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2.7 on the PTS


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theres no real difference between pve servers and pvp technically except for open world pvp, but there is def a difference in the server mentality. overall pot5 is really trolly whereas jc is pretty carebear. pot5 has better pvpers and better pve so i really dont see why ppl play on pve servers, honestly i think they should just make a mega us server (except for the RP guys cuz they need to be seperated) since cross server queues is obv not an option for bw cuz they have their cartel market to make money from.


I think I just took what Kracks said the wrong way. I read it more like he was making a snarky comment on how any trash talk from a pve server is meaningless because of the quality of player. But yeah, I totally get what your saying. Though my pot5 experience, I found that the quality of player only really differs in the top teams. Just as many (if not more) bads trying to trash talk their way to the top on pot5. Generally the top teams are probably better, but only because they get to practice more because Bioware can't get their **** together. (I'll sign your mega server petition) But yeah, I'm here (and I'm sure many are) only because the people we play with are here. I transferred back because my team transferred back. No other reason really. Anyway, I'll recant my earlier statement as I think he didn't mean what I thought he meant.

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I think I just took what Kracks said the wrong way. I read it more like he was making a snarky comment on how any trash talk from a pve server is meaningless because of the quality of player. But yeah, I totally get what your saying. Though my pot5 experience, I found that the quality of player only really differs in the top teams. Just as many (if not more) bads trying to trash talk their way to the top on pot5. Generally the top teams are probably better, but only because they get to practice more because Bioware can't get their **** together. (I'll sign your mega server petition) But yeah, I'm here (and I'm sure many are) only because the people we play with are here. I transferred back because my team transferred back. No other reason really. Anyway, I'll recant my earlier statement as I think he didn't mean what I thought he meant.


yea i think that the overall average pvper is still just as ****** on pot5 as they are on jc, but your top tier players are better on pot5 than on jc...if only bioware actually knew what they were doing and could implement cross server or mega server..this game had so much potential

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I just imagined cinerous reading over this page with a smirk on his face and saying to himself...


"pve server insults."


Not so much a smirk but a laugh. We were having fun times on mumble. 11 pgs but it all went to hell on pg 2 because I asked Cinerous' about doing 4s. lol

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yea i think that the overall average pvper is still just as ****** on pot5 as they are on jc, but your top tier players are better on pot5 than on jc...if only bioware actually knew what they were doing and could implement cross server or mega server..this game had so much potential


Screw the potential of this game! http://wildstarreport.com/2014/03/12/wildstar-release-date/

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I've been on the PTS for like 2 weeks lol. But yeah I'll agree I'm a scrub but you sir are king scrub.


Oh Fusy Fus your still mad. BTW when the leaderboards update Letareus will be the highest rated guardian on the server. So much for you being the top guardian in the game. I know how much you were looking forward to it.


Okay I'm done... see you in regs till 2.7!

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Oh Fusy Fus your still mad. BTW when the leaderboards update Letareus will be the highest rated guardian on the server. So much for you being the top guardian in the game. I know how much you were looking forward to it.


Okay I'm done... see you in regs till 2.7!


Haha ok if you think that phases me good for you. You farmed a guild who has little to zero experience (Sorry OP IV). If you think you're good lets do 4v4s ;) Oh wait i'm sorry you're just a whiny forum warrior who thinks he's the best and doesn't have the balls to queue up against us anymore. You keep threatening us that you'll get a team with cinerous but i haven't seen you guys actually make a team. So how about you do it you chicken ****, get cinerous and lets go. Oh and when we beat you don't cry FOTM because that excuse is pointless.

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Haha ok if you think that phases me good for you. You farmed a guild who has little to zero experience (Sorry OP IV). If you think you're good lets do 4v4s ;) Oh wait i'm sorry you're just a whiny forum warrior who thinks he's the best and doesn't have the balls to queue up against us anymore. You keep threatening us that you'll get a team with cinerous but i haven't seen you guys actually make a team. So how about you do it you chicken ****, get cinerous and lets go. Oh and when we beat you don't cry FOTM because that excuse is pointless.


Okay so let me go get cinerous and then our team would be 50% complete. Where the hell were you when I queued up with caroth and the rest of my team? I sure know Phruk kept asking me to be on our team. Where was the mighty RG team?

