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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW slaps the PVP community in the face, again...

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Yes this is concerning the Rancor mount and here's my point.


I grudgingly agree that there is no way a mount like this won't be reskinned and monetized on the cartel market.

However, BW has already set a precedent for exclusive mounts including the tank from NiM EC and the transformer mount from NiM S&V.

So by reskinning the rancor mount for everyone including NiM opperations, BioWare is basically showing favoritism to the PVE community and putting another nail in the coffin of the PVP community.


The only fair and logical way to repair this catastrophe is to let the PVP community have the Rancor mount exclusive for at least 6 months with a possible reskin for season 2. This will make up for the exclusivity the PVErs have enjoyed with their 2 mounts for the last year and a half and will continue to drive interest for ppl to do ranked PVP, something which is badly needed.


After the exclusive period the Rancor, tank and transformer mounts should be reskinned and made available to both PVP and PVE and of course be put in the cartel market.


BioWare I think you have slapped the PVP community enough and you've seen it die over the last year and a half. If you have an ounce of respect for your PVP player base you will not continue on this path.


Thanks for reading my post.


Can I actually slap you in the face, so that you will know the difference?

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There is no such thing as PvPer's and PvEer's. There are only SWTOR players. There is no surprise that a mount like the Rancor mount would be used for more than just one thing. Be glad that they are putting new things in for people to get through content instead of spending cash in the CM.


The biggest problem with this game is people thinking certain aspects of game play are somehow separated. It is the players themselves that decide to try to separate it but in reality they are all but parts of the whole that is SWTOR.

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This again? Seriously? Anyone with an inkling of intelligence realised that a long-asked for and iconic mount was not just going to be made available to a small part of the community. PVPers get an exclusive version of that mount style though.


No it wasn't clear because there are 2 exclusive mounts in the game currently

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There is no such thing as PvPer's and PvEer's. There are only SWTOR players. There is no surprise that a mount like the Rancor mount would be used for more than just one thing. Be glad that they are putting new things in for people to get through content instead of spending cash in the CM.


The biggest problem with this game is people thinking certain aspects of game play are somehow separated. It is the players themselves that decide to try to separate it but in reality they are all but parts of the whole that is SWTOR.


Actually there are plenty of people that only PVP and PVE, still doesn't explain what BioWare is doing with the Rancor mount.

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No it wasn't clear because there are 2 exclusive mounts in the game currently


But they're not iconic creatures that have been asked for by lots of members of the community, are they though? I'm sure if the Taunton mount had only dropped from OPs PVPers would have been up in arms, and asking why that style of mount wasn't made available to everyone. You get an exclusive version of a classic creature. To complain that other people have the option to earn another version of that creature is silly in my opinion.

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Actually there are plenty of people that only PVP and PVE, still doesn't explain what BioWare is doing with the Rancor mount.


That's their fault for limiting themselves to portions of the game as a whole. It is an artificial separation created by players. If someone only does the space rail shooter, that doesn't make them special. Neither does someone that only does FP's and OP's, or who only does WZ's, become special.


If you treat individual portions of the game as somehow deserving of specialness you are missing the point of the game.


What Bioware is doing with the Rancor mount is simple. They are taking an art asset and using it throughout their game.

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But they're not iconic creatures that have been asked for by lots of members of the community, are they though? I'm sure if the Taunton mount had only dropped from OPs PVPers would have been up in arms, and asking why that style of mount wasn't made available to everyone. You get an exclusive version of a classic creature. To complain that other people have the option to earn another version of that creature is silly in my opinion.


Actually I said the whole player base should get access to the Rancor after a certain period of exclusivity and when the NiM op mounts will be out for PVP and the cartel market.

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That's their fault for limiting themselves to portions of the game as a whole. It is an artificial separation created by players. If someone only does the space rail shooter, that doesn't make them special. Neither does someone that only does FP's and OP's, or who only does WZ's, become special.


If you treat individual portions of the game as somehow deserving of specialness you are missing the point of the game.


What Bioware is doing with the Rancor mount is simple. They are taking an art asset and using it throughout their game.


You made my point. BioWare is treating PVEers with 2 exclusive mounts. I think my proposition was more then fair.

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You made my point. BioWare is treating PVEers with 2 exclusive mounts. I think my proposition was more then fair.


Well, if you're that farking jealous go make a raid team and clear TFB NiM and S&V NiM. Oh, and one more thing, if you do it in under 2 hours you'll get cool titles like "from Beyond" and "Dragonslayer". What's not to love??

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Well, if you're that farking jealous go make a raid team and clear TFB NiM and S&V NiM. Oh, and one more thing, if you do it in under 2 hours you'll get cool titles like "from Beyond" and "Dragonslayer". What's not to love??


Just like not all ppl can get 1500 rating, not everyone can do NiM ops and that's fine. But BioWare isn't encouraging ppl to do PVP for an exclusive mount anymore but they are forcing ppl to do NiM ops to get those 2 mounts. Is that fair?


