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Nerf in PTS?


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The 2.7 changes in Sorcerer sub forum state:


Wrath now builds up a charge whenever the Sorcerer deals damage with Force Lightning. At 3 charges, the next Lightning Strike or Crushing Darkness is cast instantly and deals 35% more damage.


The 2.7 in PTS:


Wrath now builds up a charge whenever the Sorcerer deals damage with Force Lightning. At 4 charges, the next Lightning Strike or Crushing Darkness is cast instantly and deals 35% more damage.


This is a major nerf and must be granted on 3 charges.

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As wrath stands now, it is a DPS gain to clip your Force Lightning to cast CD or LS as soon as you get a wrath proc. It is such a pain in the *** and a DPS loss to be required to wait for a full FL cast before being able to insta-cast CD or LS.
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As wrath stands now, it is a DPS gain to clip your Force Lightning to cast CD or LS as soon as you get a wrath proc. It is such a pain in the *** and a DPS loss to be required to wait for a full FL cast before being able to insta-cast CD or LS.


I agree with this too. I don't mind at all how it is currently in 2.6. I also think I will get more procs overall if the 3 tick change is made, so I don't mind that either.


I think the idea of having to get 2 charges on full spell casts for lightning storm is a huge nerf, though. I'm not really sure why BW would nerf lightning - I mean this tree sucks. As it stands now this almost always procs with thundering blast opener. The changes definitely make this tree less attractive i think.


Just sort of unsure if they intended to buff or nerf sorcs with these changes. If they wanted to buff they should have just increased the proc rate or reduced the CD on crushing darkness and increased the damage of thundering blast. It doesn't hit harder than smash or other class abilities and won't hit harder than smash after the patch. And considering the general picture, sure, you can follow up with a reckless chain lightning - but that is a big CD you have to blow. And then what? Shock? Other classes abilities hit harder than thundering blast AND can follow up with a kill with other abilities and execute. Lightning Sorcs can not.


Its a garbage tree.

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