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Can we have REAL space combat and not more of this crap?


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Honestly, I was really happy to see about Galactic Starfighter and how cool it was going to be. But seriously, this is just awful. Bioware have completely messed it up. Why oh why could you not look to superior games like Battlefront for inspiration. The Galactic Starfighter combat system is annoying to control, boring and frankly is very badly thought out because you cannot do anything with Capital Ships which is the WHOLE FRIGGING POINT of space combat. I am sorry but another franchises MMO complete owns this in space combat *cough*STO*cough* because you can command ships that are larger as well as individual fighters.


Plus a "system" that rewards players for how much money they put into the game, doing the P2W again to make a quick buck. Good call there Bioware *sarcasm*


Seriously, you used to do games like Mass Effect and Knights of the Old Republic - Oh how the mighty have fallen.


Oh and btw, that to be decent at this, you have to put in money to a "add-on" feature that is not even part of the main game. Bioware reminding us on how they completely failed to make Space Combat worth doing.

Edited by Sultrus
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The Galactic Starfighter combat system is annoying to control, boring and frankly is very badly thought out because you cannot do anything with Capital Ships which is the WHOLE FRIGGING POINT of space combat.


(emphasis mine)

Edited by Kuciwalker
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Honestly, I was really happy to see about Galactic Starfighter and how cool it was going to be. But seriously, this is just awful. Bioware have completely messed it up. Why oh why could you not look to superior games like Battlefront for inspiration. The Galactic Starfighter combat system is annoying to control, boring and frankly is very badly thought out because you cannot do anything with Capital Ships which is the WHOLE FRIGGING POINT of space combat. I am sorry but another franchises MMO complete owns this in space combat *cough*STO*cough* because you can command ships that are larger as well as individual fighters.


Plus a "system" that rewards players for how much money they put into the game, doing the P2W again to make a quick buck. Good call there Bioware *sarcasm*


Seriously, you used to do games like Mass Effect and Knights of the Old Republic - Oh how the mighty have fallen.


Oh and btw, that to be decent at this, you have to put in money to a "add-on" feature that is not even part of the main game. Bioware reminding us on how they completely failed to make Space Combat worth doing.


STO does have a better space combat style but galatic starfighter is still fun in my opinion.

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You praise STO but call SWTOR pay to win? Star Trek Online is a nice game and all, but that my friend, is a pay to win game. In STO, the best ships are only available to you if you buy them with zen.


In SWTOR, you're not getting a more powerful ship on the cartel market, you're getting a reskinned ship of something that you already either have available to you or can earn with requisitions. The slight advantage of getting a mastered ship is hardly comparable to getting a ship with better base stats from the get go.

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STO does have a better space combat style but galatic starfighter is still fun in my opinion.


Its not fun at all, you cannot do anything with the Capital Ships in the battle and you are limited to these pathetic little fighters. Apparently, during a war, the capital ships just sit there and do nothing... obviously. But yes, this is exactly the kind of p2w non-innovation that is why ToR has lost so many subscribers from launch. Its just so half-assed.

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You realize this is just a small-ish part of a MMORPG? Obviously they didn't hit your field with they made GSF, same as they didn't hit mine when they designed their PvP. And am I crying on PvP forums, claiming ridiculous points and dooming BW? Nope.


There are people who like GSF, myself being one of them, and I actually quit everything else in SWTOR since GSF came. And I think that you are wrong.

Controls are not perfect, but they are super easy to learn in an hour. The whole GSF runs on the same engine as the rest of the MMORPG, and I am quite sure that what we have comes close to what the engine can handle. GSF part of the game isn't to be blamed here, it's the engine part, which actually means that it's SWTOR's fault that you don't like GSF.

Capital ships do nothing because this is a part of game about dogfighting and small ship fights. I agree that it would be better if they didn't even put the cap ships there and made one-sided exhaustion zones. But anyways, raging on them not doing anything is like raging on the big turrets around the worlds not dealing with stuff that we have to deal with. I'm sure that sooner or later there will be a mode involving cap ships.

And about the P2W issue, I guess you just added that so you have more "reasons" to rage here... Seriously, 10% extra req from CM ships (which can be easily obtained on regular ships, too), and the req transfer make GSF, like, 15% P2W? I dunno, I just know that I haven't spend a single CC on GSF and I'm doing quite good, these guys in CM ships aren't really the winning force out there.


So of course, GSF ain't an "everyone likes" kind of creation. It is awesome for those who like it, and it sucks for those who don't.

If you expected epic space battles of huge dimensions running on the newest Unreal engine, supporting PhysX and all the fancy stuff, you should realize that you are in the wrong game. Battlefront will probably suit you better.

