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New GSF map coming


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Is there a new game mode to come with it?


Also - in one of the screens I saw from the cantina tour it looked like there were two cap ships within firing range of each other (opposing factions) so are they going to be firing on each other? Will they be moving? 'Cause that'd be kinda awesome.


edit : here is the screenshot in question http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/SWTOR_Galactic_Starfighter_Denon_Screen_01.jpg

Edited by tolaez
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Here is the info on this




considering it says you have to dodge capital ships I am going to assume its a new mode with a large space battle a lot of people have been demanding


Great link, it's pretty exciting. It reminds me of BFII space battles. On a different note, a vertical Huttball? Sounds interesting.

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Here is the info on this




considering it says you have to dodge capital ships I am going to assume its a new mode with a large space battle a lot of people have been demanding


I'd bet the farm that when it says 'dodge capital ships' it's akin to how we have to dodge asteroids/obstacles in the current domination maps. Check the 4 screenshots and you'll see identical capture points like those currently in domination maps (capture points A, B and C). Infact the capture points are in every single one of the 4 screenshots provided if you look carefully. Also none of the screenshots show the capital ships firing at all so it looks like they're just immovable objects (though awesome looking). Sorry to dampen anyones hopes but it really does look like a new skin to current domination mechanics.


We'll find out soon enough on the PTS I guess.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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Well there aren't any score graphics on those screenshots, so really other than saying that there are starfighter, republic capital ship, imperial capital ship, third party capital ship, space station, and space debris models in the new map you can't say for certain.


The space stations could be control points, or they could just be scenery. Similarly hard to tell for the cap ship turrets. If they are live and destructible that would be amazing, at least if their accuracy/damage is tuned in such a way that it's either avoidable or low level background damage.


Looks to me like the UI was deliberately turned off to prevent hinting at that sort of thing.


That said, until countervailing info is released, the best hypothesis is that this is just a pretty reskin of domination.

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So I think I understand what (at least in concept) is happening in the pictures, it looks as if an Imperial fleet jumped into a major Republic starbase / trade center. Its implied that there is fire exchange between some of the ships as evidenced by battle damage shown on ships in several of the shots, unexplained explosions leade me to believe that some of this is could be active.


Would be sweet if some of the ships destroyed one another causing debris in the battlefield, though this sounds hard to implement. There are definitely a lot of ships in the screenshots, I can see several republic cap ships along with cruisers, support ships, and cargo ships.


The node in the 1st picture is the same as those in current dom, which is worrisome. The satellite in pic 2 though is different and reminds me of something that might be part of a space station defense system, or orbital loading.


Really hoping this is a new game mode, the explosions in some of the shots along with the proximity to cap ships makes me think this could be new. But what type I cant be sure, there's so many ships they could be part of an objective. or as others have said, it could be a reskin of dom. With so much going on in the pics id be very disappointed if this was the case.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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