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Rage's not so secret dueling tournament


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1. Specific time/Attendance

Now that the day of the tourney is almost here i figured i would give a more specific time as to when it will start.

I've told most is not all the fighters it would start between 8pm-9pm pst

Now the tourney will officially start at 8:30pm pst at that time i will "check attendance" if someone is missing i will give them ten minutes to give me any indication of their where abouts. If i receive no indication of their where abouts they will be disqualified and possibly even replaced by someone on the waiting list (i have a waiting list how cool is that.)


2. Opponents after round 1 brackets

- After the round 1 brackets are over i will randomize the brackets again for round 2 (and the rounds after).

- I will explain the "returning loser" slot on the day of the tournament .


Why the fudge did you decide to that Rage?

-Because it would not be a very Sick and Twisted Tournament if i didn't have some sort of twist to it, and stealing the prize money or rigging the tourney didn't seem like it would end well for me :D

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Why the fudge did you decide to that Rage?

-Because it would not be a very Sick and Twisted Tournament if i didn't have some sort of twist to it, and stealing the prize money or rigging the tourney didn't seem like it would end well for me :D

I sometimes think I could've invested my money in better purposes.

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Minor Update


I wasnt aware of how many non PST players were attending my tourney. So im Making the tourney officially start at 7:30pm pst. Aside from that the update from before remains unchanged.


I really want to justify. I know that speccing into heals is not allowed. not is using healing abilities not aloud either? even if we have no way for it to benefit us? because like commandos and mercs middle tree have a slow using kolto bomb. so sorta a cc. i just want to verify

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I really want to justify. I know that speccing into heals is not allowed. not is using healing abilities not aloud either? even if we have no way for it to benefit us? because like commandos and mercs middle tree have a slow using kolto bomb. so sorta a cc. i just want to verify


Off healing is allowed

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Minor Update


I wasnt aware of how many non PST players were attending my tourney. So im Making the tourney officially start at 7:30pm pst. Aside from that the update from before remains unchanged.



Ugh is this the for sure time now??? I ask because im in the tourney and when it was 8pm it was perfect because I get off work at 7:30pm


I get home around ten till 8 so Is there anyway you can work around my first round match until I get there?:confused:

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Ugh is this the for sure time now??? I ask because im in the tourney and when it was 8pm it was perfect because I get off work at 7:30pm


I get home around ten till 8 so Is there anyway you can work around my first round match until I get there?:confused:


Well you technically did just give me advance notice of your where abouts. So dont worry about it, just dont keep us waiting. I dont plan on having everyone duel all at the same time anways. In case of some sore losers trying to confuse me about who won their duel (Memo) I plan to have at least 2 no more than 3 duels going on at the same time with some players helping me moderate them.


I dont think i have to say this, but practice/just for fun dueling with whoever you want before or after your duel is allowed (duh). Just please dont get in the way of the duels that are involved with the tournament.

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