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STO does have a better space combat style but galatic starfighter is still fun in my opinion.


I completely disagree, STO's space is the most boring thing I have ever encountered. Every single mission is exactly the same with a slightly different back drop. GSF is just a mini game and is more fun to me than the entire point of another MMO. Again just an opinion, and I played STO for 2-3 monthes.

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it sounds like you expected something that GSF was never designed to be. They made it clear from the beginning they were not going with Open Roam Space Combat. If you expected an STO style combat then it's your fault.


I personally love GSF and I am taking it for what it is a dogfighting space battles. You say its boring, but I found it quite engaging. bobbing and weaving through small tight spaces to avoid gun fire, running from capture point to capture point and using stragety against the opponent team in order to claim victory. That's exciting in my books.

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There really needs to be some kind of entry exam before people are allowed to use the term 'pay to win'.


omg, i know right, it's the most mis-used term on these forums...

to clarify for those that want to toss the term around loosely... Pay To Win is when you can buy something from the cash market that out-performs and has higher stats than can be obtained through regular game-play... SWTOR has none of that...

Playing the GTN is not Pay To Win, it's Playing The Market...



*disclaimer: i do not play the market but i do not begrudge those that do, it is not cheating and perfectly within the games rules...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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STO's space combat is quite fun, but it's also extremely different from Starfighter. Both have their own merits, but you're basically trying to compare apples and oranges.


I suppose it'd be fun to have a part of SWTOR that focuses on capital ship vs. capital ship combat, but not at the expense of GSF. Frankly, I'd rather see GSF expanded to include team strikes against capital ships than that, though. GSF to my mind is the best addition to SWTOR since it came out. It needs tweaking, but it's quite fun.

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Its not fun at all, you cannot do anything with the Capital Ships in the battle and you are limited to these pathetic little fighters. Apparently, during a war, the capital ships just sit there and do nothing... obviously. But yes, this is exactly the kind of p2w non-innovation that is why ToR has lost so many subscribers from launch. Its just so half-assed.


There's this little event in human history (nonfiction) called the Battle of Midway. It was a real life, team death match. It was also known as the turning point in the Pacific Theater of the war.

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Risking to repeat what others said before...STO space combat and GSF are two completely different things.. I played STO for a long time until the overall experience got unbearable. speaking of which, space pvp in STO has been a giant p2w fest last time I chekced. citing STO as a good example for mmo space pvp in the same paragraph as calling GSf p2w is just hilarious....


the definition of p2w has been clarified before, so i'll just repeat that GSF has none of it. there is no extra powerful ships with compeltely unbalanced equipment in the cartel store, is there? you can only make progression faster, or by cosmetic stuff which really is OK.

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Star Trek Online is one of the best examples of a Pay to Win game currently on the market. Comparing it to SWOR made me laugh my head off.


That being said, SWTOR does cruise on a very thin line with how close they came to being pay to win in GSF. It almost feels like they wanted it to be fully pay to win but somewhere along the line, the right people won the argument and we got the "questionable but acceptable" system we have now.


Having to pay Cartel Coins to convert Ship Requisition to Fleet Requisition instead of having it convert at a ratio like Warzone Commendations to Ranked Commendations. The only reason people didn't turn the forums into a massive rage storm is because of how easy it is to gain requisition.


However, I fear that many people have availed themselves of the "almost pay to win" system that's in GSF and it sends BioWare/EA the wrong message about what it's alright to charge us for.


So in the future, I'm sure we can expect many more "Pay to get things quicker" features with the game.

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You praise STO but call SWTOR pay to win? Star Trek Online is a nice game and all, but that my friend, is a pay to win game. In STO, the best ships are only available to you if you buy them with zen.


In SWTOR, you're not getting a more powerful ship on the cartel market, you're getting a reskinned ship of something that you already either have available to you or can earn with requisitions. The slight advantage of getting a mastered ship is hardly comparable to getting a ship with better base stats from the get go.


While this is true, it has to be pointed out that grinding for Zen is FAR more realistic than grinding for Cartel Coins. I'm pretty sure one can knock out every coin-granting achieve and still not afford a Firebringer.

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The most iconic battles in Star Wars were dominated by starfighters.


The Battle of Yavin, arguably the most important battle in the saga had no capital ships at all (the Death Star does not count, it was in a class by itself).


You can argue on the execution of GSF, but the choice to focus the game on fighter level combat made perfect sense.

