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Seeker mines bugged?


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Fairly certain the G-X1 Bomber is only allowing 2 seeker mines to be deployed at a time, despite the 'additional active mine' upgrade. It allows 2 to be deployed prior to the upgrade, which should allow a 3rd mine.
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Three seeker mines works fine as of a couple weeks ago:



NOTE: If you disagree, please post:

> Your EXACT ship type (not "type 2 bomber" or "GX-1", but "GX-1 Firehauler" or "Warcarrier")

> Your full seeker mine talent tree

> (if possible) Your full ship build, including copilots.


If you are getting max deployable two, we can probably figure out what is actually causing it.

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Yes, I should have updated this thread. I had not spec'ed into the 3 seeker mine upgrade. At the time I was stupid and thought you got BOTH upgrades for tier 4 and 5, instead of having to choose one. So it should be working as intended.
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