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I think I just took what Kracks said the wrong way. I read it more like he was making a snarky comment on how any trash talk from a pve server is meaningless because of the quality of player..


sort of. I guess it was a bad joke, cuz any joke you have to explain is a fail joke. the perception is if you're pve server, you're weak sauce or dodging "real" competition (see the trash talk that transfers dealt with on pot5).


the joke is that cin is back on pot5 cuz that's where the competition is (see your 43-1 record but sub 1650 rating cuz there's only one team that can even give you rating). so take that pvp server bias and then look at the comically bad insults that iolus and kodur were firing back and forth. I mean...the prior pages had some fairly cutting insults, but that one page was funny in how weak the insults were. it was like...hmm. here: http://imgur.com/5wKF3mW


kinda like the stereo-type of pve players matching the reality. look. I laughed. ok? :o


edit: there's no doubt regs are more difficult over on pot5 (or at least they were during first transfers). ID, IAL, PKers, it was rough. every imp team had 4 great carreriers or 8 ppl with the same tag. even the solo q'd imps could tunnel a healer better. maybe it was just a faction imbalance. iunno. but it definitely felt like a higher quality of pvp imo.

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On the topic of FOTM rerollers, if I see a bunch of slingers/snipers running around in 2.7 I just want it on record that I was here first. Get your own class.




One of the changes that has generated the most vocal feedback is the change to the Sniper and 'Slingers defensive cooldown, Evasion/Dodge. We firmly believe that these Classes are lacking in a distinct emergency survive button, something that each other Advanced Class has (either via escapes like a Vanish, or more brute force mans like an Undying Rage), however, the way we initially proposed adding via the Force/Tech immunity simply created no counter gameplay at all. Combine this with only a minute cooldown, and it created a situation that we don't feel is the right direction for the Class, especially combined with some duration increasing mechanics that players can achieve elsewhere.


To that end, in the next patch that hits PTS, the change to Evasion/Dodge is going to be reverted back to the live behavior. We still want to give these Classes something to fill in this gap, but at this moment it probably won't be in 2.7.


Nevermind, brb rerolling Powertech.

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sort of. I guess it was a bad joke, cuz any joke you have to explain is a fail joke. the perception is if you're pve server, you're weak sauce or dodging "real" competition (see the trash talk that transfers dealt with on pot5).


the joke is that cin is back on pot5 cuz that's where the competition is (see your 43-1 record but sub 1650 rating cuz there's only one team that can even give you rating). so take that pvp server bias and then look at the comically bad insults that iolus and kodur were firing back and forth. I mean...the prior pages had some fairly cutting insults, but that one page was funny in how weak the insults were. it was like...hmm. here: http://imgur.com/5wKF3mW


kinda like the stereo-type of pve players matching the reality. look. I laughed. ok? :o


edit: there's no doubt regs are more difficult over on pot5 (or at least they were during first transfers). ID, IAL, PKers, it was rough. every imp team had 4 great carreriers or 8 ppl with the same tag. even the solo q'd imps could tunnel a healer better. maybe it was just a faction imbalance. iunno. but it definitely felt like a higher quality of pvp imo.


This made me chuckle. I'll take it as constructive criticism lol.


I'm with Cinerous in that the better pvpers and pvers are on the pvp server. Those guys are competing with top notch players unlike on pve servers. I would suggest to anyone going to pot5 that they don't take pubs. Its just not worth the hassle. There are some pubs that stand out but more often than not you'll see imp v imp matches.

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sort of. I guess it was a bad joke, cuz any joke you have to explain is a fail joke. the perception is if you're pve server, you're weak sauce or dodging "real" competition (see the trash talk that transfers dealt with on pot5).


the joke is that cin is back on pot5 cuz that's where the competition is (see your 43-1 record but sub 1650 rating cuz there's only one team that can even give you rating). so take that pvp server bias and then look at the comically bad insults that iolus and kodur were firing back and forth. I mean...the prior pages had some fairly cutting insults, but that one page was funny in how weak the insults were. it was like...hmm. here: http://imgur.com/5wKF3mW


kinda like the stereo-type of pve players matching the reality. look. I laughed. ok? :o


edit: there's no doubt regs are more difficult over on pot5 (or at least they were during first transfers). ID, IAL, PKers, it was rough. every imp team had 4 great carreriers or 8 ppl with the same tag. even the solo q'd imps could tunnel a healer better. maybe it was just a faction imbalance. iunno. but it definitely felt like a higher quality of pvp imo.