To be totally honest I don't care about those 2 mounts I just want things to be fair

Edited by ThelemachusRhade
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Just like not all ppl can get 1500 rating, not everyone can do NiM ops and that's fine. But BioWare isn't encouraging ppl to do PVP for an exclusive mount anymore but they are forcing ppl to do NiM ops to get those 2 mounts. Is that fair?


To be totally honest I don't care about those 2 mounts I just want things to be fair



Ok, let me spell this out for you. If you have 1500+ rating, YOU ARE BEING GIVEN A SPARKLE PONY! WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING?? I mean, have you even seen the pictures of this thing???


If you want things to be "fair" then by your argument BW should give everyone "exclusive" mounts (regardless of subscription level) just for them putting it in the game.


As it is, it's work just to get 1500 rating. It's work to clear NiM mode ops. If you want it, WORK FOR IT! >.>


Don't demand BW give it to you just because you think it's unattainable. The number of mounts has. no. relevance.

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Ok, let me spell this out for you. If you have 1500+ rating, YOU ARE BEING GIVEN A SPARKLE PONY! WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING?? I mean, have you even seen the pictures of this thing???


If you want things to be "fair" then by your argument BW should give everyone "exclusive" mounts (regardless of subscription level) just for them putting it in the game.


As it is, it's work just to get 1500 rating. It's work to clear NiM mode ops. If you want it, WORK FOR IT! >.>


Don't demand BW give it to you just because you think it's unattainable. The number of mounts has. no. relevance.


I never asked BioWare to give me anything. But since the rancor mount can't be exclusive why should the tank and transformer be?

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I never asked BioWare to give me anything. But since the rancor mount can't be exclusive why should the tank and transformer be?


Do you have any idea what raiders go through when trying to progress? Do you not know how many nights of our week we devote to clearing the hardest content BW can offer? Do you not know how many wipes we go through? Or how many credits we burn through for repair bills? Do you not know how much we grind through the dailies just to recoup those credits? Do you not know how much we think and strategize and change our strategies for a boss? Or how much discussion goes on in the group on the nights we don't raid? Or how perfect we have to be just to down a NiM mode boss?



No, you do not. You do not see these things as a PvPer. All you see are warzones, arenas, respawns and credit gains. Therefore, if a few mounts are exclusive to PvE content then that is our reward for all the sacrifice we make both in game and IRL. But you do not see this. You will never see this. You will never know the hell PvEers go through for just the bragging rights. And that's what these mounts are for us, our Badge of Awesomeness.


How dare you try to take that away from us.

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Do you have any idea what raiders go through when trying to progress? Do you not know how many nights of our week we devote to clearing the hardest content BW can offer? Do you not know how many wipes we go through? Or how many credits we burn through for repair bills? Do you not know how much we grind through the dailies just to recoup those credits? Do you not know how much we think and strategize and change our strategies for a boss? Or how much discussion goes on in the group on the nights we don't raid? Or how perfect we have to be just to down a NiM mode boss?



No, you do not. You do not see these things as a PvPer. All you see are warzones, arenas, respawns and credit gains. Therefore, if a few mounts are exclusive to PvE content then that is our reward for all the sacrifice we make both in game and IRL. But you do not see this. You will never see this. You will never know the hell PvEers go through for just the bragging rights. And that's what these mounts are for us, our Badge of Awesomeness.


How dare you try to take that away from us.


Oh, okay, so it's perfectly alright for you to be a special snowflake but the second someone else wants to be one it's not allowed?


Do YOU have any idea the frustration, time, and effort that goes into getting a 1,500 rating in solo ranked and dealing with the PvE'ers who queue without proper gear and don't know how to PvP? No you don't. You're not special, stop acting like it.

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Do you have any idea what raiders go through when trying to progress? Do you not know how many nights of our week we devote to clearing the hardest content BW can offer? Do you not know how many wipes we go through? Or how many credits we burn through for repair bills? Do you not know how much we grind through the dailies just to recoup those credits? Do you not know how much we think and strategize and change our strategies for a boss? Or how much discussion goes on in the group on the nights we don't raid? Or how perfect we have to be just to down a NiM mode boss?



No, you do not. You do not see these things as a PvPer. All you see are warzones, arenas, respawns and credit gains. Therefore, if a few mounts are exclusive to PvE content then that is our reward for all the sacrifice we make both in game and IRL. But you do not see this. You will never see this. You will never know the hell PvEers go through for just the bragging rights. And that's what these mounts are for us, our Badge of Awesomeness.


How dare you try to take that away from us.


I have done all NiM ops before the expansion came out so I know how hard it is. I am currently doing high end PVP and I know it is just as challenging. I don't want to take your rewards but why does BioWare want to are ours? If PVEers get exclusive mounts so should PVPers.

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