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Bikini Speeder Wash Massacre Needs A Good Tank!


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Hey guys!

My raid group is currently focusing on the last boss of Dread Fortress Hardmode, which is a very tough boss to fight, and we have tank slot opening. While we have substitute players to fill it for now, we'd greatly like to get a permanent person.


Raid Information:


NAME: Bikini Speederwash Massacre (BSM)


MISSION: To become one of the top raid groups on the server without being elitists. BSM is a group of determined players who work hard to be viable contenders of all current and future content with both great teamwork and positive dedication.


Guild Association: Imperial Northwestern Front


SCHEDULE: Mondays and Thursdays, 8:15-10:15 PM PST


Currently Clearing: Dread Fortress HM, working on the last boss


What We're Looking For:


A good tank to contribute in getting us through Dread Fortress and Dread Palace (Powertech, Juggernaut, and Assassin).


The person we're looking for will have:

  1. Geared: You know what mitigation stats your class needs, and are working already towards meeting those numbers. Atleast 69-72 (Arkanian/Black Market- Underworld/Verpine) gear; at best 72-78 (78s are Oriconian/Dread Forged) fully augmented with good Relics (UW SA, UW BA, and/or Obroan Relic of Focused Retribution at least)
  2. Skilled: You know how tanking for PVE works in SWTOR, as well as how to best tank with the class you use. We're doing DF HM and DP HM- not the place nor time to learn class


How to Apply:

  1. Apply to Imperial North Western Front's website see: inwf.enjin.com/recruitment
  2. Talk to one of the raid leaders: Noxturna (Noxturna, Caedusios, Crimsèn), Bow'ar, or Seiei
  3. Leave in this forum or INWF's application a profile of your gear. A profile can be made on http://askmrrobot.com OR you can write out all the gear your toon has, and break it down into its parts. Format for things like helmets and weapons should be Armoring or Hilt or Barrel/Mod/Enhancement/Crystal (if MH or OH)/augment; Earpieces and Implants should just have the name and what stats; and then list the relics.can be made on askmrrobot).
  4. Come run with us one night and see how well you fit!


Common Q & As:


Q: Do I have to be in INWF to join BSM?

A: No, you do not. While INWF would be glad to have you, guild affiliation isn't important for progression raiding; knowing your stuff in terms of class and tanking is. However, you will have to join the website as we are a very forum-heavy progression raid; therefore, you'll need to be on the forums for strategy discussion, announcements, posting gear updates, and etc.


Q: What things are more negotiable?

A: We're willing to take people whose gear isn't quite mostly 72s/Underworld/Verpine. What's really key in progression raiding is the skills of the player. 75% of the time skill wins out over gear. What we aren't negotiable on is poor contribution to the team as a whole in terms of things like attitude, trying to build your character, and being unreliable.


Q: Should I have cleared the storymode versions of the operations prior to applying?

A: While this is an ideal, no. While some experience clearing 55 operations is an awesome thing to have, people have joined BSM who weren't familiar with our current operation. As long as you can follow the instructions and adapt to different mechanics fast, you will do fine.


Q: What if I have more questions than these 3?

A: Ask them in your reply to this forum post, or come find Crimsèn (alt-138) or Bow'ar or Seiei in game.

Edited by vadess
Changing the times, and adding a Q&A section
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  • 2 weeks later...

hello, if you are still looking for a tank, I'm a tank looking for a hm progression group. I tried to apply on the website but couldn't. Anyways, i have a powertech and juggernout with a dread forge bonus set. My two toons names are Osiairi (PT) and Osearis (Jugernout).

My dread forge gear is on my guardian (it was on my first toon but is on legacy bound gear so i can transfer it back and forth between the two of them).

The reason im looking for a new raiding group, is because next week my currently raiding group will leave for ESO and i am not ready to leave SWTOR.

I have beated all the way to Dread Council on DP hm and all the way to Brontes on DF HM. Dread Council we've never attempted it because both time we made it by monday really late and next day it reseted.

Brontes however we have made it pass the clockwise exploting droids mechanic. Thats as how far i have progressed. Im easilly adaptable to the situations, have mumble, vent and ts. A headset with microphone.

If you are still looking for a tank, ill be more than happy to join and let you guys evaluate my skills and feel free to kick me out if im dragging the group behind. Trust me, i will not have any hard feelings. :)

My email address is dennismr08@hotmail.com. my pub side toons are arghor and oseari (shadow and guardian tanks). i don't want to post my phone number here since this is a public website but i can give it to the ops officer in case they need to contact me.

Thank you and hope to run with you guys


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hello, if you are still looking for a tank, I'm a tank looking for a hm progression group. I tried to apply on the website but couldn't. Anyways, i have a powertech and juggernout with a dread forge bonus set. My two toons names are Osiairi (PT) and Osearis (Jugernout).

My dread forge gear is on my guardian (it was on my first toon but is on legacy bound gear so i can transfer it back and forth between the two of them).

The reason im looking for a new raiding group, is because next week my currently raiding group will leave for ESO and i am not ready to leave SWTOR.

I have beated all the way to Dread Council on DP hm and all the way to Brontes on DF HM. Dread Council we've never attempted it because both time we made it by monday really late and next day it reseted.

Brontes however we have made it pass the clockwise exploting droids mechanic. Thats as how far i have progressed. Im easilly adaptable to the situations, have mumble, vent and ts. A headset with microphone.

If you are still looking for a tank, ill be more than happy to join and let you guys evaluate my skills and feel free to kick me out if im dragging the group behind. Trust me, i will not have any hard feelings. :)

My email address is dennismr08@hotmail.com. my pub side toons are arghor and oseari (shadow and guardian tanks). i don't want to post my phone number here since this is a public website but i can give it to the ops officer in case they need to contact me.

Thank you and hope to run with you guys



We'd love to try you out!!!! Whyt is the website being jerky... I'll have someone look at that. But we'd LOVE to try you out. CAn you come on Thursday?

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yeah i can definitely come on Thursday. I live on miami (EST) so your guys raiding time is actually 11 my time. I'll probably be on pub side until 10:30 so i can spend as much time with my friends as possible since they are leaving this Sunday, and ill switch over to imp side at that time. Oh i forgot to say, i also have a sorcerer (currently only 72 mods on him) but im working on a dps set 78 for both him and my shadow Edited by Arathor_Kaladze
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i will bring my juggernout since he is the one with the dread forge bonus set. My powertech only has oriconian gear on him and the mitigation from the gear i get with ultimate coms is horrible. If you want to test me before the actual raid we could do any fp 55 hm any time after i'll leave work at 6 pm (EST) which is 3 pm (PST). Today or tomorrow. I will also be on imp side at my lunch time (usually around 1 pm) Edited by Arathor_Kaladze
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