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Bioware forgot to include the first M in MMO...Massive


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I was one of the lucky guys to win one of those WOW server blades when they put them up for auction.



now while I realize that there is front end servers, date base servers and raid servers, and what not, supposidly they got all the zones to run on 4 server blades like this one... http://www.b2net.co.uk/hp/hp_proliant_bl20p_g2_blade_server.htm. to keep it simple



so why cant this game do it. this game can only handle about 100 people per cpu core??????


I nearly started crying from laughing so hard, pure ignorance at it's best.

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That's the problem in my eyes. There shouldn't be instances. Game companies should be building networks to handle hundreds of players in one area. If there are 100 people on a planet, then I should be able to interact with 100 people at the same time and not have multiple instances.


Part of what made the early MMOs great was the sense of accomplishment when you were able to finish a quest while 20 other people were still waiting for quest items to respawn.


you are insane. Nobody wants to wait for 20 other people to pickup a quest item.

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You did not see 1200 players in PvP battles in DAoC. I loved that game, and played it for years. Whenever that many people were in a zone the game became totally unplayable. It wasn't that lag was bad, it was that lag made you see photos of the game. Thus why many people that worked on DAoC and are now with EA after the buyout, chose the method SWTOR uses. EQ and UO NEVER had anywhere near the server populations of today's mmos, and not anywhere near the graphics either.


Join a PvP match?


Indeed, we had 400 ish give or take a dozen or so people in Old Frontiers on Excalibur Europe on a Relic Raid and we actually crashed the server because it couldn't cope. There is no way that there were 1,200 people all in RvR in the same zone in DAoC and I played it from closed beta EU for more than six years with three EU and one US account.


I never had this problem in wow and i played on one of the most populated servers in the game (on the most populated faction too).


And yet it was a huge issue in both EverQuest and in Dark Age of Camelot. Where do you think the phrase "camping" when regarding games comes from? From people literally waiting around a mob spawn point for it to reappear. It was not fun, it was not clever.

Edited by Cadiva
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I nearly started crying from laughing so hard, pure ignorance at it's best.


I lol'd too >_<


OP, I really do speak on behalf of the 'MMO Community' (am I doing it right?) when I respectfully ask that you stop speaking on behalf of us!


Follow? Didn't think so...


By all means, post your opinions...that's what forums are for! But I don't see one opinion in the OP, just a list of 'assertions'...sort it out!

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and do you know the concept of an MMO ?


I know what an instance is and theyre fine for a dungeon. But for entire zones, even planets ??? that will never be okay with the mmo community.


I watched a lot of threads on the STO and AoC forums defending the use of sharding as well. those players are all alone now with no hope of ever seeing an expansion in their dying games.


I dont want to see this happen with the old republic. its a very good game with great potential but it still needs that first M to mean Massive. Its the only flaw with the game really, but its a huge one


Don't assume what you want speaks for the whole of the community. Personally I would probably cancel if they got rid of shards. I wouldn't want to be shoulder to shoulder with 50 people all times. It is claustrophobic and frankly makes the world seem much less massive.

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As someone who has been gaming for over 25 years and played some of the earliest online games, I can see on some level where the OP is coming from. I can also see on some levels where the opposition is coming from. I personally am not a fan of multiple world instances (Shards), and coming from an IT background know that they don't have to do this.


The argument that people have for it saying "It prevents people from fighting over the..." is not valid. Previous games have had a very simple fix to this, make that particular quest object/person its own tiny instance. You already see this a little in TOR with the "Story Areas", this very same principle can be applied to a single NPC on the side of the road, or even scrap piles. Aside from the decision of BW there is nothing that prevents them from saying "Corpse A, that is looted for quest item is an instance object", meaning everyone can just run up and get it and not have to wait.


As of right now TOR feels like a single player game, with the occasional multiplayer quest or two. Which in itself is perfectly fine and I am loving it, the story is so well done. But I do really want to see more people, and more specifically I want more open world PvP! Though I am waiting to hold judgement as it did just launch and I know I am ahead of the majority of the crowd, those of us that jumped on and pushed in deep early are going to have to wait. Which isn't too hard, because the story is so well done!

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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I will admit I didn't actually read through the thread so if my point has already been made, then just consider it further support.


But personally, I feel Bioware's problem in this regard has been the fact that there are just too many servers. There should only be like a half dozen servers max. We all know how expensive it is to host servers for MMOs, that information is freely available. So server wise it would be exceptionally easy to host all the players of TOR on just a couple servers. The only limiting factor would be the game's engine and whether it's optimized to handle that many players at one time. Considering how much money went into this game and how long it's been in development, and how there are plenty of other MMOs to look at, I'd like to hope Bioware used an engine capable of handling the vast numbers of players MMOs generate. So going on good faith I'll assume they did, and as such I would like to see a ton of server mergers. Having six thousand and one servers is just not a very good idea as it segregates the community far too much.

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lets say 100 (150 for heavy pop servers 50 for lightly) ppl on courscant. there are more than 25 server...thats 2500 playing courscant at that second - yea seems kinda low?


wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.


Yet another testament to poorly educated opinions. Next you'll be telling everyone that we all feel the same way you do.

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I like to RP so a huge part of the game for me is being able to interact with other people playing the game. It's difficult to interact with someone when you walk into a cantina and there is no one there because there are a bunch of different dimensions. In fact, it pretty much ruins that whole aspect of the game. Edited by Zafeiriou
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I will admit I didn't actually read through the thread so if my point has already been made, then just consider it further support.