yea if you play rep side expect it to take 15 matches to get your weekly done its mega bad. i transferred my sentinel and have maybe played it a few times with hsp but thats it. soooo bad on pub side

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Okay so let me go get cinerous and then our team would be 50% complete. Where the hell were you when I queued up with caroth and the rest of my team? I sure know Phruk kept asking me to be on our team. Where was the mighty RG team?


ooo, my name was mentioned. 4v4 was happening and I wanted to play, but no one was online with RG. I knew that you had been one of the 4v4ers that Team Fus/Syl/poptarts/simple/sometimes cloud played against, so some yeah.. the Mighty RG Team will return. we have been trying to get some in guild practice times in and will hopefully be able to field a 2nd and/or 3rd team. Ya know.. when Sages become OP ;).


See you on the battlefield. Phear my pebbles

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ooo, my name was mentioned. 4v4 was happening and I wanted to play, but no one was online with RG. I knew that you had been one of the 4v4ers that Team Fus/Syl/poptarts/simple/sometimes cloud played against, so some yeah.. the Mighty RG Team will return. we have been trying to get some in guild practice times in and will hopefully be able to field a 2nd and/or 3rd team. Ya know.. when Sages become OP ;).


See you on the battlefield. Phear my pebbles


Yes your name was mentioned but not in a bad way. There was only one sage I would take into 4s on this server and they don't play anymore. No offense to you. You are pretty legit sage and I do fears those pebbles. :)


I was merely inquiring as why they didn't queue up when we did. He obviously knows the team we played. I wonder how?


Anyways, its always gg's when your around. See you on the battlefield.

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sort of. I guess it was a bad joke, cuz any joke you have to explain is a fail joke. the perception is if you're pve server, you're weak sauce or dodging "real" competition (see the trash talk that transfers dealt with on pot5).


That's your problem, krack.

A perception problem.

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As always, JC threads always make for good reads! Cin and Krack are correct though.


You have not lived or experienced anything more difficult than a group that consists of Cin and his ranged sorc buddies on pot5! I got a couple of them during a wz, they got me a lot more. But that the norm over there. It survival of the fitess. Yes, there is trash, but the overall talent is extremely better and not exclusive to a couple of guilds. I am not knocking JC either, just the truth!

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that was last straw for banksy. waiting on ws. was pissed to get dismissed like that


They pretty much called an entire AC a bunch of whiny scrubs. Banksy was cool until that point. He pretty much raged and trolled every thread after that lol.



Sidenote: Cinerous is a troll but a pretty good player which is why I love him lol. Those sorcs over on pot5 are on a whole different lvl in terms of skills.

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Sidenote: Cinerous is a troll but a pretty good player which is why I love him lol. Those sorcs over on pot5 are on a whole different lvl in terms of skills.


Yup, I agree. Also, I cannot believe I am going say this, but lolus, you were right! I have played on JC a bit lately and I don't think that either side has an advantage. JC is probably to most balanced, as far as faction, out there. There are very good players on both sides. So, I will swallow my pride and take back a comment I made earlier, in another thread, that imps had advantage. I was wrong, that not true.


Happy hunting JC pvp'ers! I will be around from time to time.

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Yup, I agree. Also, I cannot believe I am going say this, but lolus, you were right! I have played on JC a bit lately and I don't think that either side has an advantage. JC is probably to most balanced, as far as faction, out there. There are very good players on both sides. So, I will swallow my pride and take back a comment I made earlier, in another thread, that imps had advantage. I was wrong, that not true.


Happy hunting JC pvp'ers! I will be around from time to time.


You sir are a scholar and a gentleman.


But no need for all the pride swallowing. **you pervs insert joke here** But you were right, some nights these pugs (on both sides) will make you feel like the enemy team is full of allstars. In the end the server is pretty balanced and it all comes down to has the most premades that night imo.


See you around

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