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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jar'kai Sword: operations

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I know that this is the German forum and I'm not supposed to write in English but I really need to do this.


I'm a non-German player that made a mistake of using a German server and I don't want to spend extra money on the character transfers so, for now, I'm forced to stay there.


I'm writing in this forum because I need your help: I want to do some operations, I don't mind which but I really like to try them before my subscription expires (I don't think I will renew it if I don't try operations first).


The problem is that both the server and my guild look quite dead from this point of view.


I've spent the whole week in group finder queue with no success, that's why I'm asking for your help: is there anyone that plans to make some ops and needs a damage player?


I've got a Jedi Sentinel, lvl 55 with 156/164 rating gear and I'm ready to fight!


Thanks for your attention :)

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I'm from the T3-M4 Server. We have an LFG-Channel in the Chat-System. I think at Jarkai it will be, too. You have to join this channel to read an write in there. So you will be able to set an LFG-question, that will be read by the right persons. The possibility to get an invite is much higher than the usage of the Groupfinder.


Long writing, short message: Using the Chat and asking for Operations is the easier way to get an invite.

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Thank you for your replies.


I'm already in a guild but I'm always the only one who's online, and this doesn't help :D


Other guilds won't accept me because of the language barrier and so I thought to ask here to find someone who needs another player and which doesn't care about language and stuff :)


I'll se what I can do, hoping to try some ops before my subscription runs out :D


Thank you again guys!

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I'm a non-German player that made a mistake of using a German server and I don't want to spend extra money on the character transfers so, for now, I'm forced to stay there.


I've got a Jedi Sentinel, lvl 55 with 156/164 rating gear and I'm ready to fight!


Sorry, but: You brought a Jedi Sentinel to level 55 without noticing, that you're on a German Server? Was the German chat not a bit of a clou? ;)


For Operations you should travel to the fleet and look for groups there, you can read the lfgs all over the common chat there.

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