Edited by RebekahWSD
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Its not fun at all, you cannot do anything with the Capital Ships in the battle and you are limited to these pathetic little fighters. Apparently, during a war, the capital ships just sit there and do nothing... obviously. But yes, this is exactly the kind of p2w non-innovation that is why ToR has lost so many subscribers from launch. Its just so half-assed.


its not fun to YOU. Stop speaking for the rest of us please, we can form our own opinions. Plus, a capital ship thing as revealed in the last cantina tour revealed a new battlezone with a massive battle over a planet is coming, don't believe me? Look here. As for P2W, this is not P2W that statement is complete crap, anything a sub can do an f2p player can do in terms of upgrades and combat. And as for the STO comments, that is a game built with space combat part of the whole point of Star Trek, while we have only had a few months of course they are going to have more, but that does not mean that GS isn't good.

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Yeah - just tried galactic starfighter for the first time.. First turn off was that I couldn't use my joystick.. Second was the horrible hacked up FPS / MMO controls.. third, was the fact there was no engaging story or real tie-in to the rest of the game.. Just a pointless add-on that seems to be there just to say "We have that"..


It did do one thing for me though.. Reminded me to cancel my subscription. I was really hoping Galactic Starfighter would be the answer to my easy - jump on in casual fun gameplay in SWTOR.. but nope.

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Yeah - just tried galactic starfighter for the first time.. First turn off was that I couldn't use my joystick.. Second was the horrible hacked up FPS / MMO controls.. third, was the fact there was no engaging story or real tie-in to the rest of the game.. Just a pointless add-on that seems to be there just to say "We have that"..


It did do one thing for me though.. Reminded me to cancel my subscription. I was really hoping Galactic Starfighter would be the answer to my easy - jump on in casual fun gameplay in SWTOR.. but nope.


If they just fixed the controls and allowed mapping for pads and sticks it would be a really big step forward for gsf. Pad and stick people may not be a huge crowd in the over all gaming world, but when compared to the player base that currently plays gsf it is a huge crowd.

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Its not fun at all, you cannot do anything with the Capital Ships in the battle and you are limited to these pathetic little fighters. Apparently, during a war, the capital ships just sit there and do nothing... obviously. But yes, this is exactly the kind of p2w non-innovation that is why ToR has lost so many subscribers from launch. Its just so half-assed.


if you want anything with capital ships, you are in the wrong game.

you are just an old space cowboy lost in here..


also, fights envolving those capital ships would require waaay more people, and we dont have that much around at same time for a random event, because this is not a space combat based mmo...


and no, this is no p2w, unless you are talking about ship -> fleet requisition, which is not even a big deal..

p2w would be like a scout 2x faster, and as hard as a bomber and as strong as a charged gunship with no cooldowns and infinite secondary ammo, with the extra ability to ban someone from the match or explode someone's ship forever

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...p2w would be like a scout 2x faster, and as hard as a bomber and as strong as a charged gunship with no cooldowns and infinite secondary ammo, with the extra ability to ban someone from the match or explode someone's ship forever...


So, where do I buy this?

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Honestly, I was really happy to see about A New Hope and how awesome it was going to be. But seriously, this is just awful. Lucasfilm have completely messed it up. Why oh why could you not look to superior movies like Battleship Potemkin for inspiration. We did not see anything with Capital Ships which is the WHOLE FRIGGING POINT of space combat.


This is a game about STAR WARS. If you watched star wars and said to your self "Hell no I don't want to be Luke Skywalker in his x-wing, I want to be one of those chumps with the cute little hats taking the star destroyer two degrees to starboard!" ...there's something dead inside you.


There's this little event in human history (nonfiction) called the Battle of Midway. It was a real life, team death match. It was also known as the turning point in the Pacific Theater of the war.


Also, this. How many battleships do the major navies of the world have on the ocean right now? What's that? NONE!? Clearly they are totally stupid in thinking that dumb little fighter planes are more important than big ships. Honestly, it just sounds like you've got something to compensate for. How big of a car do you drive?


Sure, I'd love an option to use a joystick, but the control scheme isn't so bad after an hour or two of getting used to. I have put exactly $0 into gsf and I regularly am at or near the top of the scoreboards. The only benefit the CM ships have is increased req gain, which amounts to slightly less grinding to attain full power. I take great joy in demolishing the fancy, real-money purchased ships of morons who think, as you do, that spending money will get them ahead. (I am aware that, if you have tons of cash, you can also use cartel coins to convert the ship req gained in the daily/weekly on ships you don't use to fleet req and thus max out a particular ship much more quickly. Again, though, this only speeds up a process you can very easily do yourself for free and confers you no actual advantages once the grind is done).

Edited by Buggleslor
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