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Anyone find that grp finder gives priority to pre-mades?

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I've flown solo in over 700 matches but queued 3 times with a grp today (and 7 times solo). Each solo queue wait time was over 10mins and each grp popped instead at under a minute each time.


For those use pre-mades often on The Red Eclipse, does the timer seem to be bloody quick for you guys or was it just a coincidence for me today?


EDIT: I wish BW would release the mechanics behind the groupfinder.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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Yep, groups tend to find games faster, indeed. Nothing wrong with that.

That's actually the main reason I group up. Not for some fancy tactics, I usually don't even meet my groupies in the combat, but we get faster pops.


Ah that explains sooooo much. No wonder pre-mades are all the rage. There are some pilots I've never seen once outside of their usual group. Nothing wrong with it but it does indeed explain a few things.


I personally prefer the challenge of solo play (in GSF). Gives me more satisfaction each victory tbh...but it seems I may be paying the price time-wise.


Thanks for the reply though mate. Back to my queue 'thumb twirling'.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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I also tend to queue solo, but it is good thing to join your server's GSF channel and ask if someone is grouping and possibly join them, just for the cause of faster queue pop. As I said, I never experienced any tactics discussion in my pugs, and I am quite sure that most people have the same experience.


Even 2 player group gets pushed forward, and both players don't even need to actually join the match. You cah fire up your sibling/partner/parent's computer and log their character to group up and queue, while only you accept the pop. The other one will get timed out and replaced by some solo pug.

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I also tend to queue solo, but it is good thing to join your server's GSF channel and ask if someone is grouping and possibly join them, just for the cause of faster queue pop. As I said, I never experienced any tactics discussion in my pugs, and I am quite sure that most people have the same experience.


Even 2 player group gets pushed forward, and both players don't even need to actually join the match. You cah fire up your sibling/partner/parent's computer and log their character to group up and queue, while only you accept the pop. The other one will get timed out and replaced by some solo pug.




Will try the group with only me accepting the pop this weekend.


You've saved me hundreds of hours good Sir.



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Just adding even 1 person to queue along with decreases pop time drastically. The more the better though, when we have good groups going on Bastion (and you catch up with current games) the queues can start to pop almost instantly after the match.


I figure that the matchmaker looks at groups first and then uses solo droppers to fill the holes. Sometimes when I am soloing ill get in with the groups for a few runs, but then after a while you will get pushed into an overflow group with mostly solo players. Once that happens you can get separated from the main queues and the pops start to take longer (until you catch up to the main queue again)

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