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what ship has the ability to warp?


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I was actually recently accused of intentionally lagging during a match. I won't go into details b/c I'm sure it's against the rules to reveal exploits, but apparently some players create a controlled-lag situation to cause their ship to jump and skip around so they can avoid getting hit by, well, anything.


In my case, I had no intention of creating lag- unbeknownst to me, my daughter had gotten on her ipad and decided to stream "Annoying Orange" videos (don't ask me why). I thought I was getting a standard SWTOR lag spike and that it would be temporary, so I tried to ride it out. Didn't work. Spent most of the match watching my ship delay every command by about 2 seconds. Of course, I was at the bottom of the kill/assist list. I also was killed plenty of times, so lagging didn't stop that from happening to me.


As for intentional hacking/exploits, I'm sure it happens, but I can't for sure say exactly when it is going on. I've had my suspicions (I had a match recently where a gunship I was after always seemed to lag/skip when I went after him, but then had no trouble blowing me up every time I gave up and turned my back to him. Cheating? I just don't know.)


As for my situation, I was accused in a nasty email by the person and told that I was reported for hacking. I sent an email back explaining the situation, and the person seemed satisfied. I don't know what was done about my alleged cheating. Personally, I'll error on the side of caution- I'd hate to report someone and then find out that they were having comp troubles or their cat jumped onto their keyboard or whatever. Wish we didn't have to deal with cheating, but PVP will always bring out the worst in some people I guess.

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I ran into this problem last night. The guy would only skip around when you were locking missiles or shooting him. When he was shooting, no problems at all. There was justice however, the last time I was chasing him down, he skipped right into a rock wall. :)
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i am not talking about the stutering skipping i have seen a few ships doing .I am talking about the ship was infront of me then was pretty much on the other side of the map and as i watched the map he kept jumping all over the map
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i am not talking about the stutering skipping i have seen a few ships doing .I am talking about the ship was infront of me then was pretty much on the other side of the map and as i watched the map he kept jumping all over the map


Lag is the most likely explanation. There's a tiny chance someone was cheating, but I've only seen maybe a half dozen cheaters since the game went live.

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If you were a ground-based PvPer in 2012, you might remember the old Multi-Hack and Che@tEngine (EDIT: Really, Bioware? I had to spell out a program name? C'moooooon) tools that made life an everliving hell on Ilum.


From what I understand they're getting dusted off and tweaked for GSF. It's still used only sporadically, but my favorite variant is the one that holds nodes as the enemy warps around the entire map.


When THAT happens, it's not lag. It's a warp hack, and I've never understood why people feel the need. -bp

Edited by Sidenti
To properly spell the term "***********"
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I've seen it Myself in a match today earilier this morning . Yes I report it it even envolved a few kills includeing myself and a few others he would be 2000m off my 6 then vanish off radar totally kill some one 20-30 km away and then right back on my six not even .25 of a sec later and blowed me up with no damage over charge or anything special . So there is defintly something out there
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