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Season one has been both fun and frustrating.


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I have a few ideas that could drastically improve the ranked/PVP scene in this game. None will be implemented by the small PVP team behind SWTOR. They're just my thoughts and I feel better for putting them out there.


Hybrids are really annoying. Coming from someone with a 1503 rating Sage healer, I'm one of those who realised this was an easy ticket to 1500. All you had to do was Q when a couple of known hybrid sage's on your server were offline and you would more than likely be a healer in a 4 DPS vs 4 DPS game. This could be fixed in numerous ways but the most logical way would be to require 36 points in any one tree for ranked. After all numerous times we've been told that viable hybrid spec's aren't intended.


3 v 4 / 2 v 4 and sometimes 1 v 4. If a match starts with 4 players of either team not actually leaving the spawn zone no rating should be gained or lost. Simple and easy fix, should someone leave or dc then sadly all rating changes should apply to stop this being gamed.


The rewards should be announced much earlier in the season as this will both encourage a longer participation and stop the huge amount of bads thinking they can stroll to a 1500 rating.


Initial ranking and scoring is a complete and utter joke. There are numerous articles and white papers on how to implement initial ELO scores, quite frankly you got this VERY wrong. Heck start at StackOverflow or Google, they'll give you a better idea as to why a 10-10 record shouldn't be scores as both 1150 and 1400 regardless of who you play.


ELO gained/lost. Take a look at the Bayesian ELO rating and proceed to bang your head off a table when you realise how prehistoric you've been scoring games.


PLEASE GEARCHECK. Augments are a little tricky, I mean we shouldn't punish players running blue augments or none at all because they can't afford the items. However, running 78 or anything less than 2018 expertise is unacceptable. Running conq gear when Berserker gear is out isn't a breaking issue, sure no one will want that guy but **** happens. One way to do this would be to lock in gear upon Q and not allow a Q unless you have 2018 expertise. That leads me to.....


You can't respec while in a Q so please have a gear lock for ranked. This will stop some classes switching to a 42k tank when they see they have a healer in their team. Any gear changes will take you out of the Q.


Put a FREAKING VENDOR inside, have this vendor sell stims and wz adrenal/medpac. It's easy to forget these.


Lastly, no team should lose to a stealth in a sudden death round but they have a huge advantage here. That and it wastes everyone's time. When acid comes in to play, no one should be able to cloak or stay in stealth.


2.7 has some nice balance changes coming and I think season two has potential but a few more minor changes could really turn ranked into something.

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Most frustrating thing for me about solo is the horrible matchmaking and hybrids.


I can understand for the two factions, but when its same faction matches and the game stacks one class on a team...come on, break down the teams a little better.

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