PVP but it's way laggier and has way more balance issues, and gearing is a big grind. Brand new spaceships do have a disadvantage versus other ships, but after just a little investment you can hang in there with most other people.


I don't even want to think how many ground matches I have under two of my character's belts, and they still have expertise to add to all their equipment (since most of the defaults have such crummy components... I'm looking at you alacrity in tank gear, and crit in gunslinger gear), and only have a few Obroan pieces.


And yeah... just flying in space is so much fun. I also like the line GSF rides between arcade and flight sim. I know there are people complaining about not being able to use joysticks, but GSF generally rides the line well between MMO and the twitchfests most FPS games are.

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As much as I think Gunships and Bombers need adjustments (and maybe burst lasers.


Why bring this argument to this thread that has already been beat to death, shot, pillaged, drowned, drawn and quartered?




I'd like to see a few cosmetic stuff myself. What I'd love to see is more customization to your ship. New colors, maybe some decals, even gsf exclusive crew members to unlock. Earning mounts for flying starships don't make much sense to me. I'd say leave that in ground pvp. Possible new cool ships to fly, yes, that'd be nice too to earn.


Tbh, I was one that wanted ranked space pvp for a while, but now meh. I honestly don't think you'd see a lot of people queing up for ranked.

Edited by wvwraith
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Now I don't like to moan, I love the GSF system and hpe beyond hope that bio continue to expand it - but it makes me sick to see the effort that goes into giving ground PVP rewards, leaderboards on the website and al the rest.


As a former ground pvp nut, I must point out just how long it took for them to get any of those things. Heck, the leaderboards only came out a day before GSF. The ground pvpers have been without substantial rewards for near 2 years, its finally their time.

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Why bring this argument to this thread that has already been beat to death, shot, pillaged, drowned, drawn and quartered?


Context is kind of key. As I said, even though I think those things, I still enjoy GSF a lot and pretty much do it to the exclusion of all else in SWTOR for the past couple of months, I'm that addicted.

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Honestly, I'm a little surprised that we don't at least get a green rep item for the daily mission for KDY rep vendor. I figured since GSF and the KDY FP were supposed to go together it would make sense for them to have rep rewards that could help you level up.


If they wanted to create a brand new rep vendor for GSF that would be fine too, especially if they wanted to put in different fighter skins and what not.


However I feel we are a long way away from getting any particular rewards other than req and credits. Ground PvP has been waiting a long time for some unique rewards and they're only just getting them so I think it will definitely be a while before we see anything special for GSF.

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