But personally, I feel Bioware's problem in this regard has been the fact that there are just too many servers. There should only be like a half dozen servers max. We all know how expensive it is to host servers for MMOs, that information is freely available. So server wise it would be exceptionally easy to host all the players of TOR on just a couple servers. The only limiting factor would be the game's engine and whether it's optimized to handle that many players at one time. Considering how much money went into this game and how long it's been in development, and how there are plenty of other MMOs to look at, I'd like to hope Bioware used an engine capable of handling the vast numbers of players MMOs generate. So going on good faith I'll assume they did, and as such I would like to see a ton of server mergers. Having six thousand and one servers is just not a very good idea as it segregates the community far too much.


I won't lie, I was shocked as hell when I seen the number of servers they put up for this game so early.

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To have 100s of people in each area to me seems great. I do not understand the problem. What would be the alternative? Having too many people, long queues and server crashes every few minutes? Kind of a damned if ya do damned if ya dont thing. People will complain no matter what. I think the prob is too many of these professed "experts" spouting their 20+ years of gaming as if it somehow makes their opinion more valid. The fact is this game is different from the other games you have played. This is a good thing not a bad thing.
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Don't assume what you want speaks for the whole of the community. Personally I would probably cancel if they got rid of shards. I wouldn't want to be shoulder to shoulder with 50 people all times. It is claustrophobic and frankly makes the world seem much less massive.


"Don't assume what you want speaks for the whole of the community"




Same to you, buddy...

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I will admit I didn't actually read through the thread so if my point has already been made, then just consider it further support.


But personally, I feel Bioware's problem in this regard has been the fact that there are just too many servers. There should only be like a half dozen servers max. We all know how expensive it is to host servers for MMOs, that information is freely available. So server wise it would be exceptionally easy to host all the players of TOR on just a couple servers. The only limiting factor would be the game's engine and whether it's optimized to handle that many players at one time. Considering how much money went into this game and how long it's been in development, and how there are plenty of other MMOs to look at, I'd like to hope Bioware used an engine capable of handling the vast numbers of players MMOs generate. So going on good faith I'll assume they did, and as such I would like to see a ton of server mergers. Having six thousand and one servers is just not a very good idea as it segregates the community far too much.


You can't put so many players on a small amount of servers. Most servers can only handle around 3-4k concurrent players. Obviously there are exceptions, but it's the norm.

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I think you're underestimating the technical hurdles allowing such a thing as 2k people to reside in the same gamespace would cause.


I think you just like to have quib answers in general. Wow servers can do this just fine, and I never experience lag. Maybe it's just your POS machine and you need to upgrade. All those claiming that uncapping and getting rid of the shards would cause network and server issues along with lag are just shoveling that BS down.

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You can't put so many players on a small amount of servers. Most servers can only handle around 3-4k concurrent players. Obviously there are exceptions, but it's the norm.


That restriction is through developer desires, not actual hardware issues. Again, I'm speaking purely from a server point of view since I know nothing of the engine used in TOR. But server wise you are mote then capable of having 50 thousand people in the same area at the same time for very little cost. Servers now days are quite powerful and quite cheap. Other MMOs have done this without any problem. So server wise, your statement is false. The only reason your statement would be true is if the game itself couldn't handle that, but as I said I'd like to think Bioware made an MMO... an MMO.


As to the earlier comment made about long queue times and crashes. Again, server-wise this would not happen. Queues happen because there's a max population and crashes happen because it's unstable. If the max pop cap was raised then there would not be queues and if there are crashes it something wrong with the game that Bioware would need to iron out.

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To be honest I am finding it hard getting groups for heroics. Doing a LFG Need all for xxxx.... nothing. Look up oh thats why theres only 30 people on hoth.... hmm k switch to channel 2.... theres only 2.... thats it.


Im level 20 already having a hard time getting groups.... thats an issue in a MMO. You swtor brown nosers can say what you want but its an issue whether you admit it or not.


Same with enemies of the republic never got to go there because I couldn't get a group after sending tells in /1 for an hour. GG.


And as far as I can tell server pops are VERY low. The highest pop area is corasunt (spelling) and theres about 100 in both channels.... so a grand total of 200 people.


I have a sneaking feeling that servers are capped around 1k people.... thats pretty low for a game so heavily instanced. If I could log in and see 300 per channel or more that would be great.


But heres the big issue. People dont feel like its an mmo. it feels like a glorified single player game with a chat room strapped on for the most part. And many people after the first month will probably leave because they want to play an mmo not a sp game with a few mmo elements. I dont play mmo's to do everything solo lol, and many others feel the same way. I suspect after the free month the most heavy cities are gonna get their pop cut in half.... have fun with that.

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I think you just like to have quib answers in general. Wow servers can do this just fine, and I never experience lag. Maybe it's just your POS machine and you need to upgrade. All those claiming that uncapping and getting rid of the shards would cause network and server issues along with lag are just shoveling that BS down.


WoW is an old game with old specs its a lot easier to fit a bunch of people there. This is a different game so you cannot really compare it to WoW. If you seriously think that dumping thousands of people onto a single server all together doesnt cause lag then you are simply clueless. I agree with the way Bioware is doing things. If you dont like it you can leave feedback hope they change it or quit. Saying nonsense like you can dump unlimited people on a server and not cause lag is hardly constructive. I hate to say it but seems like you are happier with WoW might be an idea to go back come here in a few years see if its any better.

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hmm maybe there is a theme here then....


sharding is not going to be accepted by the mmo community. get rid of it or watch the subs fall like it did in every mmo that tried to get away with it


Yes, because I WANT my FPS to drop like a brick.

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